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Everything posted by Shryke

  1. Sisters of Mercy - This Corrosion this song always makes me wanna get drunk and dance
  2. Lamb of God - 11th Hour
  3. hi tech!
  4. haven't heard it a good cover?
  5. Bauhaus - Bela Lugosi's Dead a classic
  6. nice! i only know like one other person that likes them at the moment i'm listening to Vivaldi's Four Seasons
  7. inbound callcentre it's not so fun....
  8. had a good couple of days off the original plan was to meet up with people on tuesday and go to the zoo. there was a slight problem though, as one of the people that was coming (we'll call her G) had lost her phone and we couldn't get hold of her to sort out where/when to meet on monday afternoon i wandered through town after work as i usually do. i stopped by our regular meeting spot (a certain cafe) and lo and behold who was there but G. and what's more, she'd just gotten a new phone and was trying to set it up i filled her in on the details we'd arranged and we eventually parted ways after chatting for a few hours. i got home later on that night and got a message from her telling me to come to hers for drinks. i wandered on over and she proceeded to get me very drunk (i seem to recall a beer bong made from a plastic pink elephant...) woke up the next morning in her bed with her head on my shoulder. not too sure what happened, but not really too worried either. we eventually had to get up to go meet people to embark on our zoo adventure then it started to rain and got really windy and generally horrible, so that kinda killed that plan.... in the end we went round to a friends place and sat around watching movies
  9. i take inbound calls all day in my job, and over the past 2 years or so that i've been working here i've taken thousands of prank calls in all honesty, i've never experienced a funny one ever
  10. Strings puppets everywhere.... strangest movie ever
  11. argh, i forgot one BUBBLE BOBBLE!
  12. Cake - Arco Arena
  13. Kamelot - the Haunting i'm in a powermetal mood for some strange reason
  14. Turrican and Turrican 2 hells yeah
  15. haha that was actually really cool
  16. the gig was awesome one of the bands finished with a bloody amazing half hour song went back to ours for drinks afterwards and a couple of the bands came round. got to bed some time the next afternoon still feeling pretty tired, but damn was it worth it
  17. in that case i'd say go for Shifter it doesn't alter the storyline or anything, just tweaks and stuff
  18. again i would recommend Shifter it adds all sorts of things, like skill points for stealth/kills and unique weapons also minor things, such as changing enemies inventory (and gives Paul non lethal weapons rather then letting him run around murdering dudes then tell you off for killing people ) also, Zodiac was quite a cool mod. i still love sneaking around on the first level
  19. jungle dwarves? sounds more like a strategically shaved ape or something...
  20. i must admit, it was very odd to hear Optimus Prime saying "my bad"
  21. Iron Maiden - Brave New World
  22. woohoo going to a gig tonight "Black Metal and Blasphemy" having drinks back at our place afterwards too
  23. oooh nice choice Bauhaus - Bela Lugosi's Dead
  24. "good enough for dingos, good enough for you"
  25. The Stranglers - Golden Brown
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