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Everything posted by Volourn

  1. "I even had a priest of Tyr say "We may not worship the same god but I'm going to help you..." R00fles!
  2. "Your logic is positively Volournian." Troll.
  3. I got 4 faves so I did not vote. If this was 'most hated' it be a two horse race between Ammon and Neeshka. My top faves are Shandra, Elanee, Sand, and Khelgar. I vote a 4 way tie. Game over.
  4. Oohh.. that's nasty!
  5. Yeah, when exchange posts with Alanshu; it automatically makes me think of a specifc Albertan. It's oen bthinkt to hink of, say, a group of people; but a specific person? Not really. Face it, Z is definitely made based around Dak'kon. Her speech patterns - which are NOT githazeri based - are taken from Dak'kon. That's why people auto think of him.
  6. Volourn


    Sorry; but when a player flat out demands a trade espicially after he led said team to the Finals; he obviously has a problem with said team. He cna deny it 'til he is blue in the face.
  7. Sure. Just like BIO often rip offs certain story elements from their various games. Look at Aribeth, and that silly Jedi Female in KOTOR. They are essentially the same character. I'd be shocked if anyone didn't think Dak'kon as soona sthey first heard Z speak - unless they hadn't played PST, of course.
  8. Yeah, it seems senseles to have a big habaloo of which way is 'better'. I don't care for the purple swipes but I TERMINATED them. MUAHAHAHAHA!!!
  9. Oops. Sorry. I assumed since you were still reading the thread; you knew what the main topic was about. Urgh.
  10. A little of both. The constant string of 'truth' that comes out of her moluth is very irritating and is certainly a rip off. Other than that, she's a cool character. A tribute is the sort fo thing that started this thread - her reference to Dak'kon.
  11. Volourn


