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Everything posted by Volourn

  1. "All there is on DA is at Bioware's site with not actual proof the game is being made seen by a third party." False. You musta missed all those previews last year. R00fles!
  2. Draikin: I'll give the odds for that being ana ctuall screenshot, and will say sorry for being wrong. That still doesn't eman they were all about mmo and money. It seems to they did everything they could to mkae Bg (and their later games) a success. Not to emntion that BG (or the IG) was NOT thier first game. Hades, I shall not apologize to you. You are wrong. there's LOTS of info for DA. LOTS.
  3. Your little blurb proves nothing. I need something substantial - like a signe ddocument from the BIO and BIS CEOs. I'll be waiting. "Anything officially released to the media or just words spouted out on the internet forums?" 1. The media screws up facts, anyways. 2. Yes, do some research. 3. Read previews. 4. Read the FAQ. 5. The list goes on.
  4. There's been lots of details shared by BIO on DA. Lots.
  5. . "One of the "demands" (among many) that both BioWare and Pandemic had before agreeing on the partnership was that no one from either of the existing companies would lose their jobs and ALL current projects (announced and in developement) would continue as planned. Another result of the new partnership with BioWare, Pandemic and Elevation is that we plan to continue to increase the size of the teams that we have. So not only are we not losing anyone, we're actuially planning on hiring more. How many? I'm not really sure, but there is talk of hundreds being hired between both studios over the next 3 years (based on qualified applicants, of course). If you are interested in possibly working for BioWare or Pandemic in Edmonton, LA or Brisbane, check out the link to our current available positions at the top of this page:" The above is from the BIO baords from a BIO employee. "Think on this, Volourn. There recent titles have been one released PC only game, a cross platform game, 1 console only game. Now they only have one console only game they just announced and one PC game they announced so early that it feels like Duke Nukem Forever." Youa re forgetting SOU, HOTU, Kingmaker, Gold, Platinum, Electrum, Spaghetti, Macaroni, Spahhire, and Opal versions of NWN. Seems to me they've been pretty busy on the PC front. And, aagin, BIo has stated that DA is currently their signature game in development. That's right, a console focused company's main game is PC. Go figure. Game over. "An alliance with the most evil person in this industry (in 1996 EA was still a good publisher, now it's an evil empire thanks to this guy), that doesn't sound good to me. The doctors never cared about games, they were just lucky Interplay gave them the d&d licence and a lot of money to make BG when they just wanted a publisher for their mmo project." You don't know what youa re talking about. BIO had no intention of making mmo projects, fool. And, they cared enough about games to give up their former job. They cared about games so much that they had JE in their minds sicne BIo was formed ten years ago. Do you even know what youa re talking about? I think not as your post proves.
  6. "it actually makes sense. BioWare has been focusing on the console/action RPG market of late anyway." This statement is awesome. BIO is focusing on action/console RPGs yet tehir prime game in development is DA for the PC which is a party based RPG. Not to mention their continued support of NWN a PC RPG. Yeah, keep posting. I need a laugh. You sound just like the whiners on the JE, and ME boards. :D
  7. "I hate EA and anything related to it. I refuse to buy any EA game or game associated by EA" 1. Youa r egonna buy any game with a BIO logo. heck, you bought an x-box just to play JE and you "HATE" consoles. 2. EA has nothing to do with this. Nothing. Oh yeah, I used to work at x place and then bought y company, x place is involved. Hahaha. That is silly disucssion.
  8. "Its still has the EA taint." EA has NOTHING to with this 'partnership', 'takeover', 'combination', 'financing' or whatever fancy word you want to use for the development. Nothing. It be like saying if Bill Clintion bought a company that somehow the US government was involved just because he's the former president. Tsk, tsk.
  9. Alanshu, I was referring tot he end of their independnece. Not the end end. "EA's former CEO will now be the top dog for BioWare." Nope. He's a partner of BIO's. BIG difference. Not to mention he's not EA anymore 'cause he wans't good enough. Hahahaha!
