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Everything posted by Volourn

  1. "2nd Edition, the worst iteration of the game until 4E came along" No. That's the original rules. Then the Basic rules. "The only link between them would be subtle references to the previous protagonists and atagonists." Subtle link? L0L
  2. Volourn


    But, his comment is gonna cost the NHL millions of $, and half their fans. "We pee'd on them!" ("Vi pissade p
  3. "it is all part of the self-destructive instinct all humans are born with" L0L But, no.
  4. Volourn


    Yeah, that would be an interetsing disucssion. Though, i doubt most kiddies - even hockey fan kiddies - pay attention to the athletes talking espicially a non superstar like Avery.
  5. Volourn


    WOW! While I agree that Avery was out of line with a silly comment; but a suspension - espicially an 'indefinite' one - is dumb. Espicially consisering people get less for actually injuring people. And, for hurting the NHL, and other stuff? That's absolutely nonsense. Avery, and the NHL deserve each other as they both cna be boneheads at times. "punishment should be to have to play against Calgary, because Phaneuf isn't exactly a pushover on the ice." I think Avery isn't worried. He said it because he wants Phaneuf to waste all his energy on him. Phaneuf's best bet when they do play is to ignore Avery unless the situation calls for a legal hit.
  6. He. Her. it. Irrelevant. Shouldn't have ultimate say in our supposed Democratic country.
  7. "Dungeons and Dragons should be buried, at least as far as CRPGs are concerned. All CRPGs should have rule systems specifically designed for them." Nonsense. Some of the best CRPGs are D&D. And, ALL of 'em are influenced by D&D in some way.
  8. You cared enough to post in this thread, trash them, and pretty much give awya the fact you wnat them terminated. Fair enough; but let's be honest. You *do* care about them.
  9. "I personally believe the only way to cope is to make paying ransoms a criminal offence." That's a horrible way to solve the problem. That's right. Let's make the victim a criminal. L0L
  10. L0L I have an ego; but not big enough ego to do some silly crap like that. Like i said, a smuch as I think this whole thing is retarded, it's not like we're going to be destroyed by it. SAtill not democratic. "The Governor General might not be democratically elected" 'Nough said. Yte he has more pwoer than the elected officials in this country. The very hall mark of a Dictatorship. Kind of like how Iran works except the GG isn't about to be get violent on those who disagrees with him.
  11. "Dictatorship my foot. I've visited dictatorships. Maybe you should too, unless the same rules apply to nation states as games: that seeing them on TV counts as experience." Sorry; but but not all dictatorships need to be brutal. Dictatorship is about the people being 'dictated to' who will lead them as opposed to voting. "Volourn seems to be fear-mongering." fear mongering? L0L Nowhere did I post that the Liberals & co are turning into saddam or some other silly thing. But, it surely isn't democratic no matter how we slice it. Kanadians voted for a Conservative minority led gov't not a bunch of punks whjo wnat to overturn the election results. And, that's exactly what theya re doing since they need permission from the Crown to pull it. The people arne't putting them in power if this goes through. An unelected official is. That's not demcoracy. in fact, it's dictatorship. We're being told who will lead us not voting for them. Period. Thread title still stands.
  12. It may be legal, but it's very much immoral. The Kanadian public voted, and they wanted a Conservative Minority Government. This is undipustable. It's dispicable. And, to me, it is treasonous to spit on the peopel's wishes in a supposed Democratic country. "it's an enshrined right to protect the democratic nature of government." Exept it does no such bthing. It spits on the Demoracy. Kanadians didn't vote for the otehr parties to lead. What's hilarious that this GOONISH GANG is being led by a punbk whose own party basically trashed because theys aw as unfit to lead. LMAO What a joke. And, it's a hostile takeover. Because, they can do this without the permission of the Kanadian people. They just need to suck up to our Masters from Britian. Pathetic. I hope the OPPOSITION is turned down, and we head to another election. It'll cost money; but it would be the Liberals and co who should be blamed, and I hope it shows up in the polls. L0L Kanada a democrayc L0L Not if this goes through. This will be an unlected government. Might as well just call us a Dictatorship.
  13. Totally ireelevant. But, hey, I guess Kanada isn't a TRUE demcoracy. We're still slaves to the British queen. A change of governemtn without an actual election is absolutely bogus barring the governemtn in power is actually breka major laws. In fact, even the Liberals didn't get ousted when it became clear they were a bunch of theives. They were simply punished in the next election as it should be.
