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Maria Caliban

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Everything posted by Maria Caliban

  1. Screenshots Website Background Image: Castle: Cassandra: Morwen: Oxman
  2. Official Website The Fire's Above - trailer. From IGN: Release Date: Fall 2014 Supported: PS3, PS 4, XBox 360, XBox One, PC Engine: DICE's Frostbyte ----------------------------- Why Dragon Age: Inquisition isn't Called DA 3 - article Open-World Re-Imagining - video interview First Look: DA:I Concept Art - blog DAI Wallpapers A Look Inside Dragon Age: Inquisition's Development Dragon Age: Inquisition Coverage Trailer - Game Informer
  3. There isn't a great deal here to appeal to a female gamer. The KotOR 2, Neverwinter Nights 2, and Fallout: New Vegas forums are all off-site. That leaves the Project Eternity, Alpha Protocol, Dungeon Siege III, and 'Obsidian was once Black Isle' crowd. In general, I don't see many women who are interested in old-school RPGs or hack and slash dungeon romps. If Alpha Protocol had been more successful, you probably would have gotten an infusion of female gamers. But it wasn't.
  4. Why would screen shots of BioShock Infinite make you wish for Hollow Earth?
  5. Kingdoms of Amalur. About 56 hours in this playthrough and I still haven't crossed the strait to Mel Anshir or entered Detyre at all or done either of the DLCs. I suspect this will be about 100 hours to finish. One I hit the level cap, I'll switch from universalist to sorcery focus though, and will likely go much faster. Universalist really drags behind the higher your level.
  6. Diablo III. I apparently last played May 2 of 2012. I'm pretty sure I've met the requirements for the 'Cut off the head' achievement twice now and still not gotten it. Also: playing a wizard is much easier than playing a monk was.
  7. It reminded me of the last part of ME 3, though it didn't even give you three options.
  8. Why won't your computer run it? Graphics?
  9. How odd that there isn't a topic on this one already. I finished the game last week and enjoyed it. Has anyone else played? Did you think it was a worthy successor to BioShock and BioShock 2? I liked the lack of body horror in this one.
  10. Don't hate the player, hate the game.
  11. Now I want a new Wizardry game. And maybe Return to Return to Krondor.
  12. Is anyone else exited for this? The developers have been very active on the official forum and clear about their goals for the next edition. Not only is are the combat mechanics being overhauled but they're creating systems for bureaucracy and social engineering if that's something you're interested in. They're reworking the power curve so it's not Solaroids >>> Everyone Else, and Lunars will have a greater presence in the setting. The Kickstarter is set to start this month. I'm going to donate enough to get a deluxe edition of the core book. I shall keep this thread updated as they release artwork and more information.
  13. How are you guys like the latest MP DLC? I saved enough to unlock all the new characters, but when I tried to play, I experienced massive lag. At this point, I can only play solo MP games. :/
  14. It's a lottery because of the presence of microtransactions. It's obnoxious intentionally because of the presence of microtransactions. The game was designed to maximize profits from microtransactions. As I said in my earlier post, this is not a game they made and then added microtransactions afterward for people who might like that, the entire game was designed around having them there. You cannot divorce the game from that mechanic. It's a lottery because people will pour more time into it and because random 'drops' is a proven mechanic to motivate people. The first two Diablo games and World of Warcraft have both used random items and they've done much better than if they just gave you what you wanted.
  15. Why is Josh happy about this? It means more work for engine programmers. He asked... Bokishi?
  16. That's also how RPG is defined in the USA. Hence Skyrim, Deus Ex, Diablo, the Witcher, and Fable all being RPGs despite very different types and levels of player agency.
  17. Hee. For the last seven months, I've been playing a low level DnD campaign with friends. I don't have any single-target spells, and my wizard has burned and blasted the other PCs to 0 HP about a dozen times now. It's really the best part of playing the wizard.
  18. I didn't like it when it came out. I'm not interested in playing it with a newer rig and patches at this point. I'm trying to figure out what about the OC was so much better than the NWN 1 OC. The trial? The companion characters had more dialogue but I couldn't relate to or care about any of them. Oh, and the death of Farmgirl companion to bring in Badass!! companion felt like something out of a comic book.
  19. Thank you.
  20. Persona 4.
  21. Disagree. BSN is significantly more hostile than this forum, though less so than a place like Blizzard. It's as much a function of how large a developer is. I actually started posting on this forum instead of the old BioBoards way back in 2004 because I didn't like where the BioBoards were headed. BioWare also has fewer active moderators now than it did pre-DAO despite the ever growing number of users.
  22. When Jessica Merizin joined as a community manager, she tried to start a bunch of new fan community outreach programs, all of which lasted about a month or so. I suspect she got bored and there was no internal push for them to continue. Now she hangs out on twitter and cos-plays for conventions.
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