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Maria Caliban

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Everything posted by Maria Caliban

  1. Christian gamers rally against nipples, demon scrotum, in new Conan game.
  2. There is no way to make something better for all gamers.
  3. Well, according to the BioDevs, the reason they've spent the time and resources they have on the origins is that Thedas is a new setting, and each origin offers a unique introduction to the world and a different perspective on the setting. For instance, if you play as a human noble, you might meet another lord who helps you fight the blight and lends you a place to stay when you
  4. Dead Space: Welcome to my nightmere. Be sure to read all notices posted. They are there for your enlightnment and safety. While walking to the medical center, I find a skinless man bashing his head against the bulkhead until he dies. I came back later and... nah, I won't discibe it. Watch out for the natives. They may appear suddenly.
  5. Between this and the 'she's already dead so it's gross' I think I've figured out the ending to Fear 2.
  6. *spews tea at the monitor*
  7. I'm pretty sure male full frontal leads to a NA-17 rating.
  8. Main characters always have sex in film and books because humans like to watch and read about sex. I can
  9. The wide beam cutter and the regular laser cutter seem to use the same ammo though.. Where is the meter for the kenetic power? Or is that little semi-circle your 'mana' for all of them?
  10. Undead squid babies! Ahhhhh! I started the second level and soon met a blind woman who's like 'thank goodness, you've come! I knew you would!' She then promptly dies. I stood there for several moments thinking 'Is this the love of Issac's life who just died? I can't tell. It could just be a random female NPC.' I'm confused about the powers. I have three stasis packs in my inventory, does that mean I can only use the power three times before I have to recharge? How many times can I use the kenetic power? I don't have anything in my inventory for that, and it's working just fine. Learned more about the mysterious and horrible backstory. Gasp! Shock! It seems to be based on a large group of people being so mind-bogglingly dumb as to be insane. I could understand if just one or two people were that dumb, but I'm listening to the audio logs thinking 'That's so far from a logical corse of action, it's in a different zip code.' Then again, it's a horror game. I'm taking lots of damage now. I can handle one, maybe two critters, but more than that and I end up caught in a corner, trying to stomp/whack them while they take turns chewing on me. I got a new weapon! The wide beam cutter. The game helpfully reminded me that each weapon has an alt firing mode so I tested it while in the store kiosk. The 'alt' firing is an explosive and I blew myself up.
  11. Dead Space. Thanks to my new video card, I can actually play it. I'm playing on easy. The monsters are slow, my inventory is full, I haven't lost any health, and I'm absolutely terrified. Yes, I'm a wimp. I have to say that Mr. Clarke moves like a truck (complaint) and has as much personality as stale bread. It makes me long for the rich and passionate emotions of Altiar from Assassin's Creed. And it's like the two NPCs are in a contest to be the most annoying. Why didn't they just make this a FPS?
  12. No idea is original, but originality is as much about execution as it is 'ideas.' In the dwarf commoner origin, you live underground in a slum, and are part of a caste based culture that considers its underclass so worthless that it tattoos their faces so everyone knows when they
  13. I don't know if I'd count Silent Hill 2. It doesn't so much have a relationship in it, as it does a main character fixated on his dead wife. Hmm, then again, there was that thing with Maria. That was creepy though so I blocked it. The Japanese have a whole genre of games devoted to romantic relationships.
  14. Adventure games tend to have relationships in them. Indigo Prophecy springs to mind as does Dreamfall. I don't think a relationship needs to be deep and complex to qualify, but it needs to be more than window dressing. That would mean that there's: 1) A strong, central protagonist (or main characters) 2) That do more than kill and destroy everything in their path In general, strategy games are out, as are many shooters and action titles. It
  15. Nail head + hammer. It has nothing to do with American morality. Americans in general have tons of books and movies about relationships. It just hasn't filtered into our games. Edit: Guys, we're not talking *only* about sex.
  16. I hope that was a joke. Carth was a wonderful character. Edit: Can someone provide a link to the demo?, or tell me where to get it?
  17. Shadows priests aren't that hard to level. You might want to try a druid. Their bear form plays like a warrior, their cat form like a rogue, and their regular form like a spell caster. But the best thing to do is just pick a class, level it to 10 or 30, pick another class and level it to 10 or 30, and so on. Once you lplay around with a few classes, then settle down. And they call retribution palidins retardidins. At least the 15 year old who think [Word] + Retard = Lulz. And if you play a warlock, people will complain about your fear effects. And if you play a rogue, people will complain about your stun. Every class has three talent trees, and one of them is usually the best for leveling. Also, someone listed talent trees/classes that dominated the Arena. PvP is cool, but most of your gameplay will be PvE. The funny thing is that when World of Warcraft came out, the intent was to make it an MMO for the casual gamer.
  18. Still Mass Effecting. Does anyone know when Drakensong will be released in NA? They need to read about the iterated prisoner's dilemma. I'm afraid that your only logical choice is to retaliate and let one die the next time they need help.
  19. There are six origins. I thought 'Kill Bill' or Cassandra. Women have a bad habit of being brutally killed on their wedding day/night in fiction. It might be because many authors find weddings as boring as I do. That dude has no nipples! Anyways - anyone want to discuss the lack of human commoner origin? I think it's because BioWare wants to avoid the 'farm-boy who saves the world' story, but there are many posters on the BioBoard who are upset about its exculsion.
  20. It's called we don't have the testicular fortitude to have nipples in the game so we need to make some contrite, non-logical explanation so we can have our cake (try to show sexuality because it sells) and eat it too (but not too much because we don't want any big bad parent association after us). Just for you. Also, Mary Kerby is female. Also, I've often wondered why testicales are used as a metaphor for being 'tough.' Aren't they low on the pain threshold meter? 2:1 odds they get covered up before release. It's the more tactful way to say the phrase 'they have no balls' Right. Mary Kerby (the person who was talking about the dryad not being a mammal) has no balls. She is female. But the question was, why are balls used as a symbol of toughness when they're so sensitive? If a man gets a fairly light kick on the muscles of his upper thigh, it might not even faze him. That same kick in the balls, and he
  21. Not if you live near Tsernobyl! The bad news: Your swimmers are now floaters. The good news: You can hammer out iron without an anvil.
  22. ehm they are not discontinued lol Thank you. I paniced a bit when I read that.
  23. It's called we don't have the testicular fortitude to have nipples in the game so we need to make some contrite, non-logical explanation so we can have our cake (try to show sexuality because it sells) and eat it too (but not too much because we don't want any big bad parent association after us). Just for you. Also, Mary Kerby is female. Also, I've often wondered why testicales are used as a metaphor for being 'tough.' Aren't they low on the pain threshold meter?
  24. Race? This is your chance to show how wrong I am. Cause if your main is a Horde race, it's fairly natural to think that the Horde, in general, is more mature than allies. On the other hand, if your main is a human warlock, you show me that you can enjoy the game from the ally side while still saying that the Horde is more mature. As a 27 year old who has a Dreanei main, of course I’m going to be touchy about people on the alliance being 15 years old. The majority of people I interact with tend to act in an adult manner. It clashes with what I know of the world. On the server I play in, world chat is shared between alliance and horde (and we can talk with one another in game) and I haven’t observed one side being more mature or immature than the other.
  25. What's your main toon?
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