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Everything posted by Volourn

  1. "What happened to Volo's mods? Vaporware. " :sad:
  2. "I think it's great that they are bing held accountable for their behavior." They would be. It's called prison time, criminal punishment. " Whether we like it or not, they are role models for many young people." No. No, they aren't. Nor should people pretend they are. " It is a privilege to play professional sports." No more than any other career. " They make a ton of money playing a game and entertaining people." They make a ton of money because they are good enough to play the game, and people are willing to spend money to watch them and the league wants their skills. You don't play professional sports because you are an nice person. If that was true, my grand mother would have been hired within seconds. " The league has a moral right to make sure these people they allow to take center stage are upholding a solid character." I say bullocks. 'Moral right'. L0L It's a professional sports league; not a church. They're there to provide entertainment for us fans. " There is no excuse and no good reason for getting involved in shootings at strip clubs." Agreed. That's why we have laws, and why there is criminal punishment for when people break those laws. " These players are representatives of not just their teams, but the city they play in and the sport they play." *yawn* I want to see the best players play the game. I don't want the leagues to be moral police. I seriously doubt, contrary to popular belief, that having 'bad apples' play in the league will turn customers away. There's a reason why the NFL has been successful for years depite having a small criminal element - it's because people wnat to see the best football players play the game. A real fan doesn't give a crap about someone's behaviour off the field. I don't think Peyton Manning is the best QB because he's a nice guy. I think he's the best because of his performance on the field. Keep the morality police to churches, religion, parents, etc. Keep the athletes in the sports.
  3. Meh. I think it's dumb for the league to interview in legal matters. I say let the alw punish those who commit crimes off the field. I think business who do this are lame. There are cases where an exception can be made. If they weren't atheltes buyt joe bloke working at a corner store; they likely wouldn't be disciplined by their work at all.. unless the press made a big deal about. These guys have the right vto work.. until convicted and placed in prison.. and, once they come back out, they should be able to work in their chosen field within reason (obviously convicted child molestors shouldn't be allowed to work with children, duh!). That doesn't mean I approve of Jone's behaviour; but still...
  4. Jungle Dwarves, Winter Dwarves (I can never remember their longer name astherey're the only know main (sub)race that don't worship gods anymore as a whole), Indurrin, and Desert Dwarves would all be awesome additions.
  5. "The new races are awsm. Hopefully Kevin will reveal the mysteries of the expansion soon. " I'd like some subraces like Sand - espicially for dwarves, and elves. Heh.
  6. That settles it. The PC didn't die. I win. Those who disagreed, lost. This was obviously an easy victory for common sense.
  7. "My view is this: If you don't like the game, shelve it and play one you do like. If you feel the need to complain do so in a constructive manner and list point by point stating not only you didn't like something about the game but why you didn't like it, and give possible solutions that the developer can do so you may like it. In the long run better games will be the result. I learned this the hard way." Very good view. Let's ALL follow it, okay? "Me too... I can
  8. Coolbeans. More new 'base classes'? Why, oh, why? New base classes ar elame. Everything else sounds cool.
  9. Volourn


    I dunno why fans feel the need to attack players like that. It's beyond disgusting. Cheer for your team. Only time a player deserves to be booed such vehemently is if they talked big time trash. Meh.
  10. Hmm.. It's close. Could make an argument either . I'd personally like to see him in; but hmm.. Of course, he should have never lost his job in Dallas this year.
  11. Volourn


    Nah. It promises no such thing.
  12. Not right. Obligation. Question: You are in your house. You here someone being attacked in your neighbouring house, what do you do? It's not your house. It's not really your business 'cause it doens't involve you. Do you sit there, and do nothing? Or do you go and help (or call the police) if you can? I know what I'd do. Outside of arrogance or self worth; what makes borders different than houses?
  13. Volourn


    WOW! I was reading the comments on that video, and some of them need lots of help. Absolutely apethic. Yes, the duaghetr is hot; but likely too young for me. But, I'm a bad, bad old geezer. The video was a little funny. Not a lot; but a little. I chuckled a few times.
  14. And, I say as human beings we are responsible for other human beings. Digging your ehad in the sand doesn't make you immune to what occurs elsewhere nor does it make what Saddam did acceptable to me just because he didn't commit his crimes on Lakeshore Dr.
  15. "Someone from al-Qa'ida and someone from Iraq (maybe Saddam) met once. And decided that they couldn't do business with each other. To suppose that they had more to do with each other is disingenuous." What's disingenous is Sand's 9and others') claim that Iraq and AQ had absolutely no ties whatsoever.
  16. Volourn


