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Roger the Sith

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Everything posted by Roger the Sith

  1. *bump* I just thought of sumtin: If they removed the text, there would be more room for artwork. And the story would make about as much sense, especially since her mouth is never open in a form for articulate speech anyway.
  2. Quality! Love your gallery too! :"> Just one silly question left, if I may be so bold: Why do most of your characters have gaiters over their boots? Thank You and All the Best! That's your reaction to nearly everything, Baley.
  3. Hands are a bit tough to draw, but you, Saraya, did them absolutely commendably (or else I wouldn't have noticed the gloves). The good thing with hands is that you know at once when you get them right. Also, I gathered from somewhere that big eyes on a character symbolize intelligence and open-mindedness. Looking forward to more art from You and everyone else. Here's some big eyes to spur the spirit: (w00t)
  4. Most glitches and nonsensical deaths are like some surreal little sitcom within the game. I mean: You create a character, build up the power, get immersed in the drama... and then your PC goes and dies like a moron -- it so ruins the atmosphere. Were it possible, I would have stepped off the first platform on Taris too. Just as well there isn't a best score list. That would be so embarrassing having it remind you: Jedi Master Level 24 (killed by a power conduit)
  5. Oooh... more gloves! :D Who needs a lightsaber anyway when you have all that texture in her clothing! Adorable nose and lips, by the way. Drawing proportions from a circle is an excellent idea! I wish someone had thought me that in school. Big eyes, small mouth... I always drew the opposite. Like this for example: Master Vrook, if you will.
  6. He beat you again! Even in your own poll!
  7. Nice gloves on the first picture, Saraya. I like gloves. Shiny boots on the second picture are also nice. :"> EDIT: Sorry! I was too engrossed in staring at the gloves to notice much else. The face is very nice indeed. Whenever I draw a face, it just comes out so fundamentally wrong.
  8. You can also chase them off the mat by running up close to them ( ) -- they'll take a couple of steps back to fight you.
  9. 2 hits, 3 misses. Lucas is losing it.
  10. All Quiet on the Outer Rim
  11. Now I've seen him too! Thanks! Maybe the good writers are trying too hard (for whatever reason) to stay in character. How many writers work on a single book and who does the layout?
  12. HAH! That is really funny! You don't see it much on the streets anymore though. Where I live, they only "fall down the stairs" at the station. LOL. Mace is funny too. A SW murder mystery would be a great idea -- KotOR Noir. Who is the hero in the detective comic, by the way?
  13. Forego, gratification, excruciating, comes, cleave... -- That comic is really childish. Is the rest of the text so captivating as well?
  14. Maybe it was a hairy Norwegian.
  15. Ha! That reminds me of a funny story... Let me tell you, my girlfriend sorta dumped me... Yeah, she complained I was just too handsome to be for real... Anyway, I kinda ended up wringing her neck and making a run for it. EDIT: Cheers! That one's much better. The red border made my eyeballs bleed.
  16. You really want to win this one, Mira, don't you? Don't worry. I'll create some pseudo users, then put Roger2 to 24 to vote for you.
  17. The duality... ... of MEN? :ph34r: This thread has suddenly taken a turn for the worst?
  18. Would you two like some Vikings to go with that spam? BTW, Bastillla, your sig was better off without the 3rd. He looks kinda sleazy.
  19. I shall never understand whether you're condemning or admiring, Kaftan.
  20. LOL. At least back then he had a sense of taste. What are their ranks? Is Carth Atton's superior?
  21. Unless Mission was born on Uranus. *giggle* Then she would have been 1172 and half years old -- a totally different offence.
  22. There seems to be a glitch in your vocabulary subroutines, Arim.
  23. No more SPAM. Does tough-talking count? Then it's a tie between HK and Mandalore.
  24. Carth called, he says he's not a cry baby. :'(
  25. Atton [ 0 ] Atton called, he says he feels neglected.
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