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Everything posted by Volourn

  1. "You should never advertise a game bashing its prequel." WUT? Everyone does it. BIo did with ME2 and BG2 as well. And, it's worked for them all 3 times. Every publisher, developer,e tc. does this. They always claim that the sequel will be vastly superior to the first title even if said title got 90+ ratings. That's Marketing 101. Part 1 is irrelevant since they got the money. They're trying to convince people who disliked the first game to give the second one a chance. DA2 sold 2mil+ in the first month. It worked. It also worked with ME2 as it sold buttloads compared to ME1. Etc., etc. Certainly worked with beth';s FO3. "Playerbase = half the posters on BioWare Social Network, therefore ~1% of all people that bought the game? R00fles!" I see.
  2. "With DA2, the game was seen as pretty awful by the playerbase" Define 'pretty awful' and define 'player base'.
  3. Some of those are stretching it.
  4. So, you allow others to tell you what games you like? You must like every BIO game then, and prefer DA2 to AP since overall, it got higher ratings than AP. Don't you see how silly your trolling MC in this thread was? Weak sauce, man, weak sauce. grow a backbone and stand by your opinions. Only one lying here is you.
  5. "Witchhunt was terrible in both regards to actual content, and how it did not bridge the gap between Origins and DA2." Disagree. It's BIO's best DLC ever.
  6. "It's Gromnir. It would be like explaining to volo he is wrong (volourn is NEVER wrong, even when he is, he is right)." Darn tootin'! "As to Kreia, the only person who could give us a firm idea on her motivations (despite your protestations gromm) would be Avallone. It's his character, he knows what she really would be thinking and what she really wanted to do." Nope. I go byt the game and her actions in game not his after the fact thoughts or what he hoped. If had an idea what krea's motivations were and people got them wrong it just shows he's a poor writer and after playing the awesome FO2 and PST, no way in Mr. A THAT poor of a writer.
  7. "One can only use Metacritic as a source when it fits Voly's agenda. You should know this by now. " I have never used MC to order someone to like a game. I have used MC in discussion about how popular or not popular a game may or may not be. I have never allowed anyone tell me how I feel about a game. Plenty of games I enjoy that majority of gamers hate and plenty of games I hate that the majority like. Afterall, if I was a majority lap dog, I'd be a ES fanboy.. and you should know I'm no ES fanboy but I wouldn';t dispute its popularity. R00fles!
  8. Did you really just use other people's opinions to order me to change my opinion? LMAO Did you also just use Metacritics as a factual source instead of the opinion source it actually is? LMAO
  9. "mean, I guess that ME2 has C&C... if you consider an slight change in dialogue a consequence. " Considering decisions you make during the entire game and not justb the last aprt can end with you losing or losing all your crew, the C&C is some of the best found in any game. ME2 has a character creation system, full dialogue with actual chocies that effect the outcome of said conversations, branching storylines, multiple ways to approach and conclude both side quests and main quests. You have the choice of which party members you have which effect both combat and non combat situations. For most of the game, you have choice on what to do 9almost all RPGs tend to suck you into a linear path near the end (even BG2 does this once you you finish collecting 20k), ME2 does have inventory though I agre the inventory is not as verbose as I'd prefer buit it's there. ME2 has some things in common with Doom but has a lot more in common with a RPG like Ultima. Doom is ALL about the combat. ME2 is about combat, story, characters, etc.,e tc. just like any BIO game. Certainly a deeper character system and C&C than say BG1 or even BG2. "... if you consider an slight change in dialogue a consequence. " This is funny since this is a common complaint about all BIO games from the nayayers. the funny thing is that in ME2 the C&C is so all encompassing that it literally effects the end sequence and not just a simple good vs evil decision right at (or just before) end. You cna literally lose the game due to poor decision making 9well.. really poor decision making heh). ":but it's not in the traditional cRPG genre anymore. " None of BIO's games have been 'traditional'. That would mean they'd ahve to be turn based combat games with little plot, no story, lack of real C&C outside of what class you choose and combat that involving smiting 255 beholders and dragons in the end game. I'll pass.
  10. "Still, calling AP one of the "worst games ever" is ****ing stupid, but I expect no different from Volo. " Sorry if the truth hurts you, but the truth is the truth. And, flaming me which is against baord rules doesn't change those facts. AP is a poor game and Obsidian is so much capable of better. AP is definitely one of the worst games ever.
  11. "evil villain trying to destroy the force," That's EXACTLY what she is. Drew nailed her to a tea. Everything else is window dressing. And, if youa r eusing krea's words as 'proof' of anything youa r ebeyond gullible. Kreia is a liar, a snake, and cna't be trusted. Her actiosn speak louder than words. She wants to destroy the force and she wants to use the PC to do it. She falsely claims to love you but tries to kill you, abuses you, and treats you like a fool. If that's love, I surely don't want it. Kreia is a good character but only because she's so convincing that the gullible player actually believes her lies. Kreia is one of the most evil, self cebntered, and selfish characters ever in a RPG. That's what makes her fun though. But, pretending that she's really some deep, misunderstood anti heroine is a joke. Her pyschiological bull is just that bull. Again, believing anything Kreia says is dangerous. Afterall, her lies start from the moment you meet. Too bad the game doesn't even allow you to role-play your character so you can dump/kill her azz from the start. "kreia is right up there with ravel as the bestest crpg character we has encountered" Don't besmirch Ravel with that comaprison. Ravel is awesome, and Kreia is simply a wannabe with nowhere near the depth and complexity of Ravel.
