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Everything posted by GhostofAnakin

  1. To you, to me and to those who understand the differences in them, they are. But to countless planets who see ANY Force user as a Jedi, it's not the same thing. For the general population it was Jedi vs. Jedi. As for why not call it the Sith Civil war, that's simple. The general population thought of all Force users as JEDI, not Sith. To them there was no Sith. Everyone wielding a lightsaber and using these mystical powers were Jedi. It was named by what the general population thought of it as. Saying it was inaccurate is like saying the US' current "War on Terror" is an inaccurate name because, from the Terrorists' point of view it's not the case. You're always going to find different opinions and various points of view that make something inaccurate, but for the majority of people the Jedi Civil War is accurate enough to be feasible, just like The War on Terror is accurate enough for those who aren't on the side of Al Queada.
  2. The general population who believed that Jedi and Sith are one in the same would argue that you could just as easily call it the Jedi Invasion. Much too generic. It tells nothing of who was involved in the conflict. Too centred on two individuals. World War II wasn't called "The Hitler Takeover". See response to #1. In other words, all four of your examples aren't any more "accurate" than the current name. Which isn't to say I think the names you came up are wrong or stupid, but that if we use your criteria for dismissing the legitimacy of "The Jedi Civil War" because of its inaccuracy, then so too can you dismiss the names you came up. My point? If you get that anal about "inaccuracy", then there's pretty much NOTHING you can name it that won't end up being picked apart.
  3. The main reason I suggest using the Ebon Hawk's storage compartments to place items that are over the PC's carrying limit is because I always thought that part of the Ebon Hawk was underutilized. I always wondered what the point of having storage bins on the EH is if there was no need for them. Atleast this way it would a)make use of the Ebon Hawk's storage capabilities and b)Make it atleast a bit more strategic in deciding what equipment you want to take with you, and what you'll leave aboard the ship.
  4. Maybe it's Visas' long lost sister.
  5. Photoshopped fanfic character?
  6. You can under my proposal. Sort of."
  7. So basically you're shooting down the name they chose, but have nothing to suggest yourself? Isn't that the ultimate weak argument? Point fault at something presented, but have no rebuttle yourself. You're harping on "Jedi Civil War" being inaccurate, so I'm saying suggest something that would be, even if it's just your own opinion, an "accurate" name for the war.
  8. I think the inventory system could be made more efficient if they made better use of the Ebon Hawk storage capacity. Add some kind of weight limit to a character's carry capacity, then everything else must be stored aboard the Ebon Hawk. Now while you could argue that the player would still have access to the stuff, it would require travelling back to the Ebon Hawk to get the gear, and in some cases (such as Telos, and first time on Onderon) you can't get back to the Ebon Hawk until after a certain criteria is met. Thus you'd have to equip your character wisely.
  9. So what would you have called the war then? What name would have been more accurate for it, keeping in mind who the main combatants were (no cop outs with "Galactic War"), and who the "general population" resented for the war.
  10. ^^That would work. It would save the clutter and confusion during dialogue when you're trying to figure out which options you've already used and which are new.
  11. I don't mind if the dialogue options re-appeared if you re-visit a character, but if you're talking to them in one "session" then after you use a dialogue option it should disappear. If you then end the conversation, go do something else, and come back, then the options can all re-appear.
  12. I guess I just don't see the Star Wars galaxy as not having the Force. Which may or may not contradict my desire to play as a non-Jedi in a non-Force centric plot, but IMO the difference being I want the Force to exist, I just don't want to be forced to play a character that has access to it or that whose enemies have access to it.
  13. In terms of the technical side and dialogue, I'd like it if in K3 once you use a dialogue choice, it disappears from the available choices. That was one of my main beefs with TSL was the fact that especially further into the game when there are quite a few dialogue trees, it gets confusing which ones I've already chosen since they all remain.
  14. The Czech sausage company was rather disturbing.
  15. That Atton, he's such a sneaky fellow, slipping it in like that. "
  16. LOL I feel I should clarify that I too do not like hairy women. My point in this thread was about disagreeing with mreku that dark haired women are more hairy or whatever than blondes. I'd never date a wookiee.
  17. Define sub par though. I, personally, wouldn't go anything below the IE games. While I'm not a graphics whore, I do need some degree of graphics to immerse myself.
  18. Huh? He was talking about Visas.
  19. If you didn't get her to tell you her name, then yes you missed that very thing. And her background about her mom and dad.
  20. He was a fallen Jedi. To people around the galaxy, that's the same as being a Jedi. Did you not read the dialogue in K2 to explain why people thought of it like that? They explained a few times why most of the population considered it a "Jedi vs. Jedi" conflict. To say it's innacurate is, well, innacurate.
  21. One could argue after the fact that both are synonimous.
  22. I don't know about where you live, but the dark haired women here do something to alleviate those issues....it's called SHAVING. I don't know a single dark haired woman who has hairy legs, stubble infested armpits or...umm....thick carpetry.
  23. I'm not really sure, although I think it can be. KOTOR's graphics weren't that great, by today's standards, but what made me feel immersed in the game was the music and sound effects at certain times of the story. Btw, I picked the lawyer option, because while I believe it's important and helps with immersion, I'm not convinced it is the most important feature.
  24. Did I say I did?
  25. If there was ever a character I literally wanted to punch in the throat, it was her. She just better hope I don't show up at a Star Wars convention she's appearing at.
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