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Everything posted by Volourn

  1. Not luck. Smart business sense is more like it. As for BG leading to NWN, once again, NWN was likely in the works before BG was finished hence all the forshadowing of it in BG1 meaning that BIO and Interplay had likely already signed the contract for the game. So, you saying, that Interplay would ahve broek that contract... then again, this is Interplay so they might have. That said, it wasn't like BG was the first game of BIO that Interplay published. In fact, until the NWN loss, Interplay had published every BIO game... Hmm.. It seems to me it wasn't luck that got BIO the gig; but a trust that at that point hadn't been broken between publisher-developer. That doesn't sound like luck.
  2. "How many non D&D tiltes have failed ?" Irrelevant. " How interesting did Biowares original idea for the game (name I completely forget) sound ? " Who knows. Enough for Interplay. "Why was Bioware chosen for NwN ? Because of BG." Really? From what we know, NWN was in the planning WHILE BG1 was made; not after. Hence, the hints in the game. "Why were they chosen for KOTOR ? BG/BGII." Because of their proven successes from the start of the line. "Jade Empire you can see as Biowares first attempt to escape from doing licenses. And as you yourself said it was hardly a spectacular success." It still was a success. Anyone who expected it to sell as well as BG/NWN/KOTOR overrate BIO's popularity. The bottom line that Grom is getting at here is that compared to the majority of devs for both D&D and SW games; BIO is quite successful.
  3. "1. They got very luck with Interplay and BG1/2." It wasn't luck. Afterall, the most successful D&D games ever are BIO D&D games. I don't think even the GB games did as well as the BIO D&D games. "2. They have had the CRPG field more or less to themselves for quite a number of years." This is false. The only problem is that outside of Betehsda and the ES series, BIO has completely flattened the competition so it *seems* they have the market alone. On top of tat, you are ignoring BIS/Interplay, Troika, Bethesda as well as the Gothics, DSs, and so on and so forth. "How similiar is ME to Gears of War ? " It's not. "kinda likes how they insist that je were a wonderful selling game and the start of a grand new franchise." Got proof it isn't? "third-person 'shooter' combat" ME isn't a shooter. It's a 'story focused squad based action RPG'. That comes straight from this article. What a mouthful. Action RPG fits it fine, I think. "Bioware is a console market bitch by now." It's good for you to ignore the facts. BIO is working on 2 console games - ME, and another game. Both these are going to have comparitively short dev cycles showing that BIO's focus isn't really on them. BIO is working on NWN still... a pure PC game. BIO is working on DA, and is putting a great amount of focus in this pure PC game. BIO is working on a MMORPG which will almost likely be a PC game. In fact, they made a whole new division for it. NOW, that's focus. Going by the facts, it seems their focus is still inching towards the PC. LOLOLOLLIPOP
  4. "It seems to matter for Volourn." It seems I'm not the only one it actually 'matters' to. How many posts is that for you in this thread about it? Hahhaa!! "He obviously thinks they can't do no wrong." Thanks. Remember, hwoever, you are as big a fanbouy if not bigger fnaboy than me. You complain, and complain yet you'll buy every game they release.. heck, you bought a x-box just for JE... an action RPG of all things. LOL LOLOLOLLIPOP
  5. Pay attention. BIO forums, RPG Dot, and the list goes on. We have LOTS of information about DA, and YOU should try proving that it's all lies what BIO has said about DA. Information given from the DEVELOPERS (on their baords or elsewhere) is the MOST RELAIBLE information. It's silly, and delusional to think otherwise. Sure. ME has its fair share of 'articles'; but they're all repetively stating the same thing. If I had 'blind faith' in BIO; I would have bought ALL THEIR GAMES which I haven't. Go figure.
  6. That's dumb talk. DA is going along fine. It having a longer dev cycle than ME is more likely to do with it having a greaternumber of stuff to do. Afterall, ME is a pure SP game while ME comes with a total package ala NWN and even throws in TWO official campaigns - one for SP and one for MP. On top of this, BIO isn't Interplay... they don't have a habit of canceling projects so until they start let's not worry too much. BIO has been clear that that DA is their most ambitious project to date. I do like the fact that this interview should (but won't) shut up those who keep singing about how ME is a shooter. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Morons that they are! LONG LIVE BIO! KING OF RPGS! P.S. Once again, LOTS of information has been released by BIO on DA. You have to be BLIND not to see it. Definitely more than there has been for ME.
  7. Update: NWN (only making my mod; no actual playing), MVP Baseball 2005, and Everquest 2 (kinda fun; but controls are so annoying).
  8. Volourn


