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Everything posted by Shryke

  1. multiple solutions? just like KOTOR there's pretty much 1 good option, 1 evil option, and 1 neutral option though admittedly there are a few quests with multiple options like the stupid quest in Tien's Landing to find Ai Ling a husband. i just made her marry the fat moron outside (Big Tian or something) don't get me wrong, i don't dislike the game, it's just not one i'd play over and over. there's only so much of mashing the A button i can tolerate (combat was stupidly easy)
  2. Shryke


    they aren't the greatest, but they aren't the worst
  3. Jade Empire it's alright, but doesn't really have replay value
  4. haha got everyone at work all surprised rather than turning up to work in my usual black jeans, band t shirt and leather jacket, i've shown up in black dress pants, a black silk shirt, and suit jacket i'm dressed all fancy and it feels funny
  5. poke them with a stick
  6. yeah it's really quite annoying pretty much all the good death/black metal bands play in australia, but never come over here Nile played in auckland a while ago, but other than that there's been hardly anything good thing there are some pretty sweet nz bands. Skuldom were playing last night. i couldn't go unfortunately as i had work today
  7. stuffing round on oblivion don't ask why, but i decided to get an army of mudcrabs following me. i strolled into town with a good 20 or so of the little buggers on my heels, then turned around and blasted them all with a huge fireball
  8. grr stupid suppliers they got in the wrong video card. now i have to wait another couple of weeks....
  9. Immortal - Damned in Black Just found out that Behemoth are coming to New Zealand. Hell yeah!
  10. I vote that this man be banned. a bit drastic, no?
  11. Queen - 39
  12. very kewl movie i bought it on dvd the other day. some really cool featurettes on the special features disc the director talks about the use of colour in the movie (how the "real" world is full of dull grays and blues, while the fantasy world is full of gold and red) and the "rule of three" that is present in almost all fairy tales eg. 3 ugly sisters, 3 tasks, 3 little pigs, 3 wishes, etc etc
  13. i remember first starting to read WoT back when i was just starting high school. i've slowly been aquiring all the books and reading through them a few times when there's nothing else to do i have to agree that book 10 was a huge let down. it was pretty much just filler, and advancing the storylines of minor irrelevant characters. book 11 on the other hand is crazy. at one point Rand and Logain and killing trollocs and stuff by the thousands i hate not finishing a series once i've started reading it, even if it isn't all that great (i'm looking at you R.A Salvatore...)
  14. waiting for my new NVidia GeForce 8800 GTS 320MB stupid suppliers having to get some more in stock....
  15. i played the original on N64 briefly and it was pretty cool on xbox it's all censored
  16. i'm just comparing the two i've played (neither of them being the playstation ones) maybe FFT is great compared to Tactics Ogre, maybe not but i know that compared to the Tactics Ogre game on GBA, FFTA is really quite pathetic
  17. Conker Live and Reloaded this is one strange game... i never thought i'd play a game that featured a giant singing poo as a boss character
  18. i only found Halo fun when playing co-op after a few beers and running round trying to pistol whip Elites other than that, meh it is really rather overrated
  19. gonna have to agree with this, although admittedly i only played the GBA versions Tactics Ogre - quite an interesting story based around a fallen angel FFT - starts off will a snowball fight...
  20. Hunter the Reckoning for xbox good mindless zombie killing fun
  21. Dimmu Borgir - Sorgens Kammer stolen from some old Amiga game apparently, but still sounds awesome
  22. she was pretty crazy. lazy as hell for the most part, but if she found a plastic coke bottle or something lying around she'd go mental and attack it for like a good hour or so
  23. this is my old dog Tina. she died a few months ago at the ripe old age of 18. she was a brittany spaniel cross and we got her when she was 4 after she'd been abandoned by her old owners
  24. meh, i never really liked Icewind Dale i regret the time i wasted forcing myself to trudge through IWD1, and i barely bothered with IWD2 at all
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