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Everything posted by Palmtree

  1. I don't think I've done that before. I guess I'll have to try it out the next time I play.
  2. I generally prefer blue, although I tend to use a different colour for each character I play.
  3. I'm playing Oblivion at the moment. It's running on an old graphics card at the moment, so all the graphics are messed up, but I should be getting a new graphics card next week!
  4. I completely agree with that. TSL could have been an excellent game, if the stuff wasn't cut out. Instead, it's just a good game, but one that is still quite enjoyable.
  5. I think you just have to be dark side actually. My character wasn't a Sith Lord, but still appeared on the start screen.
  6. There's no real point to unlock all the movies you can get, but it sure feels annoying if you haven't got them all, because you feel you've missed out on something in the game.
  7. I actually enjoyed KOTOR II more than Jade Empire. The real time combat in JE wasn't very good, and it was too short also.
  8. I didn't really think much of it. I just seemed like a nice touch to make you really feel like you had just become a swoop racing champion. I suppose there could have been something bigger going on, but I didn't really think about it at the time.
  9. I didn't really mind that most of the characters from K1 didn't make any "memorable cameos" in K2. Having T3 and HK-47 back in the crew was enough to satisfy me.
  10. What about people without broadband who don't want to wait ages for the Steam service to activate their game? The Xbox version will be a better option, even if the graphics are worse. (I'm assuming we won't need a connection to Xbox Live for this game. I'll be really annoyed if we do.)
  11. Yes, Kae was one of Revan's masters. The Disciple mentions it if you question him when you first meet him in the Jedi Enclave.
  12. I think we would have appreciated the forms more if they actually had different sets of animations, so we could see a visual difference. We probably don't pay much attention to how the numbers coming up to represent damage are changing. Changing forms was really unnecessary for all but the most difficult battles anyway.
  13. It seems that Revan would have had to predict an awful lot, to get the Exile to follow him to the Unknown Regions. I know he's meant to be a great strategist, but even in the world of Star Wars, planning this much in advance seems a bit farfetched.
  14. I've played through KOTOR I with subtitles off, but it didn't really improve the experience, and didn't feel any more cinematic. It was really boring having to sit through the conversations though, and since then I've always played with subtitles on, so I could just read everything and skip past it. I've never played KOTOR II without subtitles.
  15. I doubt it would have been that hard for Revan to leave without Zalbaar. After all you're not forced to take him with you all the time in KOTOR 1. It would probably have been easy for Revan to sneak off without him knowing.
  16. I think Peragus was a good level. Not having your companions and being alone helped to set the tone for the rest of the game. After all you are the 'last Jedi', so you should feel alone. The problem with Malachor was that you didn't know what had happened exactly, which was why it seemed pointless. Peragus felt like it was designed to be the way it was, which is why it was better.
  17. I found this quite annoying as well. I kept expecting extra dialogue to be available at some point, but it wasn't. I hate it when a game leads you to believe there is something extra when there really isn't.
  18. So I guess it wouldn't have mattered what the Exile said anyway, as his actions had already determined him as a failure in Kreia's eyes. I always thought that it was because of what the Exile said, and not what he did, that made Kreia say he was a failure. I guess that was what confused me.
  19. The one where the Ebon Hawk falls into the depths of Malachor. What was the point of that? It didn't seem to add anything to the plot, and we see it flying later anyway.
  20. What does Kreia actually mean when she says you have 'failed' her? I've never really understood that, which makes this part of the game particularly annoying.
  21. KOTOR II could have been better, but I don't think it was a waste of money and time. There are far worse games out there.
  22. I don't remember anything being different about the ending (apart from the fact that Visas is not mentioned by Traya at the end). But it's been a long time since I did this, so I may have forgotten something.
  23. The colour crystals should not have bonuses IMO. They're there so we can choose whichever colour we want. If bonuses were added we might force ourselves to choose a crystal because it helped boost the certain aspects of our character. I'd prefer to choose a colour I like rather than have to worry about how it will affect my character's stats.
  24. KOTOR 1 - Destroying waves of enemies on the Star Forge KOTOR 2 - Destroying waves of enemies on Onderon
  25. Does the dark side version of the Exile actually appear every time? If it does, I've only ever noticed it on one of my playthroughs, and I've completed the game four times. If what people suspect is true, and the final vision reperesents the future, then it seems to suggest that the Exile will join Revan, but they will both turn to the dark side.
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