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Everything posted by FaramirK

  1. It's fascinating the difference between her apperance in your avatar, and her apperance close up. Looks like a different girl...
  2. :"> :"> :"> :"> You love my art...you really do <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I wasn't being sarcastic...I do like it!
  3. They can't even spell Beetle...how can I trust them with something as mighty as a walrus...
  4. This thread represents a true milestone in fan art... Well done everyone, especially Baley. Romania has witnessed the physical incarnation of WHich ever greek goddess was the art one... Seem to remember something about turning some arrogant wench into a spider?
  5. A dream dictionary lists the meaning of turtle as: - Protection - Patience - Needing to build stable foundations before launching a project - Needing to ground yourself - Having the ability to adapt to circumstances - Somebody who withdraws easily, and tends to be defensive or sensitive All of which seem to be thematic of Sylvester Stallone's character in the Rocky movie. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Well, turtles are ok, but what about the Walrus? Is that in there somewhere? Always thought it would be fun to have one...
  6. I really like your style. One thing I've noticed, however, is that you have two Attons. One has sharp features, the other seems to have a more rounded face. It must be hard to draw a face you made up in your head from so many different distances/angles? I don't know, I'm no artist at all.
  7. I will definately look into it. Thanks...
  8. What I really want to know, Kaftan, is the origin/backstory of your avatar. It has intrigued me from day one...there is something dark about that little girl. Its like I'm looking through a key hole, and can only see a tiny part of what is going on, yet I know that there is a mass of activity in that peice of art work...
  9. It really bugs you, doesn't it? If you really want him to reply, say you believe the bible is literal...
  10. Another day, another Topaz Poll...
  11. Well, that means I'm about 100 times as attractive as you, fish-eyes
  12. Mon Calmari was the species. The Grand Admiral of the Rebel Fleet was called Admiral Akbar. He looks like his name could be Baley...
  13. baley...hmmm. Mon Calmari Admiral?
  14. After seeing "Atton's Redemption.......please review my fanfic" for the 400th time I finally did read it. Its very enjoyable. Have you translated it into Russian yet?
  15. Yeah, that one too...
  16. Well, nobody except the Mongols...we're just to big and to unorganised :D Why would you want to conquer us? Interesting "what if"...what if Жуков (Zhukov) had taken power either from Stalin right after WW2 or after Stalin's death, instead of helping Khruschev into power? The Soviet Union might still be around, and alot happier.
  17. Funny you should say that, I decided I should start learning Chinese about three years ago...we had them on a leesh at one point, but we really screwed that up bad...
  18. Russia is the whole reason your country was ravaged for 50+ years. At least when America ruins a country they leave you in charge of the ruins.
  19. I would like to think that if a mighty nation invaded Russia, my fellows would be shaken out of the sex/crime/pleasure/drug/vodka crazed state most of them are currently in and be able to not only drive them out but march all the way to their capital and level it, but I don't hold out much hope. Our army is lazy and our weapons are obsolete. Our Nuclear Deterent is pretty much all we have left. God bless the Рокетчки.
  20. The gold reserves under the Bank of England? Or in America's case, maybe they just want to use the NHS...
  21. I love your style of art. Especially the Visas/Handmaiden one.
  22. Actually I am not British, I just live here. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> So is British Geography better than its US counterpart ? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> The creation myths of the indigenous peoples of Micronesia are more accurate than the average american's concept of World geography... Here is the average American's preception of "The World"... <{POST_SNAPBACK}> (w00t) I agree about American Geography but is British one any better ? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I would guess yes, because Britain actually ruled the world at one point, as opposed to America, which just wants too...
  23. Actually I am not British, I just live here. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> So is British Geography better than its US counterpart ? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> The creation myths of the indigenous peoples of Micronesia are more accurate than the average american's concept of World geography... Here is the average American's preception of "The World"...
  24. Lies..all lies <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I dated a Romania once... <{POST_SNAPBACK}> You dated a country? Wow, you must have been busy. And very, very tired afterwards. :D <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I demand that you recognise my correction of that mistake!
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