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Everything posted by Volourn

  1. "When I say lazy, I mean that to me, it is lazy to just let a God solve problems or influence your life. "Oh no I'm in trouble! Well I pray all the time so God will take care of me, thats what God wants". YOU are in charge of your life and only you can make things happen and influence what happens with your life. Not God." That's absolutely nonsense filled. Many religious people are some of the most driven people ever. The fact that thse people often have successful careers in various fields proves this. I seriosuly doubt they expect God to s'olve all their problems'. In fact, one of the big things is that God expects one to solve their own problems. People tend to pray to God for guildance and comfort; but ultimately their decision and actions are *theirs*. "Instead of "retarded", I should've used another term, like "naive" or something. To me, worshipping a God is barbaric, it is a lack of evolution, it is closing your eyes to many truths, like leaders of certain countries who use religion as a means to gather support for their causes/goals. People are so blinded by their religious beliefs that they will fly a plane in a skyscraper because their leader, a human being, told them they would reach a kind of heaven if they did." Absolute crap. What you are suggesting is naive, and barbaric. It also proves how blined you are by YOUR extremism, and YOUR hatred. btw, This is coming from an EX Christian who dissaproves of God's murderous ways. "Aethism isnt a religion." I said it was like a religion; not that it was a rleigion. Subtle but suitable differences. Many athiests surely trwat it as one espciially with their Damnation of The Religious', and the extremist views.
  2. Atheism is a religion pretty much as well. It even has its extremists as illustrated in this thread.
  3. Since when did (plus a few other low scores you missed)become 'quite a few' expisiclaly when you list dozens of others...
  4. No. The customers are to blame. Besides, there's no such thing as 'excessively' voluptious women. I'd rtaher have that then uglies or normals... just like I'm sure female gamers appreciate that I'm not used for a male character model. That would give them nightmares for eons.
  5. Good thing I don't tend to wait for permission.
  6. Quite frankly, I blame the JE artists for the gals not wearing really skimpy clothes, and not being endowed to a greater degree... That's just me though.
  7. RPGs, and sports. RPGs - Stories, characters, the ability to influence outcomes, and fun combat make this a good place. As a wannabe (crappy) writer; I love stories so a well written one even if not wholy original is cool. Sports - I love sports games because I love stats. And, sports are simply fun. P.S. The average R[G is 40 hours long. LOL Not in my 20 year experience. LOL
  8. Hey, I posted on topic! You people are the ones who made it personal, and flamed me. At least Lare is posting on topic (and repsonse to what i said) as opposed to who said i which is cool even if we disagree which there is nothing wrong with that., I am not important. The post material is all that matters. When someone flames me, I will respond. Novel concept, I know.
  9. Update # ? in this thread: The same games as before - NWN (still modding albeit slowly, dialogue writing takes forever.....), and MVP Baseball 2006 (on 6th season).
  10. I don't argue. I discuss. P.eople disagree. I discuss that. To argue implies a more sinister approach. I am evil; but I am not sinister.
  11. Mocking the mocker? Sarcasm only works when it isn't obvious. R00fles!
  12. "ONLY permissible" Permissable? I didn't know I needed a permission slip? "Is it possible to restore XP expended in crafting (like levels drained by high level undead)?" No. Only way to get back xp used in crafting/spellcasting is by the usual methods of xp gaining (adventuring, combat, compleetingq uests, role-playing, etc.). No quick fix like restore will help. "the oc was awful," No. It was good. Your opinion here is *wrong*. " and just because 90 % of the stuff out there is even worse doesn't make it better." True; but I was referring to the people who are likely to post 'the OC is one of the worst RPGs ever' which always shows a lack of experience or judgement on the posters part.
  13. Because it's supposed to be a part of the 'empowering process'. Crafting magic items is not as simple as typic of crafting a normal weapon for example. It takes a part of the creator to empower it... this is illustrated by the loss of experience points. It's also why the more powerful the item; the more xp it takes. It's for the same reason certain powerful spells cost experience points to cast. The process drains the catser or item creator. That's why. P.S. The OC was good. Better than 90% of the trash that passes for RPGs that's for sure. P.S.S. NWN's gameplay is amongst the best ever for RPGs. Only the FOs, IE games, Ultima, and a few others match up with it in this area, and the IE games are lacklustre in comaprison due to the lack of game play options. P.S.S.S. There'll be bugs; but I doubt it will be that bad.
  14. Crafting sounds good overall; but no experience point cost for it? BOOO! There should be a cost outside of gold/items to craft powerful magical items. Not good; not good at all.
  15. "Volourn, they looked goofy. What kind of competent warrior, even a martial artist, would go half naked into battle? That is just stupid. Also it seems that every female PC model was greatly endowed in the breast department in dressed skimpily. That is just a tad ridiculous." Most Asian movies I see even Asian created ones, most Martial Artists aren't wearing all that much. And, which female PC model was 'greatly endowed' or dressed skimpily espicially comapred to other games? Just because some skin is showing doesn't mean it qualifies as 'skimpy'.
  16. The PCs? You don't pick 'PCs'. You pick character models. And, they looked great - surely better than the character models in any previous BIO or BIS or Troika game. Only BL stands up to JE as far as RPGs That matter Go tm character model wise.
  17. Volourn


  18. "I do agree with that but I still like to give my character as much as a unique look as possible." Everyone does. The issue isn't that; but how important it is in the whole RPG scheme. You were making it seem like THE most important thing. My point is a RPG doesn't stop being a RPG becaue it limits Barbie Dress Up tm. espicially since most RPGs that do have Barbie Dress Up doesn't have or have limited effects on how an unique looks effects the game. My opinion is if a chocie doesn't effect the game in some meaningful way even if its as small as one inch of a dialogue teee than it's rather useless in a meaningful role-playing way. In your example, it's cool to weild two daggers against, say, a dragon; but it be even cooler if the dragon reacted to such a silly prospect as opposed to the protypical 'knight in shining armour'.
  19. Volourn


    Rangers better win tonight to stop their HORRIBLE losing streak! FINALLY, they'll do something smart, and play THE BEST GOALIE IN HOCKEY (possibly barring the now Olympic cripped Hasek)! That is all. P.S. The Kanandian (or US) team didn't dog it at the Olympics. They simply weren't the best teams this years. People should just brealize that upwards of 6 countries are legimiate gold medal contenders in hockey.
  20. I agree; but role-playing is not about playing dress up. While having more options on how to dress your character or what weapons you use (of course, btw, you have various choices in JE on what weapon or combat styles to use) it is not the main aspect of role-playing. How your character acts, reacts, and helps shape the game world and story is 1000%+ more importance. Afterall, Diablo has more 'dress up' options than JE; but it's nowhere near the role-playing game that JE is and I *know* you agree with me on that. "
  21. "Anyway I'm a total non-believer and religion is for the lazy and retarded." The same can be said for those wo over simplify such complex issues. You sound as religious as the most religious person - you have the belief that anyone who doesn't believe what you believe must be reatrded and lazy amongst other nasty name calling.
  22. I dunno. I play role-playing games to play a role; not to play Barbie Dressup. I must be playing wrong genre though if dress up is what my fellow 'role-players' want in their rpgs...
  23. "In Jade Empire there is no significant way to personalize characters." Yes, there is. The way you treat others (ie. role-playing), the way you complete quests (ie. role-playing), what weapons/styles used, how you interact through the various dialogue skills, the Gem Medallion.
  24. What i find funny about Hades is that he loathes extremists espicially religious ones yet that's *exactly* what he is.. an extremist, and his religion is one of hate. Very scary!
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