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Maria Caliban

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Everything posted by Maria Caliban

  1. Okay a 'serous' suggestion for the opening theme to Fallout: New Vegas. There's the obvious Viva, Las Vegas. Also with Louis Armstrong and Ella Fitzgerald, Doris Day also has a version that would work. I also think Billie Holiday's Don't Explain might be nice. It's harder to pick a stong for FO:NV because we have no idea what the main story is. The 'rat pack' and what we think of vintage Las Vegas is all 1960's. Edit: Oh, I forgot God Bless the Child.
  2. You'd think a world with mentos and personal armor would have condoms and birth control. A hero is what we need. Sorry, We don't need another hero.
  3. if Bethie allows it. it's Bethesda after all! Probably not, Bethesda doesn't want nudity or sexual references while shooting bad guys into a pool of blood or nuking entire cities. They just don't wanna see it. Somebody has to think of the children; nippleslips while committing murder? There has to be some morality and decency, goddammit! Why do you think that? Has Bethie always been so conservative about that stuff? I have no idea where the 'Bethesda is conservative' idea is coming from. No, they've never had a hot coffee mod, but their skins showed more skin than NWN2 models. I also remember a very creepy series of questions about sex with corpses in Oblivion. If Bethesda appears to lack sexuality, it's because every last character is cardboard thin. But still what? Obsidian ‘romances’ are horrible and they haven’t shown any inclination to include a same-sex one for males.
  4. Okay. Don't bother changing the map/gameplay/level-up/etc. Focus on the story,quests, and characters.
  5. There are. If Fallout: NV is great, we'll hear how wonderful Obsidian is. If it has any problems, we're going to hear about how it's all Bethesda's fault because they didn't give Obsidian enough 1) Time, 2) Money, or 3) Creative Freedom. But Fallout 1 & 2 covered about an tenth of the continental US [not including Alaska], Fallout 3 covers a small part of Maryland. And yet Fallout 3 feels bigger. Maryland must be a Tardis or something. We thought we were walking around DC, but instead we were in a phone booth in London.
  6. Have they said it won't require the original?
  7. I dunno, I think he can pull it off: Sexy AND disturbing. You've captured the essense of Chris Avellone. I approve.
  8. The Valley of Fire would be neat as well. ... This 'giant, tack tourist town' probably has a larger variety of places than any other on earth. It's sure as hell more interesting than DC.
  9. What happened to the Aliens RPG? No devs have commented so far. Right. Over there, they think Obsidian doing a Fallout is neat. Over here we think Obsidian doing a Fallout is awesome. Like oil and water, man! Oil. And. Water.
  10. I know. I know. Pants = underwear. In these times of economic uncertainty, I encourage everyone to do their part by doing the same. Originally, I dumped a large number of points into speech during character creation/level up only to see it fail, fail, fail. After awhile, I began saving whenever I started a conversation with someone and reloading until I got a success. Yeah, the last Diablo game was 2000. Back when I was a student and had hours to devote to playing a game. The average gamer is older now, and fewer of them have patience for that sort of thing. I
  11. Yeah, I might indulge in a bit of stroke the devil if torture worked, but it doesn't.
  12. Susan Boyle got more votes than the Pirate Party.
  13. Which makes one wonder what you were wearing over your pants. ?.
  14. I thought you were making a joke, but wiki says I was wrong; there is a Pirate Party. However, it's not the third largest, but the third largest outside of parliment. Personally, I'm far more worried about Google Books than the Pirate Bay.
  15. Superheroes are cool, and given that writers actually spend their time staring at a screen and typing until their fingers are numb, they need all the cool points they can get. As for 'dark knight,' it's better than Chris Avellone: Lady Death. Personally, I'm waiting for Josh Sawyer: Daredevil.
  16. In the USA, there's criminal and civil courts. For instence, OJ Simpson was found not-guilty a criminal trial in the death of his wife and her friend, but was found guilty in the civil trial and ordered to pay $12.5 million to his children for the wrongful death of his wife.
  17. Say it with me everyone: NOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOO OOOOOOO!! Oh well, we never wanted their kind here. *sniffs* *goes back to playing a high-minded, literate game like Bible Black*
  18. As I live in Las Vegas, part of me is interested in seeing how they portray it. 'Realistically' speaking, no casino currently standing would be around in 2077. I hope this frees up the art team to stick in existing building, classic casinos that have been torn down, and totally new structures. I'm also hoping to see City Center. The basic idea is a city within a city for the incredibly wealthy. Private transportation system, supermarkets, high-end boutiques - the original design even had private parks and all the 'out of door' areas covered up with it's own air and water filtration system and climate control. I remember one of my first thoughts when I learned about it was how cool it would be to run around shooting zombies in a place like that.
  19. Because Obsidian is now making a Fallout. Before Fallout 3, people talked crap about Bethesda. Fallout 3 hit and people found out that it was a great game. Now Obsidian will make a Fallout, so we're going to pretend that Bethesda produced crap and Obsidian will deliver us from the horror of Fallout 3. Bunch of malcontents. Anyways, I am more interested in seeing what Obsidian can do with its own IP (Alpha Protocol) or when they
  20. Quotes from Georg Zoller
  21. A fighting game on the PC? How does it play? My experiences with whacking games on the PC (Jade Empire and Warriors Oichi) were both not as smooth as with the controller. Then again, I had no problems with the PoP games.
  22. The main character is female. That's nice. It's not coming out on PC. That's sad. You know, someday I might buy a playstation 2; I've never played a Final Fantasy game.
  23. I didn't say that young adult books were unsophisticated. I said Dragon Age could be young adult fiction; something you couldn't say about a dark fantasy series like Black Company, A Song of Ice and Fire, or the Dusk/Dawn duology.
  24. I 'played' 21 fights and am now doing full scans on my computer. Nothing detected yet.
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