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Everything posted by Volourn

  1. You don't have a problem with it? 'Nough said, and all I need to know.
  2. "Yeah, like two thousand years ago. They came in, invaded, and took the Palestinians land. "We used to live there, a long time ago" makes as much sense as a justification for Jews taking over Palestine as for Europeans taking over East Africa. Whereas, the Israeli invasion took place within living memory and they are currently engaging in a campaign of occupation and unlawful settlement against civilian natives." I see. So.. your logic is if you can hold the land for x amount of time, it's yours lawfully and morally. So, if Isreal can survive for a few centuries, Palestine will no longer have the right to argue its their land? Give me a break. Sorry, bub, it's not how things work. It shouldn't work for Polanksi nor should it work land. Bottom line is both sides should elarn to coexist. Until then, needless deaths on both sides by both sides will continue to happen while cheerleaders like you who love to dehumanize people so as to make it okay to wipe them off the map will continue to party. "not even. If you don't understand things, why do you talk about them?" Yes, even. Sorry, but the Palestinians are not innocents in this - espicially since Palestinians seem to enjoy killing Palestinians as much as Isrealis do. *shrug* Then again, you probably feel suicide bombers are justified in targeting little children or Isreali civilians at the mall or coffee shop. Give me a break.
  3. "Could someone please explain to me why I just cleared out the whole Aeducan Thaig?? There are no doors or places to visit there??? Or did I miss something?" You go there for thed warf noble origin. the second (or first for non dwarf nobles) is just extra, I guess. IIRC, nothing of importance is there. "and you is an expert on how to do intelligently?" Actually, yes, I am. "components does little, and in a crpg you greatly increase the potential for frustration. missed the one guy who sells gauss rifle ammo/diamond dust? too bad. is stoopid... and if is balanced then such nonsense is unnecessary." Nonsense. Components can add all sorts of stuff to the mage experience, and help curb the over use of spells. They can also add stuff like quests, C&C, and a whoel crap of other awesome stuff. If done right. "am also not certain who you see claiming that high level mages were particular balanced in the bg series..." Absolutely there is. Read posts. Reread them carefully. Then once again. "manages to achieve same flaw." Except it's not a flaw.
  4. "yeah, it pretty much is..." No, no it isn't,. Not if you do material components intelligently. I still laugh at people claiming DA magesw are overpwoered while praising whteher it be directly or implying that BG series mages were any more 'balanced'. LMAO
  5. She should be wearing something that covers her entire face.. R00fles!
  6. Right. Because, material components are all about that. Come on.
  7. And? What exactly are you trying to say? Heck, I say add material components. *shrug* If anything aboutt he mage is over/udner powered it's the shapeshifting specialization. What a waste of soemthing otherwise cool.
  8. So, proof positive, people want easy combat they can walk over. BIO should just have preated kobol encounetrs over and over again. L0L Quite frankyl, the fact you have to approach most ecnocunters with care and now just run them over like a tank squashing an individual person, is a good thing. I could literally go hours in BG series just mass meleeing enemies including with the mage using no planning, strategy or tatics at all.. How is that better combat design? L0L
  9. "My load times in ME2 are super fast, 2-3 seconds, whereas the ME1 elevators were a good bit longer. I imagine this has more to do with system setups, probably available RAM and all that. " Right... and, this effects 360s, how? ME1 load times: 5-10 seconds tops ME2 load times: upwards of a minute + "Dear Volourn, Stop being always wrong. Kind regards, The Internet" Dear NumbersU, Stop speaking for me, Hateful reminder, The "I Can Never Agree On Anything Even With Myself Since Opinions Are like Butts Everyone Has Them And They're All Different" Internet P.S. It's funny you calim my good buddy Volourn is wrong since you agree with him on various ME2 topics. LMFAO
  10. "A 1998 survey" A 1998 SURVEY
  11. "The land is rightly Palestinian" No, it isn't. That's a myth. the land wasn't originally theirs. Not by a long shot. This idea that the group no known as 'Palestinians' were actually the people who truly owned 'Palestine' is propaganda. That said, the past is the past. There should eb two states to deal with the current real world situation. One called Isreal. One called Palestian. But, people don't want that. They are selfish and dfon't care about human life and want it all. This is for both sides. It's also funny that as bad as Isreal treats Palestinians (and Palestinians treat Isrealis), the Muslim/Arab stats that decfry the 'evil's of Isreal treat Palestinians just as bad if not worse yet ar elamost never taken to task for it. Hypocrisy, indeed. *shrug* "Israel is a brutal apartheid state which engages in regular terror attacks on civilian targets. " Sounds like Palestine. Do you wish them the same fate? Sounds like Russia. Do you wish them the same fate? Sound slike China. Do you wish them the same fate? Sounds like Saddam led Iraq. Did you wish them the same fate?
