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6 Foot Invisible Rabbit

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Everything posted by 6 Foot Invisible Rabbit

  1. Must have more Obsidian PC games! MUST HAVE MORE!
  2. One Tarna is enough I think.
  3. I heard of people personifying a body part, but a toe?
  4. You haven'y even played ES4 and as faras I know you have no plans to ever will so who do you know that ES4 is what redeems the series in your eyes? All the crap you coplained about in ES3 is pretty much been fixed in ES4.
  6. I use to argue a great deal but people didn't like it when I argue and generally insulted my point of view so I am taking the "agree with everyone" stance because this forum isn't worth the headache.
  7. Did the Gothic main character go emo on us?!?!
  8. MP Freelancer is very good. SP Freelancer is meh.
  9. It will probably have verious settings you can play with like Oblivion. Sure Oblivion can make high end systems strain and weep if you have everything turned on but you can keep all the settings low enough that a computer 2 generations old can play it. It would make good sense that Gothic 3 followed the same route.
  10. Star Trek has as much in common in the new Battlestar Galactica as a poodle bred for dog shows has with a pit bull terrier bred and trained for viscious dog fights.
  11. The thing is te Americans going in were suppose to be the "good guys" but when the "good guys" are just as bad if not worse than the "bad guys" then we got problems.
  12. Fallout is the best game ever. NWN ranks about 14th to 15th.
  13. Spike kills Megatron?!?!?! SPIKE?!?!?! Bloody hell!
  14. Well, it looked like it happened at night so its going to be dark.
  15. I have completely redid my music folders as well. :D When facing battle it is good to hear marylin manson's The Fight Song. :D
  16. Actually if we did leave now it wouldn't surprise me one bit if Iran invaded.
  17. You know it is rather scarey what one can do with mods. All I need for her is to contract vampirism. Oh, yes, I got mods that have similar clothes for male characters as well. Also a pic of my modified opening menu.
  18. I don't know which is more disturbing. The scar or the way that Eddo likes to show various parts of his body to us.
  19. I think it is funny that Bioware and DLA was able to get something into NWN 1, a more primitive game engine, that wasn't done in either Oblivion or NWN 2.
  20. What? Taks makes a very valid point there that I cannot dispute and happen to agree with.
  21. What are you? Dudley Do-Right? Well, Bioware never ceases to amaze me.
  22. Horses? Well, better late than never I guess. Is there mounted combat?
  23. Why not remember? I remember my grandmother, both the good and ill, and I don't feel bad about it. In order to live we die, in order to die we live. One just needs to accept that and accept the memories and revel in them for that is all you have left when the person in question has passed on. Don't repress memories and the emotions they bring, embrace them.
  24. Interesting. Could you move the head to look around without moving the body?
  25. Games are never clutter.
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