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6 Foot Invisible Rabbit

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Everything posted by 6 Foot Invisible Rabbit

  1. In the expansion pack they just expanded the angles that people were already using in a camera hack. I had no real issues one way or another. If they make it in the similar 3D environs of Morrowind/Oblivion and give it a freer camera than over the shoulder view it should work with minimal effort.
  2. It worked quite well for NWN.
  3. True enough, but it is supposed a military/research facility. Duct tape is one of those necessary items no matter where you are. It is the handyman's secret weapon.
  4. Yes, I do agree that is how it looked and read. Silly me. Of course my way would be optimal in my opinion. If they make the game "turn base" using SPECIAL as NWN/KotOR is "turn base" for d20 I would be satisfied.
  5. I was thinking rifle. I agree doing that to a pistol would be silly.
  6. No, not really. If there are resource constraints on its development I would compromise to the point that CTB style of FOT would be acceptable to me as long as we can control the speed (using a gauge like in the patched version of Lionheart). Also I don't think a free roaming camera is too much to ask for or that hard to implement.
  7. That sounds a little too specific. In character creation a player should be able to create any specific character he wants within the SPECIAL rules system and the game reads what perks, skills, and gender the player chose and places the PC in an starting point instance based on how what the character is focused on. Kind of like what ToEE tried to do with the alignment system, but something more developed and has a larger impact on the overall scope of the game.
  8. Actually I think that the PS3 price will be lower in order to compete with the other consoles and have a greater incentive for people to buy it. Why by a X Box 360 and a Blu Ray player when you can get the PS3 for half the price?
  9. That does add to the difficulty but given the game is set several decades in the future a light mount would probably be part of a weapon's design or at least a smart marine would use duct tape.
  10. The Black Isle made and published PC games were all top notch except for Lionheart. They all deserve a place in one's gaming library.
  11. Um... HELLO! New tech. Of course it will be expensive and will require higher end televisions to get full benefits.
  12. I just like to have a civil chat about games without the insults or the constant "irony" bullcrap. If you cannot then I will seek moderator intervention.
  13. Asteroids was an interesting game. I am thinking of a somewhat traditional fantasy homebrew campaign with a slow building of sci fi elements. How well do you think a barbarian would do against a cyborg?
  14. But it helps. Alan: Doesn't matter if I call you out on something or not. It seems that you are making it a vendetta against everything I post by insult and ridicule. Darque: Why bother? People here will just say that I am being stupid or that I am being unreasonable, or in your words "inflexible" even though what I like to see would include real time combat and first person view.
  15. I still haven't seen any evidence that Bethesda has the ability to make a good Fallout 3.
  16. Not really. I consider myself part of the US citizenry and I would love to smack a mallet on these idiots.
  17. Serenity is the best sci fi movie in 10 years. Far better than that drivel that George Lucas and Steven Speilberg put out lately.
  18. So, its an organization full of idiots. That's the Republicans for you.
  19. KotOR 3 will be made whoever Lucas Arts want it to be made by for the most part. Don't like it, too bad too sad. Now keep all KotOR 3 threads in one spot. This is the KotOR 2 forums not the KotOR 3 speculation forums so deal. KotOR 3 has one thread and if you want to post anything KotOR 3 related POST IT THERE and DON'T FREAKING SPAM OTHER FORUMS WITH KOTOR3 DRIVEL! Mods, lock this thread!
  20. Lionheart is the worst Black Isle game made. It is right up there in my top 10 stinkfests.
  21. I was considering to post something about Fallout 3 but I just know I would be insulted and attacked again by Alan and the such so I won't. I'll just say Van Buren, what info we had would have been the closest to what I want to see Fallout 3 to be. Bethesda's style in CRPGs can't do Fallout justice.
  22. A barbarian druid halfling can cause some looks. Of course that jeering half orc ran away when I became a big arse bear and started to rip into him. :D
  23. Kreia is Kreia. Why does it matter? I think you guys are obsessing on trivial matters.
  24. I think it is silly for a campaign to stagnant in technology just because it has magic in it. Frankly I see magic and technology merging in an extended fantasy world. Indoor plumbing will eventually be invented.
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