  14. "Your vote did count The Conservatives were given a minority government. That means they have to work with the other parties. When was the last time that the Harper government attempted to find solutions to the oppositions objections rather than declare the bill a confidence vote and play legislative chicken? Harper has failed in this vital aspect of governing a minority government and thus IMO no longer deserves to lead this country." You werne't paying attention. He actually scratched the big issue the other parties were whining about. He was just trying to work with them. They had this planned for awhile. Either way, it's irrelevant. Kanada's vote didn't count if this takeover is okayed by the stupid British. It's sad the British willd ecide who will run this country and not Kanadian voters. The country voted a Conservative Minority into power. Yet, instead, we're going to end up with the Losers' Club in power. Disgusting, and anti democratic no matter how you cut it. "God save the queen. May the British Empire rule over those Canuks forever." Good thing I beleive God is a piece of crap who likes to murder children so I don't care what he thinks. And, how many queens have been murdered? seems to me, he hasn't done a good job saving them. R00fles!
  15. Yes. Get on it. If this crap goes through, get on it. No need of a war though. Just twist Britian's arm.. remind them of the Amerikan war of Independence. Tell them to give us Kanadians TRUE freedom. Not LIMITED freedom.
  16. The problem with the gameplay is that it's horrid. the combat is easy, and boring. the load times are atrocious - worse than any other Aurora game. The dungeons are jokes and have absolutely zero atmosphere which is a joke for a exploration/combat/dungeon exploring game. It's sad when MOTB has vastly superior gameplay and combat when MOTB had other things go on with it. Best thing about SOZ is that it isn't buggy (for me). Death system is cool; but even that was ruined because of how easy the combat actually is. Not to mention the lame raise dead coins. P.S. the music is aweosme though, and is one of the best ever.
  17. Nope. In fcat, the last 4 elections (IIRC) since Jean chretien retired have all been minority governments (1 liberal, and 3 conservatives). "If you wanted a guaranteed Conservative government, you should have given them an absolute majority in Parliament." Canada made its chocie. We wanted a minority Conservative governement. Our votes should count!
  18. Yeah, no doubt, that there's lots of dumb laws on the books pretty much everywhere thata re just waiting to be either abused in modern times then overturned when they become publically known.
  19. "There will be no election. If the conservative party is voted down then the NDP and Liberals will form a coalition government. Harper is bitching that this is a violation of democracy but the way I see it, if 50% of the popular vote is in power rather than 35% thats a triumph of democracy." No, it be a violation of democracy. The Conservatives were voted into power as a minority government. To have the other parties to walk right in, and take over, with no vote is ludicrous. It's like a company being victim of a hostile takeover. "And as a commonwealth nation our head of state is the Queen of England, but she has as much power as she does in the UK. Which amounts to nothing. Its purely symbolic, and much like British royalists, I would be upset if the monarchy was abolished as well, its part of our history and heritage." Screw the 'heritage' of slavery. We are our own nation, and sadly, the monarchy hold sus back from being truly free. legally, we are nothing but British slaves. It's disgusting. And, it's not purely symbol,ic when they can come in, and oveturn our lection results in a spit in the eye of our democracy. If the Liberals, and co. want to be power they should have won the Election.
  20. BIO only loves you if you give them $50 per game.
  21. The first is obviously an abuse of power. Sure, it holds up the letter of the law but no the spirit. DISGUSTING! That law was obviously meant to stop people from just randomly opening up a bar, and selling alochol without having a certain amount of responsibility. Some salon giving a single rink to customers in celebration of Christmas (or any holiday or whatever) is NOT a threat to society which is the *only* thing the law should be concerned with. Espicially since as pointed you will often get a lesser sentence for much worse offenses. 6 months, and 20k? STFU!
  22. Not odd. A game like a vehicle are the sum of their parts. A game is more than just the core engine. Duh. That's why IWD, BG, and PST are all different despite all being IE games. AMAZING! SHOCKING! WOWSERS! Same with NWN, TW, and NWN2. All games that use Aurora. All different (though NWN and NWN2 arevery, very similar). AMAZING! SHOCKING! WOWSERS! Same with the engine that powers ME which BIO licensed. Multiple games used with the engine. And, they're all different most likely. AMAZING! SHOCKING! WOWSERS! Males. Females. Both human. But, different. AMAZING! SHOCKING! WOWERS! See a pattern?
  23. "It's not just an updated Aurora engine, it's heavily modified. NWN2 is mostly modified in regards to rendering, hence electron." They both use Aurora. This is a fact, and undisputable. Arguing it doesn't do anything. It's irrelevant how modified they are. It's still Aurora.
  24. TW uses an updated Aurora - just like NWN2. *shrug*
  25. I just knew someone would bring the funny to that. L0L
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