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Everything posted by JediMasterRevan

  1. So is Kotor III in the works? I have heard conflicting stories.
  2. After seeing the first post of this thread something amazing jumps out at me. That being that someone actually believes what supershadow says. Wow is all I can say.
  3. The game is a ****ing piece of ****, that is what is wrong.
  4. Once upon a time there used to be no mods here. It was much better back then.
  5. Maybe. Maybe not.
  6. I don't think anyone has not had this problem.
  7. I will give you one piece of advice: Do not buy this game, you are wasting your time and money.
  8. Darkside is the only way to play these games.
  9. Revan should be a male. Males are the only ones who are fit to rule anything.
  10. The end definately sucked. No question about it.
  11. That is why I do it.
  12. It's too bad they deleted my same thread on this. There was some really good stuff in there.
  13. There is nothing abusive about my signature I'm only stating plain facts.
  14. How about I get a patch via XBOX live, wait they said they weren't going to do that. Can you explain that??
  15. You can get a patch over XBOX live. Plus since the game is so bad they should even consider a re-release. GET A F***IN CLUE.
  16. Ok let me see trade it in, hmmm, and get about 15 dollars for it no. Try and contact Obsidian about my troubles, hmmmm, already tried that also but no one is returing anything I send them. Maybe if I keep complaining on here then one of them will actually see it and do something about it. Probably not. Plus everyone has their right to an opinion on the game.
  17. What if your crystal allowed the energy made by the lightsaber not to resonate any color? Your blade would be invisible. How sweet would that be.
  18. The quests on the light and dark side really aren't that different. It really doesn't add anything to the replay value.
  19. You can't be one hundred perent sure if that works because you could do that a thousand times and it might never pop up.
  20. Plain and simple, we were ripped off.
  21. Anyone find it weird that it is harder to kill Colonel Tobin than it is Darth Nihilus. I killed Nihilus with two hits using the Shien technique with Master Critical strike. I did the same for Tobin and he took about 5 hits. Shouldn't a Sith Lord be harder to take down than a stupid Colonel?
  22. Yeah I found the Malak armor in a locker on the Ravager. It is only reserved for DS.
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