    100 100 100
  9. I smell bigotry. "
  10. Trying to purge all emotions is very emotional in of itself hence trying to purge all emotions leads to the Dark Side.
  11. The whole idea of 'fobidding love' is retarded. It is illogical to try such a thing.
  12. McD is awesome. Some of the best food ever. Period. Those who disagree are simply wrong, and blinded by falsehood. And fattening? HAHAHA! I so wish it was.
  13. "Was it invincible and faster than you?" O M G That was so mean;; I applaud you. Modding si ok. I love the dming/storybuilding it. The scripting, and dialogue writing for game mods cna be annoying though. That's why my mod, while I'm still working on it, is taking longer than I thought. My eyeballs go out after awhile, and I need a break.
  15. HAHAHA! Love your sig link!!!
  16. Mortals can't kill Gods in the Realms. It has never happened not even during the Time of Troubles.
  17. Mock dwarves all you wnat. Just remember, them being short puts them in the proper palce to cut you off from the knees... or even worse. DWARVES RULE ALL!
  18. Volourn


    It sucks; but only a minor injury so not that big of a deal.
  19. Hmm.. It seems the comapnions are gonna consist of odd races just because they're different. And, great races like dwraves have to be stereotyped because it's fantasy? WTH? The story sounds super cliche, and forced. They attack the twon all because of you. So, this idea that you arne't important at the start of the game isn't actually true? Youa re important. Hmm.. The best thing about the interview is that the henchmen seem to be a focus. However, it should be pointed out that Obsidian didn't add the 'henchmen'. They were already there in SOU, and HOTU.
  20. What a joke. The whiners who wnat to charge the girls are absolutely pathetic.
  21. "To be profitable in Hollywood, movies must now cover most of their cost during the first week/weekend(from release day to following sunday, inclusively). If the film achieves such a "feat", a sequel is almost assured(like 80% sure). If not, the franchise is pretty much dead(like 80% "pretty much")." Not quite some true. Many movies do poorly in theatres; but then do really well in DVD sales that they continue on.
  22. I'm with SP, I buy them to collect them. Just for fun. And, then I read them after I finsh the game once. For games like D&D, I'll also likely read the sections on spells, feats, and the like as well since I don't consider that 'spoilerish' as sometimes the strategy guide will explain clearer than the game itself or the manual on how spells and stuff work in game as opposed to pnp which is fair knowledge that we as players should know. Using them for spoilers is silly.
  23. "Don't be an ass, Volo. The democracy in Iran is less of a pork-barrel than the US "electoral College" system. To compare it to a totalitarian regime just makes you look as ignorant as you are, which is something you should avoid, methinks." Wrong. To compare the 'democracy' of Iran to the US democracy only makes YOU look ignorant. 1. When the US voted in the President of the US; the Presdient has actual power and say on how the country is run. That's what democracy is - the people voting on who has the power. 2. When Iranians vote in the President; they voted in the Lap Dog for the Religious Rulers. The President of Iran is not the head cheese in Iran. Someone who is UNELECTED holds the power in Iran. Thereby, making Iran anything *but* a Democracy. Only someone who is naive, or blind to the actual facts believes Iran is a democracy.
  24. Hahahahaha! NWN rocks. BEST GAME EVAR! And, it's graphics are still good for the most part ( a little blocky; but meh). Sure beats its contemprary MW which tried to pass brown poo from the company toilets as 'good graphics'. And, why do people constantly try to brag about NWN2 graphics by comparing it to NWN1? That's not nor should it be impressive. NWN1 was released in 2002, and NWN2 is being released in 2006. It *should* have better graphics. Let's comparing it to current games at least like Oblivion (*puke*), or the upcoming Gothic 3 (possibly cool). "and if it is multiplayer you want (for free) Guild Wars is probably much better anyway." Guild Wars is horrible. I overrated it when i first played, and regreated that after baout 5 hours of play. Great graphics, and an 'okay' character system. That's it. Everything else about it is completely blaisse.
  25. "yes, they have a democracy" Yeah, and so did Iraq under Hussein. R00fles!
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