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Everything posted by GhostofAnakin

  1. My opinion about why the original trilogy worked, and the prequel trilogy didn't comes down to this: The original trilogy was about Good vs. Evil, Rebellion vs. the Empire. Yes, Luke Skywalker was the hero, but it wasn't really *his* story. It was the story of the struggle of a small group of underdogs (the Rebellion) versus a tyranical group (the Empire). The prequel trilogy, by GL's own account, is Anakin's story. His fall, what caused him to fall, etc. And hence the entire prequel trilogy was based around *him*.
  2. I think that was GL's attempt at keeping the mushy stuff to a minimum. At least, when compared to the middle prequel. :D <{POST_SNAPBACK}> He still failed miserably. So instead of seeing minimum (read: none) romance stuff between Anakin and Padme (who had NO chemistry) and seeing a lot more action shots of the various Clone Wars battles, or even more fleshed out scenes where the Clones turn on the Jedi, we get Anakin and Padme in cringe-worthy lovey dovey scenes, and we get brief, almost afterthought scenes of the Clones killing the Jedi. Honestly, the entire prequel could have been much better if he'd concentrated on other things, instead of it being by in large based on Anakin and Padme.
  3. I bet it's KOTOR3. "
  4. Got bored after 40 minutes?
  5. HK-47's slightly retarded cousin.
  6. I'm still undecided about that. IMO, there were too many Anakin/Padme drama moments that made me cringe to chalk the movie up as the best of the prequels. I kind of wish GL kept the mushy stuff to a minimum, and instead used those parts of the film to show more Clone Wars action.
  7. IMO, an ice world would get pretty boring right away. Look at Tatooine from the first game. It got boring because all it was was a bunch of sand. Maybe if Bioware had added a bunch of different settlements to visit, rather than just the two or three locations, it would have been better. But as it was it was one of my least favorite planets, and I think a world completely made of ice/snow (ala Hoth) would be similar.
  8. Add somewhere perhaps like Corellia, and those would be my choices.
  9. Telos had its polar ice cap where Atris was found.
  10. Dagobah. I want to see an entire planet where the entire purpose is to slop through the swamps and learn to lift your X-Wing out of the water. "
  11. You don't find the Unknown World beautiful at all? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> It looked like a beach. Which isn't to say it wasn't aesthetically pleasing, but that the detail of Maanan and Onderon/Dxun was just more...inspiring for a Star Wars game.
  12. I honestly don't see it. If anything, the K2 graphics are slightly more...crisp. Neither blow my mind when it comes to eye candy, but I'm not seeing this supposed decrease in graphic quality from K1 to K2.
  13. That, and the fact GL decided to plaster whiny boy's face over the Force ghost of Anakin Skywalker. Had he gone with his original idea of Wookiees instead of Ewoks, the movie would have kicked butt.
  14. Both had their strengths. Ironically, if each game combined their relative strengths and deleted their relative weaknesses, it would have been a true masterpiece, IMO.
  15. Not necessarily my favorite world in terms of story/gameplay, but I voted for Dxun/Onderon. A close second would be Manaan. So close, in fact, that I would have voted for both if the option was there.
  16. Ouch. That's a rather big problem you've got. Don't know the solution to it. Just thought I'd say that sucks if you can't get that to work.
  17. He would have sounded better if he deformed, but kept his cold, arrogant voice from when he was still Palpatine. And the "Nooo!" thing was just plain dumb.
  18. One of these days I'll get around to buying top of the line everything for my computer. That way when games like this come out I won't have to say "pass, my comp won't run it".
  19. No, actually, I don't.
  20. Hasn't this post already been covered earlier in the thread? "
  21. I'm not trying to be ignorant or sarcastic, but wouldn't Star Wars Galaxies be better for this idea? I dunno. I see SWG as the Star Wars representative in the MMORPG genre and any/all multiplayer ideas should be implemented there, rather than mess with the single player games like KOTOR. Yes, I realize it can be done, however in terms of money, time constraints, and content, adding multiplayer to KOTOR would then mean subtracting a feature or ten from the single player experience. Heck, the perfect example of this is KOTOR2. It already had a bunch of cut content, and the whole unfinished/rushed ending, fiasco. How much more content would have been deleted if Obsidian had to take into account adding multiplayer to it? No thanks.
  22. CAPS lock indicates shouting. Constant shouting is frowned upon. It's sort of the netiquette way of being impolite.
  23. What are the differences?
  24. She closed your topic, she didn't ban you or give you a warning. Your topic being closed *is* being shown slack. It's to avoid spam. You weren't here when rumors of K3 started up. Every new member (and it seemed like a hundred were joining per day) were starting up their own little threads about K3, many of which were carbon copies of one another. Keeping K3 discussion in one thread allowed other topics that aren't K3 related to actually have a chance of survival. Otherwise all those topics kept getting bumped to page 3 because newbies would start various "Is K3 out yet?" "How about now?" "Is it out now?" "How about now?". She posted a link. Moderators don't have to ask you about your day and let you share their life story with them. They just have to do their job and a]keep things tidy, b]direct you to the appropriate place to post. Plus she's bitter because I'm always right and she's always wrong. So I take full blame.
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