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Roger the Sith

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Everything posted by Roger the Sith

  1. Ironic, if working out a deal with Intel is actually the reason for holding off the patch.
  2. Your technique is so damn good! I have never looked at manga style THAT way before.
  3. I think he did Putt-Putt and Freddi Fish games for awhile. :D
  4. To answer WITHTEETH's question: I believe that you can coax most people into doing anything. In Russia, they also convinced them that this "anything" is the right thing. So what the masses did and what they thought they were doing were entirely different.
  5. It has been said so many times before, but your work is amazing! I love how your touch expands with every additional piece.
  6. Poor Carth. :'( I wouldn't worry about that with Leia.
  7. Did Chris Avellone script that?
  8. Ron Gilbert. One would think he should have been President of LucasArts by now.
  9. Butt-head: "I'm, like, angry at numbers." Beavis: "Yeah, there's like, too many of them and stuff." My favorite numbers are 3, 9 and 12. But I have, for awhile, been afraid of numbers like 4 and 7. I used to change the time and date on my computer whenever creating some important file -- so it would have combinations of threes and nines instead of fours and sevens. Although, a few years ago, I saw a divine vision of beauty that told me to make amends with number 4. And then I met a girl I really, REALLY liked who was like 4 months and 4 days younger than me. And also, LEGO has four letters in its name, so I guess I like LEGO too. :">
  10. ...and when you visit people's sites who make Kotor sims. :D
  11. ...you start a new game the moment you have defeated Malak/Traya. :">
  12. The best Dark Side solution I know is to: Hours of murderous fun!
  13. But you can cheat to remove the "Cheat Used" flag.
  14. When people whisper in your presence.
  15. Statement: I liked Home Movies. I had a soccer coach like that when I was a kid. :D
  16. Why would anyone cut off an elephant's ear?
  17. Or maybe we could pay Obsidian to do their work... "
  18. Danger! Danger, Will Robinson!
  19. They are all in this together, I tell you. :ph34r:
  20. Shhh! :ph34r: That is the best you get in a world run by a monopoly.
  21. The World Bank is more complicated than that. Their own words: Not a bank, but rather a specialized agency. It works on a political level out of Washington DC in accordance with other "similar organizations" -- UN, US, EU, NATO, etc. (light blue insignias with stars or globes). You cannot eliminate poverty... and they know it. :ph34r: They can still have an organization, though. Now let us end this discussion and get back to the Popes before we get raided by CIA. And do not worry about Wolfowitz too much -- they are just exchanging their Wolfs.
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