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Everything posted by Craftsman

  1. A mistake i guess. OR is IT?
  2. Maybe this whole kotor trilogy will be based on revan and his legacy.
  3. Well firstly its starwars which is suited for both children and adults. Homosexuallity in a childrens video game (yeh i know its says recommened m15+ but kids do play it) is plain insenitive and careless. Plus it is a issue that will can KOTOR no merit but rather unwanted attension.
  4. I am treating it more like a add on pack. One reason could be that the game is still using the the same engine. What are your thoughts?
  5. It being reconstructed. Not likle clound city.
  6. Hmmm. Is it in clouds?
  7. PC will get the interchangeable hoods im sure.
  8. Engine would not allow for that i dont think.
  9. Since we are talking about the hawk, i hope that the characters are moving around instead of just standing there.
  10. I hoping for a good solid story. I hope its core is not like 'And sion is your younger brother'
  11. Maybe theres a charcter in there we will not see.
  12. The suncrusher.
  13. Maybe. Doubt it though.
  14. Lets leave relality out of star wars
  15. Its a issue that should be avoided. Period.
  16. Maybe instead of Jedi vs Sith all the time. It shuld be Jedi vs Sith vs Unknown alien (powerful) race. The same two parties fighting might get boring after a while.
  17. She looks like shes holding a secret.
  18. Maybe some nice robes ect.
  19. And i think they would ahve some connections.
  20. Sound ok acutally.
  21. Wheres part one?
  22. About the release date.
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