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Everything posted by GhostofAnakin

  1. Not *all* of us. Some of us were willing to wait the extra 2 (or 6) months until the February release timeslot to see the game unrushed.
  2. Anakin Skywalker. He was like a bratty 5 year old - except he was actually in his late teens/early twenties.
  3. Slightly off topic, but about the events in RotJ, but why do Stormtroopers even wear that armor? Judging from the movies it doesn't protect them against blaster bolts, and the Ewoks seemed to be able to beat the snot out of them with rocks and wooden sticks. And I still laugh at that whole "An entire legion of my best men" line by the Emperor, when considering they got trounced by a bunch of teddy bears.
  4. The first two Battlefronts haven't intrigued me for some reason. I think it's because they just seem like mindless running around shooting things.
  5. Trying out? You've never played it before?
  6. You're thinking of Revan, and about his journey to seek out this "True Sith" threat.
  7. RotS and ESB say hello.
  8. Mandalorian (as far as I've seen) look just like Humans, so I'm not sure how you can have a Mandalorian race. As for the rest, I prefer they stick to Humans. But that's just me.
  9. I believe Rebellion and Force Commander are considered RTS.
  10. I wouldn't have necessarily used that comparison, but I suppose yes, I am. IMO, the prequels had some good *moments*, but overall I felt the story was blah.
  11. From what I've heard, it's the only one worth buying.
  12. If re-written to be less annoying, those characters would have worked (well not Jar Jar. That was just pure garbage). I'm talking from a purely individual, scene by scene scale rating, that the scenes that didn't include Anakin, Padme, and Jar Jar were pretty good. For instance, the scenes with Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon = good. Maul and Palpatine = good. Jedi Council discussions = good. Obviously the overall story would fall apart without the main character, but I was referring to the enjoyment factor of each individual scene when broken down individually.
  13. He loves me. He really does.
  14. I'm liking Blood Money so far. On to mission 3.
  15. I was going to say goodbye, but I didn't get a personalized farewell.
  16. The parts without Anakin, Padme and Jar Jar are decent enough.
  17. Ewen MacGregor was good, too. As was the guy who played Palpatine, until GL had him turn into a cackling moron.
  18. One of the, if not THE, worst plots ever in the Star Wars EU. <_<
  19. I got distracted by the giant breasts.
  20. Holy hell Hitman: Blood Money is frustrating if you want to complete missions with little to no screw ups.
  21. Not to nitpick, but I don't agree with people who say that existing games should take some design cues from a game that hasn't even been released yet. Unless the person writing it is, in fact, a member of that design team (ie. in this instance, works for Bioware and is working on ME and has firsthand knowledge), then they can't possibly know whether a not-yet-released game design will work or not.
  22. I'm afraid to give WoW a chance because I might end up becoming addicted. I spend way too much time on the computer/internet as it is.
  23. I do. Just watch how often he talks about the "neat" new things he can do now that he wasn't able to do when he made the OT. You don't hear him brag about the story, just about how "cool" everything looks now.
  24. What happened to Georgie boy? He got all excited about the new CGI graphics and effects he could produce and spent his time on that, rather than writing a good script.
  25. Hence why I said what failed with the prequels is it depended on the story of one individual, rather than on the story of good versus evil, to succeed. I believe that the prequels should have been about the fall of the Republic, plus the Clone Wars, with the Anakin fall as a result of it and just a side story (much like Luke's hero's journey was a sidestory to the much bigger Empire vs. Rebellion plot). IMO, that would have made the stories more "Star Wars". I truly believe GL lost focus of what made his OT successful.
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