    Chris Pronger is awesome. It';s too bad the Oilers failed to prove to him that theyw ere a worthy team. I wish him great success in Anaheim... and, he's done so thus far. I tend to like the Oilers due to the Moose connection; but in this scenario; they failed in their mission. Anyways, prediction: Mark messier will be Coach of the NY Rangers within the decade... :joy:
  12. So legendary.. that I never heard of him 'til now. <. More seriously, it's always sad when some has died (unless they are beyond evil) so sad news indeed. May those who actually cared about him (his family and friends) remember him for his life.
  13. Yes, but as much as I like Z, she is obvious a 'rip off' of D.
  14. Yup, I wasn't really complaining just stating that SS seemed to be overstating how much religion is referred to in the game.
  15. "Religion has an effect on the game, especially if you're a cleric." Very, very, very small effect. Pretty much neglible.
  16. Neeshka is a hypocrite. She whines about loyalty yet has none herself. LOL She deserved to die just like Jerro yet he is too COWARDLY to leave. Jerkoff. He deserves to die!!!
  17. Sure; but they don't all speak so one dimensionally. Like I said, nothing in the books on the subject that I have read even hints that they speak only like Dak'kon or Zhaevre. Like I said, that's most likely a Mr. Avellone touch to them. Nothing wrong with that though.
  18. I don't think the Githerzai have to speak like that. That seems to be a Mr. Avellone thing. Certainly none of the materials I've read on them states that they have a tendency to overuse the word 'know' (or knowing). LOL They speak quite normally actually.
  19. My keep timeline is 100%. Pretty much have everything maxed out except for number of troops. Only managed to get about 300 recruits including volunteers from the village. I suck at recruiting. From a few apges back, I went back to Port Llast several more times, and eventually found that 4th sergeant. Gah. I OWN Jerro. I OWN him so much. I put him in his palce, and he cried to his mummy. He's still a punk who deserves to be FRIED. Why is this FOOL forced in my party? I do NOT need him! I have Z who is 100x better. Though, I must admit, he touched me a little bit with his so called remorsefulness over Shandra's death after I OWNED him. The Fortress Seige was aweosme! The opening cermeony with Lord Nasher at Port Llast cam eoff as lame; but everything else was WOWSERS!!! The various battle sequences, the reports, everything. Too kool for skool. I think there's no way to count how many udnead we slaughtered. Those crying about how 'useless' the Cloaks and allies are; try buffing them. I cast various spells like barksin, flame weapon, stoneskin, and the like on them. Great fun! Oh my Elanee! She professed her love for me alongside some cheesy music (probably Obsidian's way of getting back at all the fans who demanded romances even though Obsidinaites don't seem to into game romances). HAHA! Elanee and I scored with other. I wonder if we'll have a dwelf!!! KOS's domain was, let's just say, interesting. The undead kept on coming. It was pretty obvious that the dark clouds wer ethe key. Heh. Still greta fun! Boy, does that place ever collect the junkiest junk. I thoiguht you couldn't rest, btw? I tried when I first entered and di so no problem. After the next boss battle,. I tried again; got attacked twice then rested. The battle with the three Shadow Weavers.. was interetsing.. it didn't help that several times Z and Jerro kept on NOT using the scrolls. Jerro eventually died 'cause he's an idiot so Z had to basiclaly do all the reading herself. She evn took time out of her busy schedule to rez my character. The first time my character had to be rez not counting the handful of times my party got TPK. Never got wiped out in this battle; but it sure took awhile to beat these dinks. This was a fun fight! They seemed to be able to damge my PC pretty easily. Now for some more fun.. and, stupid. Bishop, of course, shows up and cries that I took the paladin's side too much? WTH? I never partied with the two of them together. LOLOLOLOLLIPOP What a maroon. The next betrayer was Neeshka. Onc eagain, this shows how asanine her entire character she is. I showed no loyalty to her? WHAT!?! You forced yourself into my party, demanded that I steal, and continued to whine about EVERYTHING and you accuse ME of betraying YOU!?! One. of. the. worst. characters. ever. The last betrayer was poor Qara. Too bad too 'cause as a player I liekd her a lot, and my character had high hopes for her too. Sadly she was too chaotic to tame, and her hatred for Sand knows no bound. I was sad to see her turn; but it was ultimately her choice. Now, the actual battle. This was a long battle; not really hard; but took FOREVER. First off, the three scumbags dropped nice and easy. Morons. However, that slippery Bishop sneaked up on Z when I was paying attention to another part of the battlefield and killed her quick. He died 2 seconds afterwards by my PC, and his archrival, the paladin. Poor Grobnar also got ambushed by a stupid demon that ported in right beside him. With his alck of hit points, he nearly died instantly. Garius' minions were eaisly taken care off. I didn't realize at first that the barriers could be destroyed. LOL So, 3/4 of my party were trapped for the longest time 'til we took them down. Meanwhile, my PC decided to spend his time hammering on Gariius. And, it took FOREVER though I wasn't taking much damage. He must have been near death like 10 times AT LEAST. During this time, my other characters wer esmahsing the various barriers, and Z was rezzing Grobnar (I had rezzed her with a scroll earlier). Eventually, welal jnust gangbaned Graiius and he fell into a puddle of poo. WHAT!?! He had no ph@t lewt? btw, Was there a 'secret' o defeating him quickly or is he susppoed to have super regenerative powers? LOL I should also ifnorm you all that unlike most of the game, I didn't even bother to buff before beginning battle these last two boss battles so I wasn't as prepared as per usual. Hey, gotta get challenged somehow. Anyways, I got to exact revenge on that annying tiefling finally, had to put poor beloved Qara out of misery, and had to end the evil existence of the betraying ranger who should have NEVER been with me in the first place. LOL Does anyone know if you cna get Sand, and Qara both to stay? Is there a scenario where Jerro will betray you? Doubtful; but that would be cool. What companions have others lost? Garious didn't even try to brainwash some of the npcs like Elanne, or Khelgar. I am now level 20, and at full strength. The King of Shadows awaits his doom...
  20. "MCA certainly has a soft spot for his Gith. Githgirl is imo the best written and realized NWN2 character by far." I wouldn't got that far. She's very good though. Khelgar, Sand, Elanee, and a few otehrs ar epretty impressive. Sure beats that piece of poo Neeshka though. As for the topic, cool. :cool:
  21. No.
  22. I don't think he should as he could have just said no. He is 19. He has a voice and a brain. Still, either way, that seems irresponsible on part of the store.
  23. "The thieves are not the ones being stopped from playing the game. Just because it hasn't bothered you does not mean it hasn't been a major pain in the ass for others." If there's one thing I've learned on the internet about games is if it doesn't effect one eprsonally; it means it doens't effect others either. It's true!
  24. They directed them to run to the chairs? Talk about patheticness on part of the store. LOL Talking about Musical Chairs Extreme Game Version
  25. Hamepers? It hasn't hampered my game. Don't spread myths. Thanks. I say blame the thieves for publishers resorting to these protective measures.
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