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Everything posted by Volourn
Im doubt Kolvachulk will care if the coach likes him or not. I doubt he'll be in Jersey next season anyways 'cause as you mentioned, no way Lamarillo will pay him even remotely close to what NJ is offering. He'll be on the Rangers or some other team that doesn't shy away from spending big bucks.
"To reiterate, I'm not calling ME2 the pinnacle of customisation, I'm saying that when you compare a lvl 60, or even ~55 ME1 character and a lvl 30 ME2 character, the differences between builds will be similarly minimal." Nah.
"Whatever character you play in both ME's combat is pretty much the same... And there are no non combat skills so..." Not true in ME1. ME1's character system is severely underrated. ME2, on the other hand....
"The final thought is just whether you had fun in the end and enjoyed what was there more then you disliked some of it." It's good for what it is. "Jack's Shockwave just owns everything below Hard difficulty. She's proven to be the most useful team member so far," OMGZ! Outside of the DLC moran, you just had to praise, quite possibly, thw worst jopinable npc in ME2 9of the ones I've gotten). Jack is scum - and, not in the good man that Miranda is one hot biatch! way either. I'm still debating if I shoudl bother following through with her 'loyalty mkission' as she deserves to die. And, it's not even a 'love to hate' thing; just plain 'ol fashion hate as in Banal. Boring. Bad. The writing for her is horrendous.
Numbers is 100% right. ME2 is dumbed down from ME1. And, he explained why perfectly. AllSheaprds of the same class are basically the same. Same with he various npcs. This isn't actually true in ME1. You can make your Shepard different than others. THAT'S A GOOSD THING A SIT ADDS CHOICE. On top of this, in ME2, the biotic powers are pretty much garbage. They were hella fun in ME1. In ME2, you ar ebetetr off shooting (and hiding) non stop until your enemy dies.
"Bioware focuses on story in their games, not gameplay, not action," Simply not true.
"You don't know how to use biotics, apparently." Nah. Just that guns are 1 billion times more useful. In ME1, biotics were actually useful and more importantly, hellas fun.
"the combat... ugh the combat i chose tiger strike and longsword at the start, and never had to do a single thing except spam the attack button, and if they were immune to one, switch to the other never needed to use chi strikes, barely had to ever heal, and never used focus mode" *shrug* Whatever you need to tell yourself to make yourself feel better.
"If you think about it, it's KotOR. Sorry to burst the bubble." Of course, it is. It'S not even close. It's dumbed down way worse than ME2 is. "There is no RPG side in JE as far as stats are concerned. You practically had a health bar and a mana bar and a combo switcher (if I recall correctly)." Yopu better play JE again. Stats in thast game definitely effect game play. However, it is an Action RPG for a reason, and that's because player skill matters in combat. JE is vastly superior to most rpgs when it comes to role-playing. The combat is hella fun too. "I still wonder if I'd have enjoyed the game more if I didn't see the plot twist coming after the first scene of the game (after your master says, about, three lines)." You only 'saw' the 'plot twist' that earlybecause you just made an educated guess based on how many past games use the 'ol, your teacher is really the bad guy scenario. "It was a step back - that's how it looks in retrospect." Wrong. KOTOR was a step back. JE was a step forward. It's really where they really got the C&C going.
There's no need to get creative. Guns are simply more effective in the long run. Biotics are simply nowhere as sueful or as fun as they were in ME1 which hurts the enjoyment of the combat even more. "Its better than in Jade Empire, KOTOR or ME at any rate - I'm at least watching the screen intently." Better than KOTOR, yes. Better than ME1 or JE. Hell to the no.
"Have you ever played a dedicated fighting game or shooter? Seriously, its okay to like something but claming that its good when Cadillacs and Dinosaurs from x years ago had more options than Jade Empire (or if you want a more recent example - Oni), or Max Payne and other shooters having more intense and responsive combat than ME. Btw basic combat options (combos in JE, weapons in ME) could be spammed without ever having to bother about anything else. I used the same combo throught the entire JE and only the assault rifle in ME.... That is not balanced combat." I have. And, JE is better. It also has more combat options than your typical asction by far. And, the combvat is balanced just fine minus one or two abilities. But, guess what? Every game ever created that gives you multipel optionsn in combat have some unbalance. NOT one avoids it. There is no way anyone could name a perfectly 100% balanced game and be telling the truth. "Actually, I liked it but I would say it's one of the worst Bio games." Actually, it's one of their better games.
