ok first of all, why the thread revival?
second of all, this topic was obviously from before the game's release, as the masked sith guy is Darth Nihilus, who you fight later on in the game
Jade Empire for the first time - i ended up buying an old xbox for cheap with a few billion games
following the way of the Open Palm and kicking some serious butt with my Tiger Leap and Dragon Sword. the combat in this game is far too easy
i don't know why, but i just thought of something really cool
if Springer was in the movie, they could have had a kick ass Autobot/Decepticon helicopter fight
people always say to turn Mira into a jedi
i still prefer to leave her as a scout until level 21 or so and give her fully upgraded dual blasters. i've managed to solo those sith lords with her alone. she was level 22 and had only just been turned into a jedi. i left the other 2 (if i remember correctly it was like Mandalore and BaoDur or something) in one of the side rooms
i just used burst of speed and ran around them blasting them to shreds. because of the high level of Precise Shot feats they couldn't deflect the shots either
i usually went for either a sentinel/weaponsmaster or sentinel/master
one playthrough i had was as a sentinel/assassin which was quite fun
i chose stealth run as one of my feats and had a really high stealth skill. i'd run around in stealth mode (with no party members) and run up to people and use critical strike with 2 keen lightsabers
mediocre storyline and combat was way too easy
the only slight challenge i had was having a single saber and being evil and trying to take on like 2 sith and 3 jedi all with dual sabers and stuff
having a dual saber or two sabers made the combat stupidly easy. i took out the final boss (both rounds) in less than 2 seconds