    "Coincidentally I have just finished watching the second, and it has been absolute crap. One of the worst movies I have ever seen. Theres no plot, just random stupidity that can only entertain children with low IQ. " O RLY? Since when was 100+ IQ 'low"? The second movie was awesome. If you think it's one of the worst; that's your failing not the movie's. The fact you didn't even know the plot shows your incompetence. The plot was quite clear.
  17. Sand has made it clear. He doesn't care if Iraqis or other non Amerikans die. Only when Amerikans die does it matter to him, and even then... if they are religious folks - espicially Christians - he wouldn't shed a tear. To each their own.
  18. "Or that he is so gulliable that he bought Bush's lies hook, line, and sinker." Except for a few things: 1. I believe that a bloodthirsty dictator should never be left alone to mass murder innocent people, and make their lives miserbale. The fact these people ar ein a different country are irrelevant to me. Jack the Ripper only murder people in the US; but I still think he's a scumbag who should have been stopped. It should matter if the scumbag is down the street from you or half way a cross the world. 2. I diodn't even want Bush to win the election in the first palce. I wanted Al Gore. 3. Bush didn't enter office looking for war/. 9/11 changed that. 4. I'm the first point out the TONS of errors that have made during the whole Iraqi debacle. There is no doubt that Bush, and co have made many errors of judgement. 5. If you can't tell; I'm not one to 'tow the line'. I don't believe something just because one goofball tells me its' true. Or a hundred people. Or a thousand peoplke. Or a million people. I take the info I do have, and go from there. MYTH: Iraq had no WMDs. FACT: Iraq had WMDs. FACT: Iraq had used WMDs. FACT: Iraq was order to mkae a list of the WMD they did have, and destroy them. FACT: Iraq has NEVER been satisfactory shown how, when, and where all these WMDs they CLAIMED to have vanished to or were destroyed. RESULT: Iraq had WMDs, and we have no way of knowing if they actually did destroy them as they were supposed to. MYTH: Saddam and AQ had no ties, and in fact hated each other as much as AQ hated Amerika. FACT: They both share the same hatred Amerika, and the West. FACT: It's been proven that he two sides have met on occasion. FACt: Saddam is a known supporter of terrorism. RESULT: They had at least some ties. The extent of those ties ar eunknownj, hwoever. It is not beyond the realm of possibilkity that these two supposed 'enemies' (even thoguh they really weren't; they just had different views on various things) may have hooked up eventually to target their mutual enemies like the US.
  19. You are wrong. Simple as that. You've been reading too much of the fiction the media passes as 'news'.
  20. Sure, he had links. Sure, they disagreed on certain things. But, to say Saddam had NO links whatsoever with AQ is just plain false. As for WMD, we know Iraq had WMD. We know they sued them. We know they didn't destroy all of them as they were supposed to. Do I know where theya re? No, but then again, i've never been to Iraq to ask Saddam where he hid them. We also know that Iraq had a history of thumbing their nose at UN resolutions over, and over again so just because theyw ere ordered to destroy the WMD doens't mean they didn't keep any, and most certainly had plans to recreate the program at the very minimum. Saddam Hussein was thrown in the trash. That's a good thing; not a bad thing. And, Saddam being the ruler of Iraq was the REAL reason for the US attacking that country.
  21. "Iraq had no WMDs. Saddam had no ties to Al Qaeda." This simply isn't true. "The US invaded on false premises engineered by the Bush Adminstration." Not really.
  22. EB is awesome. Best game store EVAR!
  23. "The USA doesn't have that right to invade any country that might have terrorists and hate to break it to you Roshan, Saddam had no connections to Al Qaeda." The USA, like any country, has the right to defend itself from any enemy. As for the topic, taking down of the statue, the view of it was dependent of whjo you asked. Iraqi: "Oh glorious day, Saddam is no more; but I was made when the Amerikan placed the US flag up there." Non Iraqi Muslim/Arab: "Damn, dirty Amerikans! Oppression is a-ok as long as it's a Muslim/Arab oppressing another Muslim/Arab! Get off 'our' land!" Amerikan: "Woo hoo! Our troops kicked butt!" Non Coalition Member/Non Supporter: "Waaa! I was hoping, and expecting hundreds of thousands of Amerikan troops dyiung! That's all that perished! HAHAHA! Stupid arrogant Amerikan putting their flag on staute, and weakling iraqis needed help to pull statue down as a symbol of Amerikan dominance! HAHAHAHA! This will certainly lead to hunderds of thousands of Amerikan detahs!" R00fles! "Only the Iraqis can choose their path. We need to leave and let them." Iraqis chose their path. They wnated , mostly, a life without Saddam Hussein mass murdeirng and oppressing them. They also choose to kill each over their religious believes.
  24. No. They are not irrelevant as if they don't sell it; I don't buy it. R00fles! "So until we hear something more, it has to be writteno ff." Nah. Everyone knbows a NWN2 expansion is coming. It's only a matter of time. This isn't like some random game generator.
  25. Meh. The date is irrelevant. 9/11 is a day. A day that many things happen on both good, and bad. Heck, plenty of people have birthdays on that day. You sayin' they shouldn't celebrate just because of what occured in 2001? Come on. Anyways, hopefully this allows us to continue the campaign with our OC character. If not, it'll still be fun.
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