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Maria Caliban

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Everything posted by Maria Caliban

  1. What character would you like to get more influence with? Ostkant: "I even find myself getting Light points just for saying simple things, it's ridiculous. I have to be so extremely rude all the time, I liked the old way more. " Hmmm.. Unless you have low Charisma, Awareness, and Persuade that shouldn't happen.
  2. How am I 'wasting the game'? I spoke with every NPC I met, did every quest I was given, spoke extensively with all my party, and seemed to grasp the story far more than most.(I once ran in and out of the Ebon Hawk five times just so I could get all the cut-scenes) I also beat every Pazzic player in the game but I was horrible with the racing. I think the only thing I would do differently would be to pick up the Handmaiden.
  3. Maria's conjectures Boiler: 1) Darth Nihilis. His point in the story was... what? Sure I *thought* he was the new Lord of the Sith, or something similar, which was causing all this trouble. When you run into him, he is nothing. What he is, why he is doing what he is, his background with Visas (and her background with him)... never explained. He just ends up being nothing other then one more person I have to kill." At first, he was a boogie man. He drained worlds of life while Sion hunted down Jedi. Ultimately, he was there to show you the effect you had on the galaxy. That's one of the reasons that Kriea always talked about ripples in the Force. It's like the beggar and the thugs on Nar Shaddan. You thought Malikor V was a good act when you did it but the result was the creation of Darth Nillis. " 2) Darth Sion. Led to believe he is in charge of a different sect of Sith. See him, along with Nihilis, defeat Kreia in a cut scene and watch him cut off her hand. Only to suddenly be Kreia's student again... what!?" Sith apprentices kill their Mentors in time but Sion didn't. His first chance he stripped her of her powers and cast her out and the second time he chopped off her had, which we learn is the old Jedi way of marking a cast-off. He never passes the Sith lithmas test, so to speak, and remains under her thumb. She simply doesn't apply pressure until the right moment, when you've gown as powerful as he and returned to Malikor V. " 3) Atris. I spoke with Atris at the end, getting a dialog option to the effect of "You have fallen to the Dark Side, you must realize that" -- when I myself haven't realized that. We see (or hear about) her 4 times. (1) at the beginning, no indication she has fallen. (2) Kreia talks about her, with no indication she has fallen or is heading down that path. (3) The second time we see her, *bam* we suddenly know she has somehow fallen." How do you know she's fallen to the dark side? Atris has set up an academy in the middle of a frozen, dead-zone; surrounded herself with virtual clones who are deaf to the force; and spends her time in a meditation chamber filled with Sith holocrons that constantly speak to her. That and Kreia tells you that Attris is walking the same path she did before she became a Sith. Oh, and as you're now completely in touch with the force you can probably feel the darkness in her meditation chamber. " (4) At the end when Kreia talks about having to stop Atris' teachings... huh? ...exactly what teachings are these?" Atris plans on creating a new Jedi academy
  4. Force Wave/Force Storm is a nice combo. You can always use stealth and sneak past them. Stasis can freeze everyone at once..
  5. Knights of the Old Republic = A New Hope The Sith Lords = The Empire Strikes Back. I'm of the opinion that The Sith Lords and The Empire Strikes Back were both superior to their predecessor.
  6. Spoiler I said that Reven was a LS Female and got no cameo.
  7. I think you're making some assumptions there.
  8. *nods* You are wise ghost of Anakin. Darth DoGooder, Indeed. My mother was kind enough to bring me food. I think the last game I played like that was... I can't remember at the moment.
  9. No bugs, no lags, no broken quests. No idea how so many people could experience problems on their X-Box while I had none on mine. How is that even possible?
  10. Why would you want to kill either of them?
  11. *SPOILER* Nar Shaddon Merchant Don't follow the easy path.
  12. 40 hours and 3 minutes straight. Gaming heroin. Must remember to sell to small children to make money. But first, bathing and sleep. Will say more later. {}
  13. *SPOILER* I'm assuming she's with Reven. That might not have been Reven's desire but the bond they shared might make it very difficult for him/her to avoid her.
  14. Yes, they should make new avatars because one poster with four posts is too lazy to go out and find is own.
  15. Methinks someone needs to have 'the talk' with the Obsidian Developers. They seemed to be confused. {}
  16. It's level 15.
  17. Str: 10 Dex: 10 Con: 10 Int: 15 Wis: 16 Char: 16 Sentinal Max out on Pursuade, Sneak, Security, Awareness, Computer Use, and dump the rest in Repair. When you level, boost your Dex.
  18. There are requests that are reasonable given the setting and there are requests that are not. Being
  19. It's pretty simple, show him some boobies.
  20. There are still strategies for leveling your character.
  21. I believe it's difficulty class. If you have any questions about the d20 system, I'd be happy to answer them.
  22. I don't believe there are feats, forms, or force powers you can only earn if you have a lightsaber. You might only be able to use them with a lightsaber.
  23. Yes, that is true.
  24. It would depend on the individual.
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