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Everything posted by Starbreeze

  1. The Force and the double bladed lightsaber.
  2. Never use: Droids Hanharr Kreia Use a lot: Atton Handmaiden Mandalore
  3. Arcane Trickster 29% Combativeness, 60% Sneakiness, 70% Intellect, 47% Spirituality Brilliant and sneaky: You are an Arcane Trickster! Score! You have a prestige class. A prestige class can only be taken after you've fulfilled certain requirements. This may mean that you're an exceptionally talented person, but it probably doesn't. Arcane Tricksters combine arcane magic with rogue skills and sensibilities. They use their magic to confuse their opponents or to augment their more mundane, roguish skills. If you thought it was annoying keeping an eye that that rogue, the Arcane Trickster is probably picking your pocket from the other side of the room. Both smart and sneaky, you're probably the type of person that loves planning practical jokes... either that or knocking over banks.
  4. GREEN, of course! At least for me. (I like silver too.)
  5. I think it looks like the alien from the "Alien" movies.
  6. Taking back the lightsaber and some hoods on the robes. Or why not everything at once? Everyone would be happy!
  7. I like his nose! It's so special...
  8. Ocelot in MGS3.... Because he's handsome.
  9. I don't use him so much when I play, but he's ok. One I don't use at all is Hanharr.
  10. I liked Atton a little more than Handmaiden. Because he's a guy...
  11. You can play free, and pay if you want to get extra things. I play free. Adventure Quest
  12. I usually just run before he catches up with me... Then froce chocke him or something like that. I'm sure you'll make it.
  13. ) Wow, this is good! You inspired me to draw something, right now. ^_^
  14. I liked the story, exept the end... yeah, you understand. And I also liked that you could have apprentices. ... And the force crush.
  15. I played it at my friends house. And that was enough, sure the combos and different styles were good, but I really didn
  16. Somehow, I thought of that too when I played the game the first time.
  17. Silent Hill 4 : The Room - soon done with it.
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