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Everything posted by Zahadome

  1. I can't go buy my pc copy just yet...well I could but I have lot's of exams comig up and I'd rather not screw them up. But after the tests, It totally IS ON!
  2. Oh crap! I don't have too much time to complete Bloodlines. And that game scares the living hell out of me so I can't even play it properly.
  3. This is too fast damnit! If they'd let me even play KotorII at first.... I'm sorry but I'm incapable to discuss anything about Kotor III "
  4. The only game I have managed to play online (and actually have fun with) several times with my friends was and still is DIABLO II....and it was awesome (w00t) .....until they made the 1.10 update. I've tried a couple of mmorpgs such as Neocron and SWG, they both sucked. I guess it's because I want to be the biggest hero in a game, and other people tend to be in the way of that :ph34r:
  5. Of course. He's the "man with the golden gun." <{POST_SNAPBACK}> And don't forget, he's the grandaddy of all suckheads because he is TEH Count Dracula. As for dual wielding made superior....I don't really care either way (w00t)
  6. You were totally ripped of I wouldn't have paid that much to get a state of the art machine.... I bought mine 4 monts ago with 1100
  7. I don't agree with you <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Me neither
  8. I'd make nasty remarks about his face :ph34r:
  9. I'm currently playing Sims2. Don't look at me like that!
  10. "For the the droids..." Man! :D That was pretty slick...even for a leathersuit handyman
  11. Hee hee, read it this morning before heading to uni I want a candystick ligtsaber too (w00t)
  12. I'd say form I since all Jedi learn that one automatically. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> All 7 Lightsaber Forms are in K2, as well as 4 Force Forms. You can learn up to a total of 7 of these 11 -- which ones you get depend upon your class. Consular-types will get the 4 Force Forms, while Sentinels/Guardians will only get the first one. Kevin <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Does that mean Guardians and Sentinels will be equal in force usage? Aaw poop!
  13. Seems I'll be getting a white tunic to start with and I think all those tunics would fit better to a lama herder Cool screens though, wish the graphics were pc level.
  14. Allso from Finland and like Baneblade said, it's damn cold in here. When winter comes you have to careful or you might lose members :D
  15. I'm a penniles University student... On summer I work in a cablefactory (w00t) The people I work with are wacky...and old.
  16. I have the same nick in bioware.com I haven't posted there in monts, well I am not too active a poster to begin with anyways. I read KoTOR forums mostly and a little nwn forums, but after NWN got boring and KoTOR got old, moving here was the next logical move.
  17. All of them apparently :D
  18. Man! I thought this was a poll I will be using the new unarmed style and get my own behind whooped. And then let Atton Rand save the day.
  19. I'm still out of the loop
  20. Dude! Don't rub it in Seriously speaking, I don't have much time to play it before summer because Uni is sucking all my will to live
  21. For the second time it's I feel pretty oh so pretty. Stop butchering the song. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Don't blame me, I don't even know the song. He started it
  22. Lord Sion singin : "I feel so pretty, ooh so pretty..." heh heh I love it :D
  23. There's more to women than just breasts.... ....there is also a$$ Admit it you saw that coming. :D Oh and yeah....I did steal it from Bigger than cheeses
  24. Nice cloak. ^_^ <{POST_SNAPBACK}> omg ninjas :ph34r:
  25. I saw it coming... who didn't...
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