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Everything posted by Shryke

  1. hmmm haven't seen her around in a while... everyone seems to be leaving to partake in this strange new thing known as "life" and Chancellor, i'd just like to add my amazement. it's not often you see someone on the internet admit their faults. it's quite a pleasant surprise
  2. Shryke


    I've been reading the Farseer trilogy by Robin Hobb Almost finished with the first book. It's pretty good so far. Nothing spectacular, but still good
  3. A Perfect Circle - Passive
  4. a very good friend of mine was one of the founding members of a certain skinhead gang here in NZ these days however, he's mellowed out a lot, and has nothing to do with it anymore. and with all skinheads i've met (current and ex-skinheads), he can sure as hell drink!
  5. My girl really dug it, too. And yeah, it's pretty great. haha and now she wants to go see it again next week before she heads off to Fiji that'll make it 3 times now
  6. Black Sabbath - Jerusalem
  7. saw Transformers again last night with a scottish chick from work i'm really beginning to like her i mean, this is a chick that likes huge alien transforming robots beating the hell out of eachother how cool is that?!
  8. Queen - 39 Brian May's actually a pretty good singer
  9. i have to say, Barricade was pretty cool are you username ladiesman217?!
  10. i always kinda assumed the stormtroopers were originally clones, but then they just started accepting recruits or something i mean, Kyle Katarn (from the Dark Forces series) used to be a stormtrooper, and he definitely doesn't look like one of the clones
  11. Transformers was cool one thing i noticed though. Barricade just isn't in the end fight at all. It's pretty much just Megatron, Starscream, Blackout, and Brawl/Devastator
  12. Tool - Ticks and Leeches
  13. been teaching my flatmate how to fight in Jedi Outcast he doesn't seem to realise that firing rockets at jedis is not exactly the best way to go, as they just use Force Push to send them straight back at you
  14. i've been playing Turrican amiga emulators rule
  15. Except doesn't that open next week? well i was checking out screening times, and there's a midnight showing on like wednesday
  16. Shryke


    the only Rush songs i really know is YYZ and Spirit of Radio... Neil Peart is a pretty cool drummer though. it's not often you see people with xylophones in their drumkits
  17. going to go see Transformers with a girl from work sometime this week
  18. Black Sabbath - Devil and Daughter Headless Cross is such an awesome album. Great to get drunk to and sing along with bogan mates
  19. nooooooo! even the thought of it makes me a sad panda....
  20. Fallout 2 again again again again is it just me, or is this game damn cool?
  21. how many hours? too many
  22. nice read Meta
  23. it's a Launchie! *pounce* anyhoo, at the moment, i'm listening to David Bowie - Starman
  24. can't say as i've ever had that i like my beard
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