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Everything posted by Volourn

  1. Desslock is hyping it? Great, it's probably gonna suck. The guy is a moron.
  2. He's also been technically suspended already for over a year. I wouldn't mind an actual suspesnion but the idea of a 'semi reinstatement' is lame. Either reinstate him or don't.
  3. "30 minutes into Jade Empire I realized it wasn't a RPG, so I became very disappointed from thereon in." JE is an Action RPG, and it also has the best role-playing in any BIO game bar ME.
  4. "did the worst in sales." False. "Black Whirlwind was certainly one of the weakest characters in Bioware's history. He was just that drunken badass brawler. Nothing more. No hint of some little drama or past. Nothing. Just a cursing brawler. But then again, the whole cast in Jade Empire was rather weak" Simply not true. I would take BW over that retarded Minsc. And, the entire JE cast over BG1, KOTOR1, and NWN OC, SOU, or HOTU. Only ME, and BG2 comes close to it in terms of joinables.
  5. So dumb. he can play a couple of pre season games but can't play regular season games until week 6? Is the pathetic Commish butthurt?
  6. "Anyway the trend to mesh characters/classes was begun with 3rd edition anyway and there seems to still be a lot of love for that particular rule set." Sure. It begun then, but it seems to have been completed or furthered at least in 4E making it worse. P.S. I'm sure it's not all bad. In fact, I pretty much believe any system can be made playable. P.S.S. btw, Roleplaying quality, imo, is 100% to do with the players/group involved not the actual rulesset. The difference in classes should effect gameplay to ahuge degree; but role-playing is basically up to the group.
  7. How does it increase role-playing if a rogue and a wizardy basically play the same? Weird.
  8. Then there thosepeople who have read up on it, and realized that 4E is the worst D&D edition ever barring the original (which was extremely basic). Seriously, in 4E there is no reason to choose one class over another because they are basically the same. The gameplkay of eahc one is the same. *yawn* While in earlier editions, a rogue was a rogue and a mage was a mage.
  9. "Remember, though, we are told (ad nauseum) that choices, actions, multiple endings, re-playability (etc) are not as important anymore." Anymore? This has ALWAYS been true. It's also true that most people who *do* replay games don't do because of 'multiple choices', 'multiple endings' or those other RPG buzzwords people spout they claim enhances replayability. The #1 reason people*do* replay games is fun. Plain, and simple. P.S. Mind you, those RPG buzzwords can, if used properly *can* increase one's fun with a game.
  10. "But are you actually complaining that a particular type of character doesn't have abilities that are more deadly than an 8-inch knife buried to the hilt between a person's ribs??" As deadly as a backstab is, it should not be the equivelant of a magical spell at the highest level of power. Unless you think something as mundane as a knife should be the equal of a power that can create soemthing out of nothing. R00fles!
  11. "but it's different from 3.5 in that the classes are balanced" You meant bland, samey, boring, and silly. I think it's silly that a rogue is the 'equal' of a mage or a warrior. Just plain foolish. In essence, balance meaning everything is equal is a copout, illogical, and ruins the game. Not everything is created equal. Perish the thought. But, hey, a backstab should be as deadly as a high level spell. LMAO
  12. If you use party AI in DA, you miss the point. It's not menat to be played that way. It's meant to be played with the player controlling all characters in the party. Same with the BGs, IWDs, etc.
  13. Sounds like what the UN does!
  14. "The girl is 16-year old Mayora Tavares, Brazil's youngest politician." So, he is an old pervert to boot? Nah, j/k. Nothing wrong with looking. As for video, it's claled being smooth. Everyone knows he was looking at the butt. The thing is to be sneaky about it, and not be obvious. <>
  15. I don't like this idea. Bad, real bad!
  16. "Football is football, soccer is the name the yankee imperialist pigdogs came up with." Soccer is soccer, and it is possibly the only team sport more boring to watch than baseball. In fact, it is the one case that can be sued to argue that the majority is often ver, veryw rong. Why is it so popular again? gAH. As for baseball, no doubt, it isn't the most exciting sport to watch; but it has its moments. Soccer never. Soccer never changes. P.S. Football does use a ball, and you do use your feet. Anyone claiming otherwise is either lying or ignorant.
  17. "Runnind 10 minutes or killing the same 3 types of monsters with their ridiculous taunts/death cries (bonus points for bad voices providing bad acting - I'm looking at you, NWN 1), without anyone saying anything worth listening to." 1. NWN had way more than 3 monster types. 2. NWN's voice acting espicially the enemy taunts was awesome. 3. NWN is BIO's best game. Period.
  18. "you can spin it how much you want Stealing a game is not the same as Downloading a game nor the same as Releasing the game them as your own (aka your plagiarism)" It's ALL stealing. The defintions give further credence to this. It's you that's spinning. If I take someone's idea and pretend it's mine, that's stealing. You download a game without permission and without paying for it (not counting officially free stuff); it's stealing. P.S. DA > BG
  19. I replayed a game called Megamania 100+ times. It has ZERO chocies and consequences. Go figure. *shrug*
  20. Too many injuries are killing my Mets. Nealry season over for us. Thank god, the rest of our division isn't that good either. L0L
  21. Alanshu: It was a very early hype point by BIO. Really, really early. "and enslaves nations with necromancy" Also, Alanshu is winning this with a slam dunk. Anyone who loves BG should not be dissing other games' 'freedom of choice'. I love BG; but it's not a game that gives you a lot of real role-playing choice either - espicially in rgeards to character background. Every player has the same abckground - you grew up in Candlekeep with your foster father Gorion and your foster sister Imoen. That's it, that's all. NO CHOICE. DA is offering 6 backgrounds in which gives you 6 ALTERNATE BEGINNINGs in which you get multiple choices which will effect the rest of your game. Sorry, even if DA offers even a 1/100th of what the origins are hyping it still wins over BG in this regard. L0L
  22. Brashear is a useless signup since he's just a goon who will play maybe 5 minutes a game and get suspended at least once. "Avery is can contribute to the offense" Yeah, he can contribute, but your offense should not be dependent on him. "Isn't Drury a winger?" center. How cna you not know that? The guy is considered one of the best face off takers in the game. Heck, it's the *only* thing he's good at.
  23. For 3 seasons. Zherdev is a free agent at the momemntunm, and honestly, I hope he doesn't come back. Not worth the price. We need to trade Drury, a draft pick, and some other lesser player for Heatley. Then we'll be in busy.
  24. Eh. DA gives more options on your charcetr abckground and people ar ecomplaining that it's more limiting than older RPgs which gave you one defacto character background? WOW! BIO's games continually improve in the RPG department. JE, KOTOR, and ME are all 1 million x the rpg that BG is. Argue all you want that BG is the better game (heck, I might even agree); but as far as role-playing, the newer games win easily. And, BG, also had 'choke points' that you had to go through to complete the game. *shrug* The thing about the DA origins is that they and the chocies you make during them are supposed to effect you througout the game.
  25. Except the Rangers aren't uptemp, and they have no one on offense who can play that way. NYR are just just another MIN for Gaborik.
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