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Everything posted by GhostofAnakin

  1. I'm not sure I'd regard that as the best glitch ever....since you're pretty much screwed to continue.
  2. Pretty much. These so called activisit lawyers who say they're out for the public's well being are just latching on to popular or known titles to run their crusade. If Sims 2 was barely heard of or had relatively little success, they'd not even pay attention to it. That's why I hate lawyers who insist they are doing things for the public's sake.
  3. I guess I'll have to wait until then to try these premium modules then.
  4. It would be nice if these people would stop telling me what I should or shouldn't be exposed to.
  5. I wonder why BioWare went with the method they did, rather than the one time method that Half-Life 2 did.
  6. Most exciting moment: The Korriban cave and re-visiting the past, including the Mandalorian War, as well as cameos by Malak, Bastila and Revan. Most horrible moment: Finishing the game and realizing some questions will remain unanswered.
  7. I'll have to look over the different clans/character types to see what I want to play as. But pixiesrock's character sounds cool.
  8. I'm just not a fan of the online requirement. I know in this day and age most people use the net, but what if someone had the net but then cancelled their net service since perhaps they had free access to the net anyways at work or at school and saw no point having it at home? They'd be screwed over by spending the money and never being able to play it.
  9. By definition every game has an ending, otherwise you'd still be sitting there playing it. Don't confuse "poor ending" with "no ending".
  10. Millennium Falcon. What can I say, it just screams "cool".
  11. That would royally suck, especially when you have no idea when it'll be done.
  12. Depends how K3's story turns out. You could argue the same points about the movies, where ANH seemed like it should have been a one shot deal. I mean, at the end of the movie the bad guys were defeated, the Death Star destroyed. That's how K1 ended. But then in ESB we saw that the conflict had only really just begun, same as what we saw in K2. You can argue perhaps that they didn't implement it as well in the KOTOR series as it was done in the movies, but I don't think you can make the blanket statement you did especially when a)K1 and K2 share so many similarities to ANH and ESB, and b)you don't know how well K3 will wrap up the saga.
  13. How many premium modules do they have now? Isn't it up to about 5? Couldn't they just sell them combined as an expansion pack type package in stores for like 19.99 or 29.99 instead of this awkward online thing?
  14. I'm usually connected to the net the entire time my comp is on so I'm not sure how big a hassle it would be for me. But for people with dial up who more than likely disconnect when they're playing games so they don't tie up the phone line, it might be a huge pain.
  15. That would suck if you were on dial up.
  16. This may sound dumb...but have you tried clicking on him to talk to him? edit: apparently you have. hmm.
  17. I've read the FAQs with regards to the premium modules, but I'm not quite sure exactly when you have to be connected to the net. Is it just at the beginning of each play session? Or every single time you die or save a game?
  18. Might have just been a weird bug. For whatever reason, reloading a previous save or restarting seems to do the trick. The big problem arises if it continues to do that even after you restart.
  19. Hey, if the KOTOR series really wanted to mimic the OT, then some main hero/vilain is going to have to emulate Vader's sacrifice. So why not Revan.
  20. Did Revan have a sex change since HE left for the Unknown Regions?
  21. We can just schedule the game when you're not available, that way we can do naughty things with your character and you won't be there to object.
  22. To anyone who read my suggestion wrong (especially Hades One, haven't seen such a long post from you in....well forever), I'd just like to clarify that in my suggestion about having Revan in K3 and make a huge sacrifice, I was obviously talking about a NPC cameo appearance at the end right when the new PC was in peril. And that was only if they insisted that Revan be a part of K3.
  23. So am I. I'm actually at my nicest right now. "
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