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Everything posted by Volourn
"lol@even if it is bad.. you're pretty much admitting that in large part it sucks.": You obviously don't know how to read and just make ASSumptions. Again, RPG combat is awesome and sueprior to shooter or action combat the vast majority of the time.NWN2 combat may not be the best but it surely beats ninja gaiden combat. Also, again, people liek you seem to like to ignore RPGs like the Gb games, M&M, Wizardry, and the IWDs which are all about the combat for the most part. Epic fail. Those games basically live and ie based on their combat.
No. Must really eplain the success of RPGs like POR and the rest of the GB games. or the IWD series.None of which were focused on story or dialogue (though IWD's writing and storyw as solid nontheless). people enjoyed the GB games because they enjoyed beating the **** out of a dozen beholders and dragons at onmce. R00fles! LONG LIVE RPG COMBAT! DEATH TO SHOOTER COMBAT!
No. RPG combat is awesome. Also, even if it is 'bad' (which it isn't) how does that make it 'redundant' or 'goofy'? L0LZ
1. I said most 'shooters' have bad combat. 2. ME series is not a shooter. It's an action RPG.
DA2 bombs and DA series cancelled: http://igamek.com/2011/04/bioware-dragon-a...ii-multiplayer/
"Rpgs rarely have good combat," False. The best combat is usually found in RPGs. IE games, GB games, FO, NWN series, JE, ME series, DA series , FF series (depending which one), ARC, TOEE amongst a host of other RPGs are eaisly amongst the best games in terms of contest. LMAO RPGs have 'bad combat' is just a silly concept that has no basis in reality. Most shooters and 'tatical' games have crappy combat. This is simply fact. one dimensional trash. If I want to play good combat I'll likely pick up a RPG NOT a shooter.
"On a completely unrelated note, the only 3D RPG whose art direction was worth a damn was the Witcher. Maybe Bloodlines too." Oh no, you didn't! Bloodlines > Witcher No contest.
"Also, the game wasn't made by Bioware so it sucks by default. " The funny thing about the silliness I quoted I was likely the biggest Witcher fanboy prior to its release. I was pimping it everywhere claiming it would be awesome and getting flak for being so positive about it here and on the Codex. In fact, I am very dissapoint in myself for being suckered into thinking the Witcvher would be an enjoyable game and I alrgely wouldn't have noticed it all if it wans't for the BIO connection. Also, everyone with a brain knows what you claim is bullcrap. I like TONS of non BIO games. So why lie? What's the point of lying about something that is so eaisly disproven? LMAO
"has an accuracy of ~30%." Very accurate, indeed!
But, BIO's given no sales figure. They posted a very nondescript '1mil+ sales in less than 2 weeks'. That could eman anything from 1,000,001 to 1,000,000,000 (of course that's unlikely just a point) so it means nothing in regards to vghchart's (lack of) accuracy.
The fact is that it's ahrd to get an agreed upon defintion of what a 'rpg' actually is. Try to, it's not easy to get people to agree to ana ctual defintion. This is why rpgs are often classified in different genres. I've seen a agme like DA listed as 'adventure', I saw FO:NV listed as action adventure-shooter... It's all irrelevant.
"@Volourn: Yeah, almost as bad as offering ME2 for free just to get you to buy DA2" Perhaps, I needed to add more sarcasm to my post. "you know that no matter what the Witcher will still be better than DA2?" The Witcher? Nah. Played it and it sucked. The WEitcher 2? It might be but I don't buy sequels to crappy games when they first come out. That said, TW2 is definitely abtter RPG than TW1.
So.. that must mean TW2 is a fialure evn though it hasn't beenr eleased yet, right? I mean, only failed games give such discuounts prior/early on during release? lmao They must have had a very minimal amount of pre orders to simpyl be giving away such a hyped up game like TW2 for sucha low sum on release day? Even if it's a special that effects multiple games. HA! P.S. Of course that's silly, plenty of new games have discounts. It's hwo they entice customers into buying other games too. R00fles!
"It pretty much hangs on ME3 and TOR now, and what EA managers think of their sales figures." The OR would effect BIO. If bombs, very likely only the TEX BIo will be closed and they don't really count. "But that's just my opinion so whatever." I rest my case, your honour. Your 9and my) opinions mean squat to BIO/EA. Neither one of us have the power tod etermine the success or failure of a game. Just because you dislike (and I like) DA means nothing and is useless garbage when determining a successful or failed IP. That's why even though I loathe the ES series (and TW to a lesser degree), I'm not living in Make Believe Land like you and grudglingly state that those IPs are successful whetehr I like them or not. I liek Arcanum, but it was a failed IP. Period.
