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Everything posted by Craftsman

  1. Also should should have been able to take over the city for the republic. NOW that would be worth the games paying price!
  2. Yes. But you would have been em.
  3. Thats easily true. The first kotor had about the same.
  4. Yeh. He saw things how they were.
  5. Yup. My avatar reflects my favorite character.
  6. It up. Better quality.
  7. Oh. I got it off. It will be back on soon
  8. I dont think there was one.
  9. Hes normal. I dont know where deteriming his sexualality can be discovered from looking at a picture.
  10. Thats not nice.
  11. I cant help with the site. But its shaping up quite nicely. Contact me again if you ever need a opinion.
  12. Hmm. Not here in oz. Think its worth downloading?
  13. Why not? You dont even know what most are like.
  14. Maybe kotor 3 then.
  15. and malak was really your uncle.
  16. Half life 2 could be defined as a true sequel. I think KOTOR 3 will be a true sequel to KOTOR.
  17. Still a non force play should be able to have at least a minor/major effect on the storyline.
  18. Maybe like the flood. Just a third player in the ring.
  19. But Force characters should not be the only big players.
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