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Maria Caliban

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Everything posted by Maria Caliban

  1. First, you pluck someone's eyes out. Then you help a Japanese cyborg-ninja-school girl destroy a giant shark demon. That sounds like World of Darkness to me.
  2. What? Why would they have 'save where you are' on console but not PC?
  3. Thoughts so far: The hardware analyzer built into the game says that the game should run perfectly. It runs perfectly at 8 FPS on lowest settings. Unskippable cut scenes. Several of them. The
  4. I managed to get Prince of Persia to run at 7-10 FPS at the lowest settings. And promptly ran into a bug..
  5. Okay. I'm installing Prince of Persia right now. I love this series. I want to play this game. My system is underspec. I'm so worried, I might vomit.
  6. I think Left 4 Dead single-player is one of the perfect 'a few minute' games. I can play a half-hour of it and enjoy myself before moving on.
  7. Now I have that damn song in my head. Cool word of the day: Earworm.
  8. True. They may just pay him and he gets to write off the cost of games as a business expense.
  9. That
  10. 'Some' gamers 'in general' get 'all agitated.' Yes, one post on the matter means I'm agitated. DRM will never make any game, music, or movie I buy unplayable.
  11. You have a point.
  12. Yes, pirates dislike DRM. Non-pirates also dislike DRM. The perfect DRM would have a good balance between discouraging piracy without punishing the paying customer or tampering with their property. I have no problem with Mass Effect calling home when I install it. I dislike the fact that when I switch out my hardware, it will call home again and again and eventually tell me I can
  13. IIRC he gets money from the Escapist for all his games, or he writes em off as a job expense. That's what I'd assume. It would make no sense for a professional reviewer to pay for all of his games, but as often as he brings up the cost of games and complains about having to pay for them, it makes me wonder.
  14. I can tell Yahtzee is not bitter about paying $100 for a video game. I have to say though that if a video game did anything other than grant me enlightenment, or caused multiple orgasm whenever I played it, I'd be bitter about paying $100 for it as well.
  15. Where does it say there won't be any DRM? Edit: I see it now.
  16. From what I've seen of the Survivor AI, they're probably better at handling moltovs and pipe bombs than, say, Nick I Am.
  17. Your prayers are answered! Sorta.
  18. Until I read this thread and Wiki'ed it, I thought No One Lives Forever was a Bond game.
  19. I kill the most zombies, but take far more damage. Is there any way of encouraging the AI teammates to take point? Last night, I played Death Toll for the first time, and came upon a witch in the drain pipe. There was no way around her. I tossed a pipe bomb at her - she took no damage and didn't notice me. I had to fire on her, and was brutally slain. Also, is there a way for AI survivors to toss pipe-bombs or molatovs?
  20. They died. We ate their corpses.
  21. I have had little to no problems with FO3, and I'm under spec.
  22. Got any good examples? Of the top of my head? Hacking in Fallout 3. Bar games in Fable. That dice game in the Witcher.
  23. Holy, ****ing spoiler. I mean, I'm bad about these thing, but geeze guys.
  24. When done well, it's good. When done poorly, it's horrible.
  25. Single-player - easy mode. My teammates have used up all their health packs and pain pills to keep me alive. I killed Zoey while 'saving' her from a hunter. Everyone is at yellow save for me (green). We're, um, only at the second safe house. Oh, and did you know you're not supposed to shine your lights on a 'witch'? Who knew, right?
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