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Everything posted by Volourn

  1. "So what if some gaming journalists are using a little hyperbole....they see it as a victory after years of battle around inclusivity in the industry. Let them have there moment in the sun...there is no reason to feel threatened or insecure" \The ones being insecure is them or else why would they feel the need to lie? People who lie tend to do so because of insecurity. If I were to tell you I'm hot that be a lie and a sign of my insecurity. But, I'll tell you I'm ugly because it is true and I'm not insecure. CAPICHE MR. HATEFUL SJW?
  2. " does the Confederate flag really represent heritage for some people which would make it non-offensive to them" ? Absolutely it does. But, the feels, man, the feels. Some people view it as 'racist' and according to them only their feels matter. We should ban the Amerikan flag b/c people view it as evil. We should ban the Kanadian flag too b/c it is offensive to people as well - just ask many natives. The logic of banning a flag is silly and dumb. Flags do not murder people. PEOPLE. You don't ban it people have hurt feels. You ban it people have hurt feels. Feels are for crybabies.
  3. "What do you guys think about the request to take down the Confederate flag from Charleston due to sensitivity of the whole situation?" Flags aren't racist. Flags don't commit crimes. Flags don't shoot people. The scumbag should be punished for his evil crimes. But, the flag did nothing wrong. Plenty of people wave that flag and don't commit crimes. Did you know people who walk commit murder? We should ban walking!
  4. "I hear that Pillars of Eternity did pretty good tapping that nostalgia market," Million or BUST.
  5. "The Witcher 3 is superior to Dragon Age Inquisition. More interesting world, better combat (neither is perfect here though), much better quests.." No. DA3 is meh but T3 is a Twitcher game so it sucks HUGE no doubt about it.
  6. EVIL.
  7. "Name 4 more succesful Obsidian games." Changing the game already? The claim was that it was their 'most successful game'... and, now, you ask for 4 more... LMAO "PoE" L0LZ
  8. "And as I keep mentioning, become part of the solution....not the problem"\ SJWs are the problem. And, people crying about the FO4 video being 'transphobic' are evil nazis scumbags. PERIOD.
  9. "It will have more to do with the superior storytelling and gameplay." \ L0L 0L0L0L The only thing Twitcher series has goin' for it is B00BIES! That's it.
  10. "It was their most successful game, no?" Not even close.
  11. "you guys are real drama queens" Look at that. A homophobic remark by a SJW.
  12. "I'm surprised Obsidian didn't get a shot at the sequel. The first one seemed to be a hit and was well received. Usually you'd think they'd only lose the chance at making a sequel if the original bombed." Maybe they passed on it? Afterall, BIO passed on both NWN2 *and* KOTOR2. Yeah, Obsidian isn't at BIO's 'level' success wise (barring FO:NV) but perhaps they didn't feel the need to do a sequel. Or, UBI wanted to save money so kept in with in the 'family' so to speak. It doesn't have to be 'UBI hates Obsidian and thinks they suck' storyline.
  13. "Ps. If you've already said, in this very thread, how much Bethesda/Fallout 4 sucks, feel free to not comment again. If you think it sucks, you've already said everything we need to hear from you. Saying it over and over with slightly different wording is just trolling." \ People are not your slaves. They don't have to listen to your commands and can post what they like. If we have to read your crying about games then you have to ehar others' crying about your favorite games. That said, the videos look solid. That said, I have little doubt it will get boring after 10 hours like any other Bethesda game.
  14. "Have I called you that? Has Hurlshot called you that, you can't make sweeping generalized statements Volo...it sounds silly" You guys support the SJW agenda, you support those 'Gamers are Dead' articles, you support McIntosh, so yeah by supporting those who said that you have said that. Afterall, if HoonDog says Bruce is scum and I say I support him then I might as well have said itmyself. Don't hide. Own who you are. I know who I am. I am a white male gamer. I am also an equalist. If you are not an equalist you are evil.
  15. Just like I'm offended by you SJWs calling me racist sexist cis white male gamer who is a rapist and deserves to be dead but is already dead gamer. Look in the mirror. The name calling started with SJWs.
