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Everything posted by Craftsman

  1. I think its best to keep the romances natural.
  2. They should have at least kissing animations.
  3. http://www.winterwind-productions.com/gami...y/avellone.html
  4. Please respond to the topic devs. You are my only hope :D
  5. Devs will there be areas on planets where you can fly the ebon hawk to e.g muliple cities?
  6. The devs better think this out. Ins not that much effort to make areas bigger. Like in the first game. Tattoine was 4 rooms a cave, and sandpeople home. All that one one planet. If you have been better if there were MUPTIPLE cities ect on each planet. So instead of just choosing which planet to go to from the Ebon Hawk, you can chose which PART OF THE PLANET AS WELL. Thats idea RULES. Devs?
  7. I hope the cutsenses loojk like those in jedi knight 2 : real people!
  8. Hey. Im really lookin forward to this mod. But if you can get some screen shots up !
  9. Bigger Planets.
  10. I think there should be non jedi characters who are more powerful than your average jedi. Maybe more powerful than any jedi.
  11. Its taking forever for Lucasarts to release something new. Pics, movies or anything! Just how long will it take so us fourm using can discuss something fresh.
  12. I agree its because Lucasarts are giving us no new info or pics to absorb. There leaving us dry and high.
  13. What I REALLY REALLY liked about the first KOTOR is how characters and NCPS realised what you did and SAID something about it. For example when i was talking to NPC on Mannan, he said how things might be getting for the republic as someone had destroyed the sith acedemy. I was like YEAH that was me. I hope the devs will make the worlds your in more responsive for your action. If you do bad stuff people will run away or try to fight you, if you do could stuff people cheers as go past. Its that type of thing that makes a RPG good and what Fable claims to be famous for.
  14. In the sencond Jedi knight game they had real people!
  15. Having the same area size as KOTOR is dissapointing. Much larger areas would be more appreciated. Like with tattonine it had no substance. There were like 15 doors and only 3 worked. It was small and boring. Taris was the best planet.
  16. Why? its already been posted
  17. It would be good each each characters had a exclusive move or item.
  18. Correct. There will be points in the games where certain companions (or a group of companions you select) branch off and accomplish side missions. The effect is intended to be like the sequence on the Death Star in Episode IV, where Luke, Obi-Wan, and the Droids all go about seperate missions, then reunite later on. It was done a little less effectively at the end of Episode I, but you get the idea. I wonder if you get the oppurtunity to control a Sith Lord thats OPPOSING your character?
  19. Good on ya! I hope this will be good.
  20. Devs what do the attack, passive and defensive stances add to the game?
  21. Yeah. Still if its true, which im very sure it is, the possibilies..
  22. What We're REALLY Working On: Knights of the Old Republic: Ancient Empires Well, my team really isn't exactly doing the Galaxy Forge Mod like everyone suspects. We are creating a new game called Knights fo the Old Republic: Ancient Empires. This game will feature new party members, characters, planets, items, force powers, classes, quests and sidequests. There will be about 12 planets in all when its completed and is based on the Galaxy Forge. I have built a temporary free webs site where some screenshots and summaries will be posted. Enjoy!! Not that long, before kotor2 comes out indefinately. We will be realeasing the game in order of quests. Kotor Ancient empires (kotor:ae) is not only the game but one of the main quests as well and it is about 20% done with retextures and all, so kotor: ae wont take long to complete. http://www.lucasforums.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=128519 Wow. New planets. Nice
  23. Also devs, in the first one you if you got evil your face started to change, eye colour ect. In KOTOR 2 what other consequence will our character experience from being good or evil?
  24. In KOTOR 2 i thought it would be great if the gamer was able to customise body armour with mixing and chaging it with different parts. Also can Characters get tatoos?
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