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6 Foot Invisible Rabbit

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Everything posted by 6 Foot Invisible Rabbit

  1. Volourn, there is playing the role of your character then there is playing the role of someone else's character. I prefer to play my character than the designers. Playing someone's elses character sucks.
  2. Okay, that is cool.
  3. I might be giving this game a try when I get the computer. Man, I need $1500 NOW!
  4. You still haven't answered this question I have for Oblivion, SS. Of course it kind of got buried by the Fallout discussion. Does Oblivion conversation system like Morrowind or is it like NWN/KotOR? Or is it something completely different?
  5. It looks wierd. Wierd can be good.
  6. Hardly brown nosing. I simply recognize people who have more experience in such matters than myself. One of the reasons I consider Shadowstrider an expert is that he is actually employed by a computer game company, Bethesda. Of course, you might be ignorant of that fact.
  7. Well, I did use quotes. Anyway, I consider you one of the experts here, not myself. Of course lets just nitpick on one little thing and not read the entire post.
  8. Because I like CRPGs. Not completely restrictive. I mean Jade Empire is very restrictive but Fallout wasn't with the various armors, and the BG games you had various armors and colors to choose from as well as voice sets. NWN was very adaptable how one can look like, especially through the use of craft skills. Sure there are restrictions and CRPGs won't ever be completely open but that doesn't mean they should remove the option all together. Not completely but the more options you can give the player in the form of character development and appearance the better. Such as I felt my character in the NWN expansions was actually my character moreso than the Nameless One in PS:T no matter how I played him. Sure there might be some limitations, for it is a CRPG, but as long as those limitations don't interfere how I design my character I am okay with them. Such as being the Bhaalspawn had no real effect on me making a Halfling FIghter Thief or an Elven Necromancer, but in PS:T I was always the Nameless One with no choice of race, gender, or what not. Sure the Bhaalspawn background is forced but the overall freedom of gameplay is not hampered like being forced to play the Nameless One.
  9. Me? I am no expert. I just know what I like and what I don't like. The experts I am refering to are Shadow Paladin, ShadowStrider, Mreku, Battlecookie, and the likes. I am just a kook that no one should listen to.
  10. I take a look at both what is there and what should be there.
  11. Well, most of the board members here are "expert" gamers and are the creme of the crop compared to the mainstream gluttons who wouldn't know a quality game even if it bit them in the eye socket. Most mainstreamers only look at the candy of a game while most of us here look at the substance, the meat of the game. Of course we also differ on opinion on what is good and what isn't. I plan on getting Oblivion and give it a good run through once I get myself a computer that can run it. After all, who can say no to Patrick Stewart.
  12. Normally I take a lot less time however the PS 1 often took that much time on its turn while playing X Com: UFO Defense.
  13. Yes, it is. When I make my character I want to control every aspect. How he looks, what he wears, what equipment he uses, what skills he knows, and so forth and so on. I want the character to be mine.
  14. No, because turn base is part of the rules set. Pause is outside the rules set.
  15. No, because the rules of the game includes Turn base as a part of is rules system therefore not metagaming.
  16. Hey, if those wackos leave me alone I will leave them alone yet at least once a week if not moreso some Christian nutjob thinks it is his or her duty to God to bother me with their useless rhetoric. Oh, I don't follow any religion.
  17. Volourn, that is only part of the picture, not the whole. What is the difference between a person using the Tiger Shen model with Legendary Strike with another Tiger Shen model using Legendary Strike? None whatsoever. Also the whole Gem thing only adds in minor effects and not wholely necessary. Lastly, how one role plays thecharacter has no effect on how the character looks like.
  18. Let just say I had an experience few years back and I'll leave it at that.
  19. I do not go by belief, but what I know. Does God exist, yes. Do I worship him? F**k no.
  20. In many of the CRPGs I play I use equipment to personalize how my character looks and the style in which I play them. In NWN, typically the short sword is more powerful weapon but I like playing a halfling that dual wields daggers. In the KotORs I use various armors to personalize my characters and NPCs. In Jade Empire there is no significant way to personalize characters.
  21. I don't particular care if she grew up in Argentina. Religious fanatics, especially Islamic fanaticals who have no problem blowing themselves up in order to kil as many as they can, need to grow up and start living in the 21st century. Religion had its time but that time is over for it is no longer needed as a social institution.
  22. Using pause in a CRPG is metagaming.
  23. I think they should concentrate on original new stories in movies instead of making sequel after sequel or worse, more prequels.
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