  12. "Oh yeah, and ME2 has no elevators. ME2 citadel wins just for that. " I prefer the elevators because at least while the game was laoding the characters would chat o, the radio would play, and hell you'd even get a quest or two. Oh, and one other thing, load times in ME2 are 2 or 3 times longer. LMAO "The Dark Star Lounge had more atmosphere than Flux and Chora's Den put together." Kiddin' right? DSL was friggin' boing in comapriosn. there wa snothing really do to. Flux and CD were awesome. Dancing, games, QUESTS, actual converstions, nice music, and just sweet awesome. DSL had what? I cna't even remember oustide of it being needed to go outside fo it to talk to one guy about either Garrus or Thane's quest. hell, I cna't even remember which one. LMAO " I liked the comments from the used game salesman. I liked giving shopkeepers endorsements to get discounts." Yeah, these were definitely cool. "Captain Bailey is an infinitely better cop than any smug Turian." O RLY? No difference between the two except Bailey is a crooked cop who allows punks to get away with what they wnat as he accepts blackmail. Pathetic.
  13. "If I was willing to throw away health poultices I could have killed the dragon on my own which makes no sense... at all. Not much of an achievement. " Been there. Done that. In BG2. *shrug* "Mages are definitely overpowered." Nope. Not overpwoered. powered just right. Mages should be wickedly awesome. That's why it's called magic. This is soemthing D&D got right, and since the goal for DA combat to be like D&D, it's the way it should be.
  14. Honestly, I used to think no need for a voiced PC. But, going between ME series/DA, the difference is jarring. I find ME gets a bonus for 'immersion' (man, I actually hate using that word 'cause is meaning is silly since it doesn't really mean anything tangible). Anyways, you don't *need* a voiced PC in a RPG 9afterall, plenty of RPgs have been great without it); but it certainly adds to the experience. Half the stuff Shepard says in the game are wtice as cool because they are voiced.
  15. "Nonexistent, much like the situation you describe. Does Iran give money to the Republicans? To the Democrats? Just saying "we kind of like this candidate more" is a lot different than giving massive amounts of funds to political parties." Oh, please. It's not just about monney. Iran keeps making threats to the US over the US being allies with Isreal. They've made it clear that one of the reasons they oppose the US is their friendship with Isreal. Demanding one country breaks ties with another coutnries before you play ball with them is intervering with another country's politics. Like I said, all coutnry's iintervere with other countries. That's a part of being partn of the world. Suck it up. "The Taliban is not Al-Qaeda. " Why repeat soemthing you already said in the thread when I claimed no such thing. They were closely allied with AQ. No way no how would they give up AQ. And, they most certainly would not have handed Bin Laden over. " It is not inconceivable to imagine that the Taliban could have been convinced to " Doubtful. Not even a threat of losing power got them to agree with that. Any attempt at flat out bribery would ahve led to theb same sort of situation that the world is stuck in with NK. Constant bribery with no real results. *shrug*
  16. "Hey, does anyone here think that ME1 is better than ME2?" They're about equal. ME2 combat *is* dumbed. The end sequence espciailly the C&C leading up to it is better. But, the dumbed down combat *and* character system as well. Dunno why people are defending a dumbed down system. "the citadel definitely felt more alive, even if it felt smaller, better missions, better visuals" Kiddin' right? The Citedal in ME2 was a waste. They didn't even try with it. Never added to the game. ME Citedal is one of the best 'city' areas in any game. Also, mako in ME1 is underrated. mako wasn't the problem with exploration, the all bumpy akll the time terrain was. Mako should ahve been twinked not removed. I don't see why people proclaim the graphics in ME2 as better. the graphics are pretty the same. Dumbed down combat, dumbed down character system, stupid 'mission set up', end 'boss', and less creative ways to not pick up are ME2's weaknesses. It has better C&C espicially in regards to the end game, and the characters are overall stronger. However, ME2 has better combat, better character system, a better Citedal, a better end boss, the awesomely undrrated mako, and a better story. Yup. Pretty much equal. \ "This is space, FFS. The exploration element, if you absolutely need to have one, shouldn't revolve around scanning planets, in person, or from orbit." Wrong. It should. FFS
  17. " (With the caveat that no DRM scheme is grounds for piracy-- it's grounds for not playing the game at all.) " U WIN
  18. Hen sounds like an emo cryabby. Hopefully, he's the only one who loses his life here, but sadly, the world won't be so lucky.
