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Everything posted by JediMasterRevan

  1. The same thing happened to me. It is after Kriea says she needs to rest and to go to the council. When you get where they are supposed to be the game freezes but the music keeps on playing. Luckily I had another save close by and used that. It is supposed to swing back around to look at you entering and Kreia's special surprise.
  2. It wouldn't let me bash the machine I always have had to put in the codes. You need the shutdown code for the power once you get that go to the bridge and then go to system control and then do shut down on that system and then get ready for some bounty hunters.
  3. No no no you all have it all wrong. You need to use the Shien technique and use master critical strike and one hit kill even on hard. He is a joke.
  4. Same here I also used level 2 force lightning to beat them. It is not even worth it so don't bother.
  5. I have checked and there is no droid in the hall. I'm loading my revolver now.
  6. I'm on Goto's yacht and I have gain access to all the systems and I have moved everything to the secondary power systems. The only problem is I can't find the shutdown program. I have spent two hours looking for it but I can't find it. I heard that a T3 droid has it but I have gotten everything form those droids, except one by the Ebon Hawk attacked me and I didn't get anything form that one. If this is the one I need to get the program from I'm going to shoot myself. I have no saves besides this one. If anyone can help it would be greatly appreciated.
  7. My treat injury was like 50 or so. I didn't use any of the other categories except a little persuade.
  8. You have to first go onto the Harbringer. Just walk along the wall and it will pop up.
  9. The real question is: Is this whole game broken?
  10. It is not on an actual bridge. The main place where all the important people are on a star ship is called the bridge. It is on the bridge of the Harbringer.
  11. They listed everything tha thappens in the game there. Man I'm going to have to check it out!!
  12. This game is nothing that they promised us it would be.
  13. I hate Obsidian.
  14. Before attacking the Onderon palace my character and Vaklu made our deal. The deal was all his force sensitives and 10,000 credits. After I defeated Queen Talia I recieved my credits, but where are my force sensitives? If there are no force sensitives and I force persuaded him for no reason I will shoot myself.
  15. All that I did was get a droid for Tienn I think his name was. I killed the guy. Then I went to the Ebon Hawk and fought those fools and I got invited.
  16. Some people have no idea what they are talking about they just like to disagree with the fact that tthis game sucked a big one!!
  17. Let me see.... No.
  18. If this truely for the PCer's like you say it is why wouldn't youo post it in the PC section?
  19. Just make choices that she would approve of and then in time you will gain the needed influence.
  20. You have to gain inifluence with her. BTW what's up with all the double posts nowadays?
  21. Read my Kotor 3 thread in General discussion to see my thoughts.
  22. When you leave Peragus after you kill most of them with your turret about 6 board your ship and you have to fight them off.
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