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6 Foot Invisible Rabbit

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Everything posted by 6 Foot Invisible Rabbit

  1. What remains to be seen is if the game will be an actual sequel or just another game using the Fallout name to sell it.
  2. Actually, it is the junk DNA that might make it more possible for the human race to interbreed with other species.
  3. It is being made and to deny that fact is to be delusional. I am not saying that Bethesda are incapable of making a good Fallout game, but I am saying that it is highly unlikely they will choose to. I am expecting Bethesda to make out of Fallout 3 is a game similar in style to their past games such as the TES series, PotC, and the such. If they do what I expect then the game will be Fallout in name only and I have yet spent money on a game that is like that. If you are going to name a game off a older title then have it be as close as possible to that title, otherwise don't use the name at all.
  4. All you have to do is look at the style of the original Fallouts and the style in which Bethesda presents their games to see that they don't mesh. Bethesda already stated that they are going to continue in which the style they are comfortable with when they are going to make Fallout 3. It doesn't take a whole lot of brains to see how their Fallout is going to be like.
  5. It all depends on how close the chromosomes are related. In Star Trek it is obvious that humans and vulcans can interbreed. Also in that setting a quite a number of species can interbreed with humans. Humans have a versitile genome in that setting. Now in the Star Wars universe a general guideline to use is that a primate evolved species can interbreed with another primate evolved species. Such as human could interbreed with a chiss, or a human breeding with whatever race Luxa is from KotOR 2. However, a rodian and human or a wookie and a human could not breed because the greater difference between the genomes.
  6. Man, more I see this sort of crap the more I hate Christians and religion in general.
  7. I think the majority of the animosity towards them is the fact they got Fallout by the throat and their style of making games is definitely has no place in Fallout.
  8. Okay, since you have played the game Mister Shadowstrider I wonder if you can tell me this. Does the game use a traditional dialog system that is influenced by skill and stats like other CRPGs such as KotOR 2, NWN, and PS:T or does it use the same key word system as in Morrowind?
  9. I am pretty much in the same boat as Shadow Paladin but I also have a weakness for good space sims.
  10. The bunny ate him. :D With the 40 gig space on the blue ray I am wondering if companies are going to fill the space with actual game material or use FMVs to fill it in. I prefer games to use the in game engine to create the cut scenes instead of dropping into FMV mode. Of all the consoles the PS3 is one I am seriously considering in getting.
  11. I have yet played a game that didn't have flaws. There is no such thing as a flawless game.
  12. I think it would be pretty cool if they remade all the Final Fantasy games using the PS3 capabilities to its fullest.
  13. Of the three FF games I have played it is my favorite.
  14. Probably will suck then again nearly all the M&M games sucked.
  15. Moose, why was he putting a loaded shotgun with the safety off "away?" If I was going to put a firearm away I would unload it and put the safety on.
  16. Well, I don't need one but thanks for offering... *backs away slowly*
  17. Just for the record... Anything fun nowadays corrupts the minds of our youths otherwise they wouldn't be fun.
  18. Well, that is what a paralyzed kobold is for.
  19. I don't think a deathclaw could munch on Gabs. I think Gabs would munch on the deathclaw. Of course some A1 steak sauce might be required.
  20. There is a reason why I pronounce MMORPG as "morgue." The "p" is silent.
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