"It's a quick and easy way to deal with the character without having to DEAL with the character. It sucked that BIO did this, but ya know they can't do everything..." Eh. They had an easier out for Ashley. As we all know Ashley is all abiout the Alliance so easily could have belived your story but passed on your offer to join you on your current quest because she was needed by the Alliance since it seemed she had climbed the ranks more than a bit (largely due to the events of the first game). See. That way everybody wins. BIO doesn't have to work too much to add extra stuff, Ashley stays true to her character, Shepard can respect her decision or go pyscho, and the player doesn't rage at the lunacy of it all. FAIL.
Not Shepard's fault there. That's BIO's lame fault. Thats cene simply doesn't make since. The fact that Ashley believes 'rumours' over you is absolutely garbage.
Nowhere did I bash them for borrowing stuff.I was just led to beleive by all the Firefly fanboys that it was some super original show. It isn't. Still fun; but not original. Just finished the second disc. Awesome stuff. My favorite characters are the brother-sister dual as their story is what intrigues me the most. The captain is definitely complex, but the big goon is just a retard. Don't really care for him a bit (not the actor's fault; just the character).
"JE on the other hand was a mere button mashing fest. The story was also predictable" Nowhere near as predictable as ME, DA, or KOTOR. And, if you just 'button smashed' in JE you would auto lose. Button smashing is KOTOR, DA, ME, BG, and the like. All you did in those games was smash buttons.. err mouse. L0LZ ME2's combat feels wrong unles you think dumbed down ME1 combat feels right.
"The combat wasn't only pretty awful, but also the shallowest Bioware has ever done. And that's some kind of feat. " Kiddin' right? ME2 and KOTOR had way worse and more shallow combat. JE is underrated. One of BIO's better games by far espicially role-playing wise. The combat was hell of a lot more fun than the piece of crap known as KOTOR or the dumbed down ME2 that's for darn sure.
No problem with ammo. I actually wish there were more ammo types, and you could buy them at stores. Right now ammo feels like an articial way to limit shooting because you know full well that unless youan re playing purposefully dumb, exactly enough ammo will drop. For instance, everytime I was running low on ammo andother clip would be readily available so I've never been worried about lack of ammo. Tsk, tsk.
"ME2's combat is a big improvement over ME1's combat." No, it isn't. How can it be when the best strategy is to allt he npcs to do 90% of the work. they can stand out in the open for minutes and not take a hit while you have to rehide after 10 seconds if not less. LMAO There's also the fact that all the classes play the same as biotics are just useless. There is no difference as the gun is simplym morem effective. Biotics only work on enemy health so you absically have to sue guns to break down barriers/shields and whyn bother using biotics when another 2-3 shots from your gun will kill the enemy then anyways? Useless. Omnigel is not as cool or useful as it used to be. Armour is garbage. Weapons are cool but basically the same as ME1. Can't beleive people actually prefer dumbed down combat.
"Apart from not having any weapon skills, the combat mechanics have been anything but stripped down from ME1" I agree. It's not stripped down. It's dumbed down. HUGE difference.
"No change there then" Wrong. In ME1, while her attitude was often disagree it was logical character wise. In ME2, no such luck. Also, there is no 'cheating' on Ashley in ME2.
Just gonna post that the scene with Ashley along with her attitude is retarded. That is all.
Just get 360. Superior version ala ME1 and DA.
DLCs work perfectly. *shrug*
I actually like the mining,a dn even the mini games are growing on me. Still, I dunno why they completely got rid of omni gel. I thought that was a cool concept. ME2 would be a MUCH better game if they didn't dumb it down for PC gamers. When ME1 was being designed with the 360 in mind, it actually had dialogue skillz but the PC guys ruined it. Same with lockpicking and the like. If it wasn't for space exploration, and the characters, ME2 would be an average game as its combat is a semi fun dumbe ddown version of ME1 combat.