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Everything posted by Volourn

  1. While we all sit around spamming the forums and waiting for x game to be released, I have been bored to nearly tears (I don't cry, it hurts my internet geek arrogance style) despite my punkish interior I want to know whatt ya think of various things. I'm so bored, I decided to start this thread to ask some serious and not serious questions so people can make fun of yours truly. Afterall, if there's one thing Internet Geeks enjoy it's delving into others' drama. I'm that bored. Between all that, and the fact my computer is currently unable to play games and I want to throw my xbox 360 at MS's offices, here is some more crap to feed the hungry faces here. For fun: 1. Is it possible to have serious, workable internet romances that doesn't lead to have gay sex with a boy pretending to be a girl? 2. Who wants to see a really ugly picture? 3. Why is it we internet geeks spend way too much time on asanine forums such as Obsidian, Bethesda, *raaavpuling.com*, Badjojo, Ford.com, TelevisionWithoutPity, BIO, or mlb.com., or any other place (for bonus points, name the 3 of those that i actually visit - Obsidian is a freebee choice, HAHA!)? 4. For more Dramatics: Who are your 3 favorite posters of all time anywhere, and why? 5. Who are your 3 least favorite posters of all time anywhere, and why? This quest is being watched, and your answered will be mathematically tested, and you will judged based on your answers so take them both seriously, and dramatically. Enjoy. *post edited to only be offensive to Norwegians. By Walsingham.* ....... P.S. I did warn you, I was bored... so, any inherent crappiness of this post is YOUR fault. GAME OVER, folks, GAME OVER.
  2. Life happens so need to apologize.
  3. "No, playing games for too long incites people to violence or other stupid acts. Either by frustrating them or just giving them bad ideas." Nope. Sand is right. This is the modern equivelant of blaming the devil. Games do not kill, do not encite someone to kill, or do stupid acts. It's beyond ludicrous to suggest it do. I guarantee that in EVERY case dealing with games and violence that the criminal who had a game be blamed for his actions had other problems outside of video games - ie. poor home life, horrible school/work social problems, drugs, alcohol abuse, or other deeper more mental problems. Games are NEVER the cause. Period. This reminds me of the cases way back when D&D was considered a 'devil's work' is the cause of murder. yet, in every single case where D&D was brought up as a (the) cause, there was always soemthing else involved a smention above. The theory that games (or any form of entertainment) cause someone to act out is just beyond retarded. It has no basis in logic. The Devil Made Me Do It. L0L That's hilarious. P.S. I presume you are gonna blame games for my attitude. HAHA! If you do, I'll blame your parents' poor parental skills for yours. Oh SNAP!
  4. Lame. Makes the people who ban the game no better than those in China who censored parts POTC3, or other countries that ban games or movies or what not. Dissapointed in Britain here. Games do not kill people nor do they make people kill people. EVAR.
  5. Game over, EXTREMISTS, game over.
  6. "The people of Iran has as much love for their president as the US people have for theirs." The difference being, of course, that many potential Iranian presidents were canceled out by the TRUE Iranian leader as being 'unsuitable', and the US people were able to vote for who they want in a more or elss fair 9albeit, not without problems) election. Remember, the Prez of Iran doens't have the real, ultimate power. He's either a figurehead or so handicapped he's sueless (ie. the former Iranian President who actually wans't that bad of a guy from what was told). I mean, at least he didn't try to claim that Isreal should be wiped out, the Holocaust shouldn't happen, and actually tried to improve the Iranian's people lives. It's also no wonder that Iran wasn't getting bashed as much under him either from the rest of the world .. or Iranians.
  7. If true, stupid Ottawa.
  8. I bet he rebounds. L0L
  9. It's still higher than FO1's cap. <>
  10. Sounds potentially good. Combat is iffy stiffy.
  11. Volourn


    "I am in no way a violent person." L0L
  12. I have ahrd time believing any chart that lists more deaths than inuries. It's beyond illogical. Sorry.
  13. And, they cannwshim anyways despite him making some good movies in the off season. Go figure. He'll make Calgary better. P.S. How in the hell does Jaromir Jagr not make the NHL 1st team or even the 2nd team? That's complete, and utter bullocks.
  14. "Crank" - absolutely ludicrous." You win. I wanted to really like this movie. I was looking for a good Speed like mvoie; but didn't. The acting here was atrocious, and I actually like the two leads usually.. not this time..
  15. I have a different tact. there is lots of hype in that interview - words like epic, more impressive, etc., etc. litter the article; but know what? Big deal. It shouldn't matter, and it shouldn't be taken personally.
  16. TRhe schoola dministrators should be fired for such patheticness. They are just - if not more - immature than the 'cheerers'. Absolutely pathetic.
  17. It's just ridiculous that you take it so personally.
  18. Why do people take hype so personally? Geez.. People try to mkae it an international incident. Big deal. He's hyping the expansion. It's not the end of the world.
  19. Punishing someone for something they didn't do is immoral.
  20. O RLY? Those old NES games were easy for anyone I have ever seen play them. Easy. This is simply a fact proven time and time again by allowing kiddies to play them. "Hell an 8 y/o would probably have a problem beating them." Nope. "And despite what your ego would tell you, you aren't the center of the universe. Nor are you typical of a gamer of any kind." This sin't about me. It's about how easy these games were for anyone i've sene play it.
  21. "Age =/= skill" Sorry; but games that can be beat by a 2 year with no help from an adult are easy.
  22. "And games were harder. Just pick any old Mario, Castlevania etc. and you'll notice it" That must explain how little kiddies could beat old games. L0L
  23. "Games used to be alot harder," Nah. i simply disagree. Anyways, cheating doesn't bother me. It's not a big dal. if you playu M,P, and someone cheats, don't play with them. People whine too much about what others are doing.
  24. Congratulations to Chris Pronger, and the Anaheim Mighty Ducks!
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