  19. "The last war Iran was involved in was a war of self-defense, western imperialist. Their current government has never invaded another country, which is more than you can say for yours." Let's not forget their repeated interverence in Iraq. "Resistance vs terrorism vs freedom fighter is really just a matter of perception." Nonsense. That's what terrorist apologists want us to believe. There's a huge difference between a terrorist and freedome fighter. iraq is a good example of this. Some of the people who opposed the US warviolently did so by targeting the Amerikan army occuping the country while otehr purposefully targeted innocent Iraqis and did so on so called holy ground like churches or non occupuation related areas like markets. It's pretty obvious what category these two thinsg falls under. "Regardless, he should we tried for the 9/11 attacks on the US or by an impartial party." Since the 9/11 attacks weren't technically a war crime, h should be tried in the US. That said, at this point, there could never be a 'fair'm trial for Bin laden anywhere in the world. Plus, the guy has confessed, anyways. *shrug* "Would he? Do you know that? Can you give me evidence that would prove that?" It was all talk anyways. No way would would the Taliban put Bin Laden on trial. Besides, have you seen how the Taliban conduct themselves? They're savages. The fact youd efend them is sad since they are not the ideal representatives of the Muslim faith or any government worth its salt. The Iran gov't is a joke, and everyone knows it - espicially the Iranian people. On top of that, Iranians on the whole don't even hate the US (thoguh, obviously, they don't agree with everything the US does). As for Amerikan politicians attempting to intervene in a 'peaceful' country, ALL countries do that. Every single last one of them. Only difference is that the avst majority of countries ar ejokes and have no power and infleunce in order to do so. Iran, btw, makes a habit fo trying to intervere in Amerikan politics. Where's your outrage?
  20. Dunno why its such a horrible thing that many races in sci if (and fantasy) are like humans. That's a GOOD thing. It be boring otherwise. On top of this, ME and other scfi/fantasy stuff have their share of nonn human like aliens/races to be satisfying. In ME, you got the hanar, and the reapers as just two examples of non humanoids. *shrug* There's enough variety amongst the aliens anyways. Same with SW, ST, and any other scifi stuff.
  21. "NWN was definitely criticized for the graphics" Nobody claimed othwerwise, but it was a minority. Go abck and read reviews. You don't get a bunch of 90%+ ratings by having crappy graphics. No way no how. Hell, even ME2 has those whoc riticize its graphics. DA was criticzed even more than NWN for its 'lacklustre' graphics. Don't confuse the handful of people who bash NWN for the majority. That's embarassing. EVERY game gets criticzed for their graphics, and everything. If it exists, it's been criticized. Just a fact.
  22. Sorry, but if you expect may to bash DH, better try a different tatic.
  23. I don't watch events controlled by those who say someone deserves to die because they weren't 'good enough'.
  24. "I remember criticisms of NWN1 graphics even when it was new." And, heck of a lot of praise. The same people who bashed NWN as a whole bashed its graphics on principal alone. I think NWN's graphics are underrated, and are vastly sueprior to the IE games, andn just as good if not better than DS. Then again, I played DS for like an hour so didn' get to see the entirety of their graphical parts. "Why do fighter characters stop attacking an enemy if you turn their AI off? I give Sten an attack order, but if the enemy changes position he just stands in place? What gives?" You shut off the AI, mayhaps. No AI means you control him 100%. That said, I never had any real problems with non controlled characters attacking (and using abilities). *shrug* But, you know, if you shut off the AI of course the AI won't do anything.
  25. Never got confused. It's not complicated if you actually pay attention. *shrug*
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