  10. Question: What big difference was there for JE and KOTOR when it came to porting or multi platforiming? KOTOR was *always* planned as a multiplatform. JE never was. In fact, the very reason why BIo chose the xbox (and MS) over its competitors is because they felt that the x-box was the best machine for that particular game. That's why it wans't ported nor was it ever intended to be ported. If it was they would have assuredly started on a port even before its x-box release. Game over. "Other companies do fine with their own IP's so why do we excuse Bioware ? " Yo, McFly, 600k+ copies in 6 months doesn't need to eb exused. Last i checked, that's more than fitting for the definition of fine. Since when did the blockbuster' of 1 mil copies all of assuden become the idea of 'fine'. R00fles!
  11. That's my point. JE didn't need to sell 1 mil or 2 mil to be a financial success. Anyone who assumed that BIO's name was the equal of D&D or SW or even better comparison Squaresoft or Blizzard are smokin' dope. BIO may be a big boy amongst RPG groupies; but in the larger game market they arne't a Big Boy. "Actually only half the KotOR sales should have been expected since KotOR is on two platforms and Jade Empire was only on one. I am sure JE would have reached the 1 millionth mark by now if it was on both PC and X Box." Shhh.. Don't tell people this. "Really, wasn't aware, how so?" Read interviews, and previews of the game. Espicially the early ones. Supposedly Obsidian 'reports' to BIo once a month to go over the game and Bio gives suggestion on toolset, engine, and campaign so it 'honours NWN's legacy'. I'm sure NWN2News has the clippinsg as well as BIO does if you do a search. It's old though so I'm not gonna dig again. "They thought about porting it. They decided not too. There is a reason why" More like they had no real intention to except an outside chance; but decided to say everything BUT no. Read between the lines. They're doing the same exact thing with ME.
  12. "In Canadian money it is. Isn't $50 canadian like $5 USD?" R00fles! (w00t) "1. It's not always a good idea to do named material since you may not be able to break away from it. 2. Bioware can't stand on it's own feet in the market without a license to carry it. " Yeah, 600k+ copies in about 6 MONTHS (with no expansions). Oh the horror! Not! Anyone whoe xpected JE to do KOTOR (on two systems), or Bg series (2 games +2 expansions), or NWN (+2 expansions) is just plain silly. And, dumb. And, doesn't know anything about the market.
  13. "I'd expect they get 0% Just had to pay for the engine rights" Except the fact that BIO's involvement with NWN2 goes beyond the engine. ie. NWN2 is being handled differently than, say, The Wicther another game using the licensed Aurora Engine. "It went bargain bin fast enough to make your head spin." $50 is bargain bin? WOWSERS!!!
  14. "No, you don't, but if Bio could go back in time I bet they don't make this game." I doubt this is true. The BIO bosses have been set on JE since thir inception into the gaming ranks. "Ya, but it's not great. Bio makes RPGs assuming they'll be hits (2 million plus sellers), because they almost always are. I bet there financial backing of JE reflected that." No. I'm sure when BIO, and MS went to the table they realzied that JE would likley NOT sell as much as established IPs like D&D and espicially SW. The fact that Bio didn't have to worry about the Ip burden probably made the development cheaper as there was no third party involved. Just them, and the publisher. "People are still playing NwN now. Dragon Age would have to offer something significant since unless you object to the NwN model in principle , you can download as many new stories as you want to play. The time when DA should release is the same time that NwN II will be reaching maturaty with user created content. " Everyone who isn't stuck up their butts knows that the majority of people who bought NWN and its epxansions did so for the official campaigns. Period. The same will be true for NWN2, and those same people will likely pick up DA.
  15. "How much of the profits from NWN2 does bioware get btw?" You actually expect someone here to know the official number? Come on. Don't be silly.
  16. "Really dont know I get the feeling that NwN II will be stealing that particular thunder." How? NWN2 by mid 2006. DA, at the earliest, sometime in 2007. Your numbers do not compute.
  17. "AND JE WAS NOT A SUCCESS, IT WON'T COME CLOSE TO KOTOR OR NWN IN SALES, BUT IT'S NOT SOME KIND OF MONSTER FAILURE" You don't have to sell as much as NWN, or KOTOR to be a success. 600k+ copies in 6 months is pretty darn good. I also doubt JE cost as much a seither NWN or KOTOR to make as well. Go figure. "If Bioware stops making good games I don't buy them. I am capable of that unlike some people!" You win.