  12. "Oh, Voly." Don't use a term of affection. It's rude when you don't know someone. " Bioware makes action adventure games that are fine games," They make RPGs or Action RPGs. " but awful as RPGs." Nope. "New Vegas is the only console wRPG this generation worthy of the title." It's an ACTION rpg based off of FO3's engine thereforen it sucks. "Dungeon Siege was a solid aRPG. Alpha Protocol was a technical mess, but there was a solid RPG under there." These are two of the worst games ever. Some of the worst writing, characters, combat, C&C, etc., etc. I've ever seen. So beneath the company responsible for a gem like MOTB or solid rpgs like NWN2 and KOTOR2. "Again, Bioware make fine games, but Mass Effect 2 has a lot more in common with Doom than Ultima." ME has way more in common with Ultima than it does with Doom. Have you ever played those 2 games? Outside of the 'real time combat', ME2's gameplay, story structure, C&C, and everything else is Ultimaish. Stats and character chocies matter. The story, and quest reuslts change depending on your choices. Sorry, dude, anyone who claims that ME has more in common with Doom than Ultima have not played either game. Then again, Ultima 1 is rather ioverrated by RPG fans. Now, some of the later Ultimas are down right awesome. Then again, people tend to forget nUltima had tons of conbat, a limited character system, crappy graphics, a bland story, and its C&C was nothing really special.
  13. Fast food is awesome. Disputing this fact makes you wrong. Places like subway and pizza joints tend to have a large selection of veggies for exmaple.. I bet I'm healthier than the majority of people who don't eatt fastfood. Trust me on that.
  14. "Contradiction for the sake of it is a hallmark of the internet too " L0L You got me there. "- but be honest, wouldn't you be slightly annoyed with that French robot after a few hours too?" I'd have to play it for a few hours first to make that judgement.
  15. Though he shouldn't have bothered. Hopefully, ehe suckers a couple of more tools inbto buying his book. I look forward to the overly dramatic woes are me crying posts from the 'betrayed'. Always good for the laugh.
  16. Should also be pointed out that BIO EDM isn't actually doing the MP. Another division is.
  17. How so? Looks like it has potential. The voice atcing isn't that bad either. L0L The internetz. Negative for sake of negativity. Just to be 'cool'.
  18. "Volo, we both know that this isn't going to be like BG2 or NWN" You don't known what i know so stop trolling by pretending to think you know what I know. It's MP cna't be any 'worse' than BG2's which was just a tack on that added nothing or took away anything from the campaign.
  19. BIO's last 3 RPGs = DA + ME2 + DA2 = pretty damn good games flaws and all OBS last 3 RPGs = FO:LV + AP + DS3 = 2 of the worst games ever + one that was worthless to even purchase since its based on a horrible engine made by a horrible yet successful company BIO wins. I wish Obsidian would focus more on fun games like NWN2, KOTOR2, and MOTB (a very awesome game) NOT this crappy stuff they've been throwing at us.
  20. "I simply find it rather galling that Bioware had the nerve to retcon everything of particular significance about KOTOR II's plot explicitly so they can steal Darth Nihilus' "gimmick" for their own villain in TOR to make the players' characters into special snowflakes for being able to overcome him. Also wrecking everything remotely interesting about Revan and the Exile as characters in the process. I suppose, then, my main question is how much, if any, right Obsidian maintains over its creation (in this case, the entire premise of KOTOR II with the Exile's "wound in the force" and Nihilus' unique abilities. I doubt there is much, if any, given that these take place within an extant canon, but I suppose that, given my grasp of the law (which is admittedly only in its relative infancy), I have some wistful hope somewhere that Obsidian could file for injunctive relief and prevent Bioware from doing this to the only real interesting Star Wars characters developed in the past decade and deliberately wiping another company's work from existence in order to blatantly steal its concepts. " But.. you don't find it galling that Obsidian leeched off BIO's KOTOR to make easy money with a sequel? Niot a big deal. LA owns SW so they can do what they want with it. Obsidian wasa contract hire. They wer ehired to work on a project for somebody else. That's not only legal right but moral right for LA to do with that they want with the property (within the confines of any contract signed obviouskly). LA owes Obsidian (and BIO0 nothing outside of what is promised in said contract as long as it is within the law.
  21. Arcanum 2 in a TOEE like engine? I could actually buy into that unlike Obsidian's last 4 failures.
  22. "is because they can barely take care of themselves much less exert their will upon the world." That's hilariously naive! Many under 18s are more mature than many adults. And, you'd ahve to be an absolute moran to think otherwise.
  23. As Tale pointed out, BIO has had MP in their games from basiclly the beginning of their RPGs. It sure didn't effect BG2's quality, and MP/modding/toolset was a major selling point of NWN with the SP (while I enjoyed others didn't though it is better than BG1) and why it was BIO's most successful game 9yeah, even more than KOTOR0 until the DA-ME era.
  24. My bad. The exception that proves the rule.
  25. BIO has confirmed it on their boards so not really unsoruced any more. I don't care about MP; but people crying over its inclusion need to grow up a tad. It's not the end of the world.
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