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Maria Caliban

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Everything posted by Maria Caliban

  1. It's odd. I've never found this funny before. Yet, for some reason, after you saying it several dozen times, today I read it and laughed.
  2. Mass Effect was also popular on the PC. I assume that PCers liked it because they've never experienced the strong storytelling of console RPGs before.
  3. The original plan was to release the PC version six months before the console version.
  4. Given that BioWare is now owned by EA, I'm surprised to hear it's delayed 6 months, as opposed to rushed out the door 6 months early.
  5. Yes, but you can blow up the gas station, which always makes it worth it.
  6. You're not talking about the one made by Pandemic, right?
  7. After the first three hours, I opened the toolset and set every rat, cliff racer, mud crab, and snapper fish to a state of relative calm. My memories of the other 70+ hours are colored by that. Which raises the question, when a developer places an easy to fiddle with toolset in the game so you can fix the main game, and the community produces hundreds of mods, should we still only call the game 'good' or 'bad' based on the vanilla experience? I mean, it took me about half a dozen mods, but I was able to turn Oblivion into a very fun game (in a free roaming RPG sort of way.) If I now say it's good, am I wrong?
  8. I don't see games hitting 50 gb anytime soon.
  9. WoW and Assassin's Creed.
  10. Haha! Remember who went all doom and gloom at Fallout 3? Remember how that turned out? Dark Raven's never going to live it down. But let's be honest. Upon hearing Bethesda was doing Fallout 3, who didn't go ? With maybe a little ? There was a little Dark Raven in all of us.
  11. Meh. If we're not supposed to speculate on whether a game will be good or bad before we've played it, then how did this thread reach seven pages? It's something we do. It's fine to disagree with another's speculation - this is the interwebs after all - but I see no reason to take someone to task simply for speculating.
  12. It's good to see tanking getting some love. Hope my server updates soon.
  13. No, pot is the drug of choice for tirades about the Man and how he's trying to ruin gaming. LSD is for when you decide to sexually experiment with your x-box.
  14. I've gone from level 1 to 50 in eight days. I'm fine with my leveling rate. And no, I don't want to be a tank. If I wanted to play sword and board, I'd have picked up a warrior and done just that. 1) I have tanked pre-3.0. 2) Sitting in the middle of a mob, generating threat and doing 200 dps is still contributing more to a raid than standing around doing nothing. 3) Contributing to a guild has nothing to do with dps/healing/tanking. I have my BS up to 300, can I make something for my guildmates? No, they're all level 70. I have my mining up to 300, can I gather mats for them? Nope. Can I answer questions they might have? Nope. Can I help them with a difficult quest? Nope.
  15. Level 47 palidan. 300 in BS and mining. Went on my first raid (Zul) with a level 70 hunter who ran around and killed everything while I watched. I'm the only person in my guild without a 70 (there are low level alts) and it's driving me nuts. I feel as though I add nothing to the group.
  16. Same as no moving and shooting at the same time - they are probably trying to make it feel like the earlier games. I don't think it is a good idea, having a survival horror game be scary because you can't turn around properly or move while shooting seems like a cop-out to me, but some people seem to like it. There are two ways to do survival horror 'right:' In one you're a weakling surrounded by horrors you can barely understand, let alone combat. That's the Silent Hill approach. It emphasizes the vulnerability of the PC and maintaining atmosphere is the most important part of gameplay. In the second, you pack heavy arms and mow down horrors. That
  17. It couldn't be as bad as tailoring where there's a 3 day 20 hour cooldown for one piece of cloth. Level 35 palidan. 215 mining/205 blacksmithing. I can now create armor I won't be able to use until I hit level 40. That is if I can find someone to make me heavy leather. An epic task if ever there was one.
  18. Hit level 29 paladin. Even better, my BSis so high I'm creating things I can't even wear yet.
  19. WoW - Paladin is up to 24 now.
  20. PC because I have no DS.
  21. Curse.com has a great selection of add-ons, and of the ones I've downloaded, I've never had a trojan/worm. Add-ons can be addictive though. Once you start using them, you can easily find yourself using 15-20 of them as they're so useful.
  22. WoW - now have a level 15 pali.
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