  16. I likely will once I it is on tv/I buy DVD.
  17. "This was the game where they got the extra day of rest and it still wasn't enough, they're not getting an extra day off again this series. Obviously, it's not over until it;s over, but I'd definitely be surprised if this went 7." I believe if they win G6 on Tuesday they get 2 off for G7. Turnovers are eh. Lebron gets his share of TOs, too. This isn't surprising when certain players have the ball in their hands a lot. Also, I laugh at all the tools bragging about 'Delly'. He just isn't as good as people claim. Curry missed shots earlier b/c like any shooter he will have his poor shooting performances. It's part of basketball. As for Finals MVP.. there are multiple players who are in the running for it. Curry, Iguolda, or even Lee since the series arguably 'turned around' when he started getting playoff time. But, with CLE, it's alls Lebron. Always. Lebron is the best and most valuable player in this series. GS is the best team. It]s not hard to compute.
  18. " It is ironic when you call me an SJW because that tactic would seem to be the hallmark of an SJW." The hallmark tatic of a SJW is to call someone who opposes them a SJW? K.
  19. James should be MVP. GS is winning b/c the entire GS team > entire CLE team. The result of this game is not too surprising. CLE runs out of gas in 4th quarter. NOT SURPRISING. CLE *might* win G6 (I doubt it) but they ain't gonna win G7. GUARANDAMNTEED.
  20. Fun movie. Biggest weakness is that it's basically a redone JP1. If this was amde before JP1 it would be considered better but being made as a sequel it will only be seen as a fun (and successful) appendage. They tried desperately to brainwash people with some of the set ups. Still, greta movie. Howard was FANTASTIC. Pratt was actually likeable. I didn't bother with Guardians b/c it looks like an Avengers wannabe and Avengers is a bad movie to start with. L0L Anyways, Jurassic World = 8/10
  21. "Why do you laugh at evidence? Do you just take the guy's word on it? That's as naive as taking the girl's word on it. Both of them are claiming rape way after the fact, btw. " The guy's word? The evidence given by others, cell phones calls, timing makes it very clear what the evidence shows. "Of course a man can be raped. Why didn't he press charges after it happened? " If he's guilty of rape like you believe he is, why didn't the girl go to the proper authorities and get him cgharged with a crime and convicted? Of course, he didn't. He would be laughed out of court ebcause SJWs like you don't believe a man can be raped espicially by a women. If both a man and a woman are drunk and have sex it is clearly the man who is the rapist even if he is completely unconcious. L0L "I'm a bit tired" Have a nap. "of Volourn calling everyone who disagrees with him" Everyone? I'm tired 9and should take a nap) of you lying and exaggerating. "an evil nazi SJW." Nah. I only call those that who fit the description. Then again, saying evil SJW is unneeded when SJW itself suffices. L0L " The irony only entertain for so long. " I'm not here to entertain you. I am here to discuss. You aren't. You ar einto censorship. In fact you are trying to censor me now. Just like nazis do. Also, where's the irony? LMAO
  22. "Excusing an awful practice with "life's not fair" is...odd." Agreed. It can be used for almost anything. Oh, that poor girl was raped. Oh well, life isn't fair. That boy who lost his legs because of being hit by a car b/c of a psycho who did so in purpose. Oh well, sucks to be him. Life ain't fair. Slavery? Well, life ain't fair. 'Life ain't fair' is such a dumb cop out 'defense' of evil acts. \\ Someone gets raped. It is not about life being unfair. It's about a scumbag being a scumbag.
  23. "It's weird to me how quick some people in this thread are to just believe everything the guy is saying and discount the woman completely. Thankfully we have a legal system that weighs actual evidence. " L0L "Well again, life is not fair. It would certainly be worse if he was facing criminal prosecution. Even if the lawsuit does not pan out, he can likely still pursue his degree through a different school. " You are insane. The way you just poo poo what he went through is HILARIOUS. Espicially since he was not onlya ccused of rape he was actually raped. But, oh yeah, you don't believe can be raped. EVIL TO THE CORE. That's SJW feminism to the MAX. No wonder the vast majority of women are against modern feminism. L0LZ
  24. "So this is the result of the Assange and Snowden type attacks on the West...I hope all the people supporting Snowden are happy, this is irrefutable proof that Snowden has weakened certain Western countries and there intelligence gathering abilities" That's what Snowden and his supporters want. They are pro Russian and ME tyrants. More importantly, they are full of self hatred which is why they are anti Amerika.
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