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Everything posted by Volourn

  1. "Hopefully they will continue to appreciate the work and love that modders have for games and will actually try to reach out to these communities. If anyone deserves a reward it's them." No. they deserve NOTHING.
  2. The DLC market isn't being killed. In fact, it's growing. More and more devs and publishers are doing it on console and PC. Seems the consumer market is HAPPY that DLC is being offfered to them so they can continue to play and enjoy their favorite games. It's money well spent as opposed to using it on a game you may end up hating.
  3. "You can only bring two people along with you in DA." 3. Shale was part of the original game but was cut (like many other games DA had cut content) because of time/money issues. Without DLC Shale would have been in the trash heap like the cut planets from both KOTOR and KOTOR2 as well as other games. Don't forgget TOb was meant to be BG3 but was dumped off as a simple (but longer) expansion because of time/money. Not one DLC offered by BIo (or others) are needed to have a complete game play experience. They are 100% optional.
  4. "I'm hoping so too, which reinforces my belief that publishers are evil" They're evil because they give bonus items? WOW! That's a twist to the definItion of evil if I ever did see one. L0LZ It be like complaining that car dealerships are evil if they give you a discount if you pay cash or give you a bonus feature if you buy the car at a certain time. LMAO
  5. ME2 is an Action RPG. "And before you say anything Volo, STFU." Nice trolling. I mean, you had to know by tyelling me to STFU I would be forced to respond, right? Tsk, tsk. P.S. Divinity series sucks though I avoid Div2 because Div was THAT bad. The Witcher is horrid, and overrated. Haven't tried G4 but G3 was okay even though I couldn't quite finish it since I eventually got bored with it. Way too repetive much like the other Gs.
  6. OP is wrong.
  7. "Huskies are peoples best friends." Not mine. Never met one personally. German shepards (mixed or otherwise), on the other hand, are cool. Collies too. I have met some nice dogs, and some vicious ones. Stop stereotyping dogs. Some dogs are man's best friend. Some are man's worst enemies. Have you NOT seen Cujo?
  8. And? The point is IWD2 is far from the only game D&D or toherwise that is so 'complex' as to have the ability to have multiple reaces in the same party. LMAO Plenty of D&D and non D&D games. btw, the Gb series is a series of multiple games. You want more D7D games that do this/ Check out EOTB. seriously, you emabrass yourself. IWD2 is not special in any regard even in its subparness. You said you liked IWD2 simply because it allows you tio create your characters - the funny thing is that's quite normal for RPGs including D7D ones. Check out a certain Sega Genesis (console!) D&D game that did the same thing. L0LZ
  9. "China is a totalitarian state who doesn't respect human or animal rights, but at least from a country like Kanada I would have expected that they treat their animals with some dignity. Guess I was wrong about Kanada." I'll shed some crocodile tears while I eat my hamburger... will that make you happy? P.S. I don't go around attacking, and torutring animals nor do I think it's cool but this idea that animals are equal to humans and should be treated as such when WE EAT THEM is absolutely ridiculous. And, there's NOTHINg wrong with eating them either since we humans are supposed to be ominvores. Plus, if you ever seen an animal attack another animal (or human).. you kinda lose your sympathy over this bull that animals are 'innocent'. L0LZ
  10. "oh? please, name a D&D game that does that except the aforementioned? and not counting the crappy GB and DarkSun games. only ToEE, PoR and IWD spring to mind that have this function inherently. and in BG you can pull some strings to make it work. " Kiddin' right? Are you a newbie to gaming? P.S. BG can do this with ease. Other games include but are not limited to are M&M, Wizardry, & The Bard's Tale. Sorry, IWD is not unique in this regard in any way, shape, or form. TONS of game do this. TONS.
  11. No. On top of this, you are speaking like you are a member of the Oympic Committee. Chances are this issue won't effect Kanada's chances at all. P.S. China has no problem killing furry animals either.
  12. Nonsense. if youa re gonna excuse giving it to China depsuite their numberous well known dcoumted heinous crimes against their own people but then refuse Kanada over something like this that is immoral. Espicialkly, earned or not, Kananda has a reputaion for being 'goodie two shoes' (not that i *really* think it's deserved). And, having the O in China didn't help me get to know China any better. Or anybody else for the most part unless you actually made the trip there.
  13. "I find IWD2 to be the best because its party system is so complicated, " No, it isn't. And, definitely no more than any game thatb has multiple aces like any D&D game, the M&Ms, etc. Not coomplex at all. Beside, IWD2's character system isn't the problem. It's D&D so I love it. It's the easy and boring combat that is the issue. Not to mention that horrid country where Sawyer pretty much begged the player to feel sorry for the villains though I found it very hard to feel any sympathy for mass murdering evil scumbags.
  14. "that's cuz you can't strategy" IWD2 is one fo the easiest games ever. Consideirng that I managed to beat the GB games (as well as other 'old skool' strategy 'rpg' games), for some reason the joke that is IWD2 has nothing to it. There is very little if any strategy needed in IWD2. LMFAO
  15. Weeren't the Olympics just held in China? ... 'Nough said.
  16. "And IWD2 is great for what it was, IE going out with a bang." IWD1 was great for what it was. IWD2 sucked for what it was. IE went out witha whimper as IWD2 was the only IE game in HISTORY that i couldn't be bothered to complete,
  17. Volourn


    Nope. I watch real games not fake ones. Besdies, the NHL is being run by scumbags who treat their employees like trash.
  18. You sure that was ME2 not ME3? ME3 isn't even going to be out for months on any console... PS3 probably got a ME2 demo becausde ME2 has already been out on 360/PC anyways.
  19. "I only just now realized BioWare didn't publish BG/BG2, I had no idea Interplay was such a big part of the development of Infinity games. I" Huh? BIO developed the Bgs which means they did most of the work on them. Interplay/BIS published them ... whcih means they threw the CDs in stores and printed copies. LOL The only BISers who actually deserves some real credit for helping with BG development is FU. And, the engine was also BIO's work with somw twinking by BIS for PST. Interplay/BIS was a SMALL part of the development of the BGs but a HUGE aprt of the publishing of the BGs... whcih makes since they were the publiusher not the developer. Duh. P.S. IWD did NOTHING better than BG2. Still a fun game in its own right.
  20. "You know, honestly, that bit about it possibly creating new loyalties that lead to organized (i.e. "gang") behavior kindof makes a little sense." No, it doesn't. Gange behaviour and 'grouping' in prison is very likely as old as prison itself and occured well before D&D was created in the 70s. The whole issue is pathetic. "Violence it's as Human as breathing" Fixed. Only bigots pretend that vioence is an Amerikan focused disease. Violence existed well before Amerika was even thought of.
  21. "Now who out there is surprised by that?" Nobody should be since games are delayed all teh time. *shrug*
  22. TOP 10 ---------- 1. NHL 11 2. ME 2 3. NBA 2K11 4. MLB 2K10 5. DA: A Any other game I bought isn't worth listing.
  23. So.. in essence, that poster wa smaking stuff up. Good to know not to believe a word he writes in the future.
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