"Even if DA2 makes a lot of money a certain number of customers have been lost or shaken by a bad game, and that might show in the future." That's waht people claimed about NWN, KOTOR, JE (depsite it's low end sales for a BIo title), ME, DA, and ME2. That somehow those games would be the end of BIO. Yet, here we are, 15 years or so into their existence and still going (albeit no longer strauight up BIO but BIO-EA). One of these days someone is gonna proclaim the 'death of BIO' and will luckily be right and will able to brag 'told ya so' which isn't thatn impressive when it took multiple predictions of 'doom' for it to come true. Kinda like the 'end of the world' prophecies.. kinda lose their emaning after you've heard your 10th one. P.S. DA setting a 'flop'.. Right. Must explain the two games, expansion, two internet based games 9including turn based), two novels, a billion DLCs, and all sorts of merchandise. Talk about a 'dead setting'. R00fles! P.S. The idea that a 'return to unoriginal Ips' would be refreshing is just hilarious! P.S. BIO is 'returning' to established Ips btw with KOTORO MMO... Not to mention Sonic Chronicles. HAHAHAHA! So, there is no 'returning'; but a 'never left'.
"what 5-8 years" It's like that thing that was said. Next tiem someone brings up how long it took DA to be amde, it will be 8-12 years. L0L p.s. Numbers may be menaingless in the grand scheme of thinsg for us internet dweebs, but it's just another thing for us punks to disucss and spam about. That's what the internet is for! To talk about things that a) one knows nothing or very little about and b) doesn't actually effect you at all. R00fles!
Grom gets skooled and he instead of justa dmitting it like a man, he tries to confuse and ignore the issue... like a lwayer.. heh. I like lawyers. Volourn: BIO's first game wasn't a RPG. Grom: No, it wasn't. BIO's first product wasn't even a game. Volourn: And? I was discussing their first games in a game thread not their other products. Grom: Waaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That was mean to skool me like that so I'll say some hilarious non releated stuff. R00fles! Volourn: HA! Good fun! Good fun indeed!
TROLL WARNING: DA2 is an elite game. P.S. Now, I'll let you have this thread in peace.
"no, it wasn't. their first product weren't even a game... were medical software. " POINT. NOT. FOUND. If youa re going to try to be funny make sense. I did write their 'first game was not a RPG'. Absolutely nothing you posted refutes that statement.. so why make stuff off? I didn't say anything about 'first product'. Bottom line, however, is that as (a not so much) independent company, BIO can make whatever theyw ant then any potential customer can decide for themselves if they want to purchase it. Is it a risk to do stuff that isn't what they're not known for? Sure, but that EA BIO's risk to take. If anything, it proves that they dont want the staus quo. besdies, BIO has been talking about doing shooters/mmos way back when they were working on the BGs.
"I'm completely aware of Bioware saying "Broke the one million mark" instead of "Sold ____ copies" in two weeks. If Bioware is at all honest, that would mean they've sold at least a million copies of DA2 in two weeks. VGChartz gives a comparable sales figure, and as such I see no point in dismissing their estimates out of hand because they're not NPD figures." You complain I'm dimissing vghchaertz out of hand but so far in this thread you've dismissed multiple people out of hand for daring to laugh at vgchartz. Please don't be a hypocrite. vgchartz is make believe. They don't have hard data. None of us know exactly how much DA2 sold but the difference between us and chartz is we're not seriously making up magical numbers and trying to pretend they're accurate. Best to wait for actual numbers. The closest to actual numbers is BIO press release. It should be noted that EA 9which includes BIO) can't really get away with 'lying' as stockholders would not be appreciative of that.
No, no it's not. It's pure fantasy made up numbers. NPD itself isn't 100% accurate but at least it's logical nad they put some effort into it. But vgchartyz is a joke. The only retarted person here is the one who takes vgchartz as 'gospel'.
"bio makes crpgs." BIO makes whatever kind of games they want. heck, their first game wans't even a RPG. LMAO
"In other news: VGChartz sales figures for DA2 shows a rather large decline in sales. It looks like a radiation decay graph right now." DA2 has sold 15mil copies. See, I can make up fantasy numbers too.
"Not to mention that only having bi-sexuals as possible partners could be seen as discriminatory. " Actually, there is a heterosexual romance in the game... that you can't have sex with. Heh.
"Apparently if male Hawke sleeps with Anders he'll tell you that it was his first homosexual experience." You ehard wrong. Even thoguh I don't swing that way like Jaesun does, I've ehard that if you sleep with him as a male he tells you about his first homosexual experience from years back when he was in the Ferladen Mage Tower. Anders is bisexual. Always was, always is, always will be.. well.. not me since I slit the terrorist's throat.