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Darth Somethingorother

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Everything posted by Darth Somethingorother

  1. Well with 2 of the 3 things i agree, but why does it have to have capital letters. It's those litle things i can't wrap my head around. So maybe this isn't that important but i still wonder. The reason why i write my name like i do is because i have a very unsteady hand, this is the best way to make my signature legible. And i do need to add my first name, that was the only reasonable argument i think he had. narcist, <{POST_SNAPBACK}> It should be capitalized because its a proper name. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Also, to me at least, it's sort of like saying you don't respect something if you don't capitalise where you're meant to. That would explain why I always write Lesbian with an upper case L... "
  2. I'm not so sure it sets a date, but adds the fall of Carthage to the checklist- that would make historical sense, leastways, and always seems to be the case when I play through.
  3. How much akin is it to 1 and 2 (apart from being 3D, of course)?
  4. