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Everything posted by Volourn

  1. "I don't understand the endless complaints about the camera: isn't it identical to the original NwN camera?" Obsidian disagrees are in the process of changing it to make it closer to the NWN1 camera. "thinks NWN2 is using the Aurora engine." That's because the game is using the Aurora engine.
  2. "Neeshka is Emoen with horns and spots on her forehead." No, she isn't. Not even close.
  3. "I'm not trolling, just offering my observations and opinions, like everyone else is allowed to do." You weren't the accused. Your post was cool. I agree with Shandra and Elanee. Elanee never whined about Shandra to me. In fact, they were quite friendly with each other which says a lot in concern with all the whining the otehrs were doing. Heh.
  4. The problem with Neeska (to me) is not that the character is annoying (and, she is); but the character DESIGN is annoying. There are npcs in NWN2 that my character hated, and didn't wnat to travel with; but as a player I cna tip my hat and say that's a well written, and designed character. Bishop, and Qara are two examples of this. My character who was LG F/C type, loathed Qara's chaotic nature. However, as a player, I feel Qara is awesomely designed. Grobnar is an annoying character; but he is well designed. Neeshka is just plain junk.
  5. I agree with that. I like Z.
  6. Censorship taken to a whole new level!!!
  7. There's mistakes then there's garbage like that. They should be FRIED. If someone attacks you verbally that doesn't give the right to attackl them physically. Police or no police. They are scumbags. However, it's too bad bigots in this thread took this opppurntunity to attack an entire country. That's almost as disgusting. not quite 'cause at least it wans't physical. And, yeah, in this case, he should sue them.
  8. Meh. I don't play the Bg series anyways.
  9. Volourn: "Can we kill him?" "I... hadn't considered that. Would you be interested in killing him?" It would depend on my character. I wouldn't kill him just because I can. I mean, if I'm LG I'm not gonna kill someone offering to help. But, if I'm a CE dwarven barbarian who hates druids (they killed his dad because he was a woodcutter), I might very well do it. I'm just asking if the PC will have a choice of being nice or not to him. To me (since I tend to play good characetrs anyways); it's mroe emaningful to play the good guy if you *can* choose to be bad. Seriously, if it wasn't for the forcing of annoying NPCs on me, NWN2 would be worthy of a 9 to me instea dof 8ish. It amkes a big difference to my experience. P.S. My example is extreme; but I'm sure more 'normal' ones can be brought up.
  10. Great at being annoying and being killed! HAHAHAHA!!!
  11. Can we kill him?
  12. Grob > Jan
  13. btw, Obsidian agrees with those who say that NWN2 camera is not exactly like NWN camera, and are now changing it to make it closer.... yet people will still claim the NWN2 camera is 100% exactly like the NWN1 camera. LOL Anyways, I'm glad Obsidian is truly committed to NWN2. I'm glad my doubts before the release seem to be in error. Cool beans. :cool:
  14. It is funny. It's even funnier when fanboys can't even laugh at the funny. Everyone knows that NWN2 doesn't look like the original BT. That's why the comic is funny. R00fles!
  15. Lots of trolls in this thread. Makes the Board Gods sad.
  16. Doubtful. Espicially due to the lovefest for Neeshka (to keep on topic).
  17. Sticky at www.bioware.com detailing a lot of the fixes coming in patch 1.03! Check it out!!!
  18. Ot maybe like Mr. Sawyer and I pointed out - same writer using the same style that worked the first time. Nothing wrong with that really either. Almost all writers go back to what worked well the first time.
  19. I had two crashes the entire game. A new PC game record!!!
  20. More peaceful?
  21. Finished the game. King of Shadows had an impressive model and vocie over. I do think it's hialrious how Obsidian used the final battle to show off the cool resizing addition. heh. Totallys weet. Battle 1 - Fun battle, and most challenging of the three variations. This wa smainly because this form had the habit of portinga round and targetting the party wussies ala Jerro. He also seemed to hit my character's ac 44 pretty easy too. Heh. Took it out on first try though; but worthwhile fight. Battle 2 - Oh noes! It's an army of mini mes! A long drawn out fight; but easy nontheless. Only the paladin kept taking any threatening damage simply because he still only had his original equipment. LOL Still fun. Battle 3 - This form was a dissapointment despite the huge size. It's like he had a lower attack because he had a relatively hard time hurting my PC until it was too late. I systematically sent my other allies to break the statues and got Khelgar to destroy the port while my PC entertained himself with the KOS. Very easy, and boring. Overall, the fight was fun. Not really a D&D boss since made up its own rules (other D&D games have done it too so no real biggy). It was overall fun; but not challenging sadly. I found three 3 Shadowreavers the most challenging of the three finals. Ending was... interesting. I don't know why people whined about the voice over. It wasn't 'award winning'; but it was solid. My biggest beef was the music blaring at the same time making it hard to hear exactly what he was saying. Otherwise, it was ok. Dissapointed that we didn't get a cut scene though where the joinables talked. The future scenarios were fun. Now, to the oh noes BIG CONTROVERSY. The PC didn't die. The game can't be more clear on that fact except to say the following: 'The PC didn't die'. It's obvious that the heroes found a way to escape. So stop the whining. My biggest beef, however, is that the ending reeks of SOU. Still, I hope this means the first expansion will bring in epic levels (I'm no fan of epic levels in pnp; but NWN actually made them fun so I'll sure it'll be the same for NWN2) and we can continue to keep the characters. I'm just wondering how they'll write it since I've heard the 'evil ending' is wildly different. Perhaps, they'll have an 'evil and good' campaign that gives achance for evil to posisbly redeem or good to possible fall. Or, posisbly, even two seperate expansions (both adding new stuff as well). Who knows. *shrugs* Overall, NWN2 OC wa sgood. My biggest beef was the FORCED npcs. I'm still trying to figure with Jerro was so important. I didn't need him to read the scrolls (Z did that). Heck, when I tried to use him for that he simply died. LOL I never needed to use the rituals either against the KOS (though I did spam them in the third fight for fun, lol). Only things 'needed' were Z for scroll reading and the sword which I learned quickly after poor Khel pounded on the portal for all eternity. Hehe. The game was also too easy and too linear. After all that, it might be eays to assume to think I disliked the game. I don't. The npcs (save a couple) were awesome, the keep was greatly done, a nd there was enough interesting quests and what not to keep one entertained. Though pretty easy, the combat was still LOTS of fun due to it being a NWN/Aurora game. Overall, I'd rate it around 8 or so. A little higher than NWN1 OC mainbly because the NWN1 OC didn't do really annoying things like force npcs on you. There were times I wanted to throw NWN2 out the window. I didn't have that feeling with NWN1 though NWN2 OC is better overall. Great fun. :joy:
  22. " It's better than KotOR and KotOR 2, easily. " Doesn't take much to beat overrated games that are merely 'good'.
  23. Only because he's not a dwarf!!!
  24. Volourn


    "Anyhoo, would somebody please bottle whatever it is that keeps Rod Brind'Amour going? The guys thirty six" He's only 36? WOW! I thought he was older. "spreading additional hearsay." hearsay? He stated quite clearly he no lonjger wanted to be an Oiler. he demanded a trade to anothe rteam. I think the message was clear - he didn't want to play for the Edmonton Oilers any longer. The specific reason doesn't even matter. And, no, I'm not trying to rile anytone up. I just like Pronger, and people who keeop repeatedly calling him various names and wishing harm on him are trying to rile Pronger fans up. Why would I wnat to rile Oiler fans up when I actually like the Oilers? L0LLERZ!
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