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Everything posted by Volourn

  1. You wouldn't have to pause; just a quick glance at the dialogue window should suffice. As for floating messages; it's not really need due to the fact nWN has two widnows which most other games don't have and the floating text covers.
  2. "NWN, for instance, has 2 feedback windows, one for comnbat happenings; and the other for dialogue." That should be enough to quench your worries, and since you can pause; you can check it out easily if need be.
  3. Uber charisma, and uber wisdom isn't a Consular trait as my Sentinel had pretty good numbers there as well. Admittingly, +3DC is useful though. Locks = Bash. That's so crude.I prefer opening them nicely. Computers = Spikes. I;d rather spend my credits on other stuff. In the early part of the game I was *always* running out of them. Persuade = Force Persuade. More effective? In certain situations, yes. In certain situations, no. Soemtimes it was more trouble than it was worth. Not all of us are into powergaming, sorry. My point is not that the Sentinel is some super power; but that it isn't underpwoered. All 3 Jedi classes have soemthing to offer depending what you are looking for. I mostd efinitely didn't notice this vastly underpowered characetr class that you guys are speaking of. Hmm.. It was definitely as useful as the Consular from what I saw.
  4. SS: Skills were worthless? Hmm.. We must be playinga different KOTOR than. Skills came into place a lot.. And, immunities were handy when they wer ein use plus I didn't have to worry about certain items since I had those immunities covered. Let's check out the Consular's advantages - more force powers, and more force points. Don't really need many force powers anyways as you only need 3-5 any way max, and as for force powers; they're a good boost; but in most instances I never ran out of force power with my Sentinel (or the Consular)anyways since it regenerates inbetween battles and the light sbare did more than enough damage to solve the issue. I used the stun, force wave, and heal force pwoers mostly with a throw lightsabre ocne and awhile. That's all I needed. As for your uberness against malak; that doesn't prove anything of the sort. All it proves is you are a kewl powergamer who kicks SW butt! IO found my Sentinel having a much easier time as Malak tedned to reisst the most dangerous force powers anyways; and the Consular just didn't have the hit points to stand around too long. I mostd efinitely used more heal potions with him then i did with the Sentinel. To each their own.
  5. SS:Weird... since I swear my Sentinel could whip my Consular's butt... who'd have a ahrd time hitting the ac of the Sentinel, and my Sentinel would always pass his ST vs. the force powers... Hmm.. It's one of the reasons my Sentinel laughed at opposing Jedis.. And, the warriors' bab isn't that much better to worry about nor is the Jump ability that impressive since it's really only good for the first round of combat for the most part except in those few cases where enmies are actually spread out.
  6. Troll
  7. Juh? the Sentinel is awesome! As powerful as either of the other two Jedi Classes.
  8. Not really. NWN, for instance, has 2 feedback windows, one for comnbat happenings; and the other for dialogue. Since you don't talk much in combat; you could always have stuff like that in the dialogue box...
  9. Ex, you don't have to defend your posts count. It's just a number. All it means is your active, and your respond to those who respond to you.
  10. Ex, other than that one thread, we're agreeing too much. :ph34r:
  11. I'm with Mr. Urquhart. B)
  12. Hmm.. I don't rememeber anyone mention that at RPGCodex except in jest...
  13. Yeah, because we all know FO Fanatical fans don't act all superior. And, the Interplay baord emmbers had every right to treat the FO fanataics as they did as all I gonna say is that it isn't like the FO Fanatics treated the BIS board members even better. Just read a couple of threads at RPGCodex to see my opint. Every single thread that mentions the BIS boards uaully tends to ends up at 'BIS Board Members are retarded or some other insult". Yeah; but they have no reason to dislike the FO Fanatics. And, it's really no better at NMA. To put it another way; Theyf eel that Shadow Paladin is the 'poster child" of the BIS Forums. Go figure.
  14. You mean you are trollin' as you go. If you want to read smart, intelligent posts; why don't YOU write smart intelligent posts. P.S. I'm just callin' it as I see it as well... More than one can play that game.
  15. Give them time. The forums' been open for justa couple days. As for the Anti Amerikan Muslim; you don't make Allah proud with such rhetoric. In fact, you make him frown in sorrow over his child's sadness. :angry:
  16. Good job fellows. You make me proud.
  17. I try to be.
  18. Hey, nothing wrong with gay porn. I don't care for it; but you shouldn't force your opinions on it on others. Some people would love to have gain porn pmed to them.
  19. I think is one to unite those who tend to disagree as, once again, I find myself agreeing with Exitium on that issue.
  20. McDonald?
  21. Ahh.. Sarge starts on the left trolling foot. Not surprising. *shrugs* And, oh, hi, Sarge.
  22. The BG2 romances mostd efinitely weren't fored on people, and theys ure didn't seem to be either. KOTOR was "worst" than that since Bastila was a amjor chaarcter that the story needed. Heck, in BG2 you could either ignore the romancables altoegther or kill them ouright, or just be friends. Most definitely not what i call forced upon you.
  23. They weren't mandatory in KOTOR1 either...
  24. No. This is Obsidian's first game. Shocking, I know. Most of the employees, and athe owbers as well worked on and had a big part at BIS; but this is Obsidian's first game - whatever game it is.
  25. down
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