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Everything posted by Salsabettis

  1. Yesterday most of the spam polls mysteriously disappeared, but today it seems that we have gained some new ones. The best thing to do it just not post in it. Unless of course you think your post might create some meaningful discussion.
  2. I know, when it comes to speculation Obsidian Forum members do it best. :cool:
  3. Well, doesn't Master Valour give a defense bonus too? If so, would casting that along with Master Speed and Force Armor still cap at 10?
  4. Same thing with Mira. She became less of a shemale and Atton became less of a girlyman. At least it shows that they actually do listen.
  5. I guess that settles it then. I was kind of hoping our assumptions could be wrong for once.
  6. Or a place of inner struggle for a light side character.
  7. I have been playing Star Wars Battlefront and have been inching throught the NWN OC.
  8. I am eager to see em both, but I would also like to know how the hell you pronounce Dxun. I think Onderon will be cool. I am kind of looking forward to this Queen of Onderon character I have seen some people talk about. I also want to know what kind of mess we get into in order to meet the queen. I just want to play the game.
  9. The thing that could have made KotOR harder is if you used the auto level up. That system made horrible characters. You would actually have to work to defeat the more difficult enemies.
  10. That is too true. My 12 year old cousin had no problems running through parts of the game and this was his first exposure to any RPG. He didn't even understand the combat. He just clicked with default attacks.
  11. From what I could hear on the Korriban video (since the music volume was so low) I thought that music was just ok. Not crap, but not great either. But this is just the music on a preview movie, so it could also just be a preview to the soundtrack. I have a feeling that since the composer works for LA that the music will fit the game and have that classic Star Wars feel.
  12. Well, if/when he joins your party, then you can give him something better.
  13. I thought we do in fact know nothing about Boa Dur except for two things. His name is Boa Dur and he is a he.
  14. Hmm... Well it seems that most of the assumptions made on these boards have been correct, so I guess Boa Dur could be the Zabrak.
  15. I'd like to know how people are assuming Boa Dur is the Zabrak. As far as I know the Chris Parker quote above is the only place where the name Boa Dur is mentioned.
  16. I didn't mean she is supposed to be a character like Jolee. I was trying to say that I think she has similar Jedi status. Like Jolee was a padawan and then left the order. About the sword, I don't know.
  17. That is Kreia. From what I understand, she has about the same Jedi status that Jolee did. I am not sure about class though.
  18. I said as good as KotOR. If it is better than I will be happy. (w00t)
  19. So BioWare ripped of Terminator... Oh well, HK-47 was awesome, so it is ok in my book.
  20. That is weird, because I have never used HK on the leviathan. I must have read it somewhere on these or BioWare's message boards.
  21. I thought the video made it look cool. Except the music volume was really low on the one I downloaded which kinda sucked. I voted the "For the love of god make it stop" option. We have had quite a few polls lately.
  22. Yes, and this poll as well as several other polls/topics is proof.
  23. If this was true, could you imagine how many Trask Lives threads would show up. It would be complete insanity on these boards.
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