  18. "Funny your figures dont match those of the source." Funny. Are you blind, being silly for the heck of it, or just plain dumb? I'll let you decide. I wrote: KOTOR sold 2.5 mil copies Source wrote: "STAR WARS: KNIGHTS OF THE OLD REPUBLIC Released on the Xbox in July 2003 and on PC in November 2003 and published by LucasArts, this was the fastest-selling Xbox game in history at the time of its release The game has sold over 2.5 million copies to date (Xbox and PC) and spawned a successful sequel which was launched in Xmas 2004" I wrote NWN sold 3mil copies Source wrote: "NEVERWINTER NIGHTS SERIES Neverwinter Nights continues to sell well, with the compilation product Neverwinter Nights Gold (featuring Neverwinter Nights and the Shadows of Undrentide expansion) released in November 2003. A new compilation, Neverwinter Nights Platinum was released in September 2004, featuring Neverwinter Nights and both commercial expansion packs The game debuted at #1 worldwide at launch. Neverwinter Nights and its two expansions have sold close to 3 million copies worldwide so far" I wrote Bg sold 2.6 mil copies Source wrote: "BALDUR'S GATE SERIES Baldur's Gate, released in 1998 has sold over 2 million units for PC and has won many industry awards; in 1999, BioWare released Baldur's Gate: Tales of the Sword Coast, a Baldur's Gate expansion pack. It debuted at #1 worldwide and sold over 600,000 units" I wrote BG2 sold 2.5mil copies Source wrote: "BALDUR'S GATE SERIES Baldur's Gate II: Shadows of Amn, was released in Sept. 2000 and continued the award winning story line of the Baldur's Gate series, selling over 2 million units so far; in June 2001. Baldur's Gate II: Throne of Bhaal was released, the expansion pack to the award winning Baldur's Gate II: Shadows of Amn, and the conclusion to the Baldur's Gate series, selling more than 500,000 units" It should be obvious my numbers wer epretty accurate to the source withiut being anal. Stop embarassing. I'll let numbers speak for themselves and let others judge you for the foolishness you are. Game over.
  19. "How far along is it anyway ?" 2007 at the earliest. Don't worry about it. "Where are you getting these figures from ? Post a link to a source. " I hate links. I hate sources. But I LOVE to embarass you. LOVE > HATE so.... http://www.bioware.com/bioware_info/about/
  20. BG1 + expansion sold 2.6mil copies. BG2 + expansion sold 2.5mil copies. NWN + expansions sold 3mil copies. KOTOR + no expansion sold 2.5 copies. You lose. Again. Stop trying. You are losing here. Huge. Game over. NEWSFLASH: Your theory that BIO's sales have gone south since BG2 is plain old fashion FALSE. "I'm pretty sure NWN and KOTOR managed more than 5.5 copies too since I have 4 Heh. must edit quicker. It's (obviously) 5.5 mil copies. :D
  21. "In terms of sales Biowares been on a downward slide since BG II hasnt it." False. False. False. Combined, BG and BG2 sold 5 million copies. Combined, NWN and KOTOR has sold 5.5 MILLION copies. (lol) JE has 600k+, and it's just over 6 months old while the BG series have had years to sell + expansions as well. You better learn to do math, moi boy. It's embarassing to have to embarass you so much. You lose. P.S. Hades, I never said BIo was dead. I said they were no longer independent. Big difference.
  22. "I don't think it's the end of Bioware." Huh? It *is* the end. They are no longer independent. The Doctors no longer have absolute final nor the only say. They have new partners whose opinion is equal to theirs now. Period.
  23. You missed the point SP. The point of that post wa snot toa rgue how much money JE lost or did not lost. or even how much it earned or did not earned. It was simply used to kaboch the idea that somehow JE's "failure" or "success" is what somehow led to BIO choosing to partnering up with other companies. I seriously doubt one game underperforming (if that is even the case which I doubt) would bring financial ruin to a company. Anyways, BIo is no longer independent. Period. Game over.
  24. Jade Empire has sold over 600k copies and counting. There is already a semi annoucned sequel on the way. For some reason a game that would lead to a dveloper's demise would not be getting the go ahead for the sequel by the publisher...
  25. "I hope Bioware fights this." Why would they fight something they wanted? This was their choice. It wans't like they were bought out in the stock market. They chose to be a aprt of this partnership. Period. A bad choice, imo; but meh. Game over.
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