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Everything posted by GhostofAnakin

  1. I don't know what his new name means.
  2. Your thread was locked because it was redundant (if I'm thinking of the right thread). Not because the mods want to pick on you.
  3. I wasn't particularly fond of many of the Prequel fight scenes. The only one I actually sat back and thought "this is good sh...stuff" was the Darth Maul vs. Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon.
  4. So, uh, how about that Morrowind? "
  5. Well, with fake guns you can take an eye out with those plastic bullets. A real gun would just blow the person's head off, so they wouldn't feel any pain.
  6. Just so you know, I haven't bought it yet. But I'm intrigued. Much like a sailor when he passes a brothel.
  7. Everytime I read this thread I end up spending money.
  8. I never quite understood why people make a fuss about it. I've read about the subject, seen the differences and it does not provide a good enough reason for hardcore fanboys to keep getting aneurisms over. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> There's a funny quote by Leia in the latest Star Wars novel that takes a tongue-in-cheek shot at this fact.
  9. Or just use medpacs when you get too low. Or don't fight him until you've achieved a higher level.
  10. That's because you have reflexes. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Fear the big werewolf!
  11. Two yay's, two nay's (and Dark Raven did an Eminem impersonation). That's a poor job of convincing me.
  12. Is it worth playing? I know I've asked this countless times, but I need convincing.
  13. You're welcome. My cheque better be in the mail.
  14. There's already this thread, as well as others. Not to mention this is a K1/K2 related thread, so it should be in the K2 Spoiler or General Discussion forum. <_<
  15. He's already butchered the OT with some of his changes. Leave them be. If GL is so jazzed about doing more things with the Star Wars universe, create new movies instead of tampering with existing ones.
  16. I dunno. Adding that whiny crybaby Heyden in place of the guy who played Anakin when Luke removed the mask is sacrilegious enough to me.
  17. The problem is this isn't really a topic for discussion. It's basically a one word response type thread where people post specific dates they choose. Hence why it can fit in the K3 thread.
  18. Couldn't you have just put this in the K3 suggestions thread? I thought the entire point of keeping that thread alive is to put *ALL* K3 discussion there, so the rest of the forum isn't flooded with various K3 related topics.
  19. Malachor V. It was one of the more bland planets. I think it, more than any other, suffered with the rushed ending.
  20. As long as there's going to be an 11 page thread about the Exile being officially female for canon purposes, then Revan is, in fact, male as per that same canon.
  21. I still say the graphics and gameplay in that video look more suited to JA style action gaming than KOTOR style RPG gaming. But that's just me.
  22. Ye of little faith.
  23. I don't find him particularly sexy.
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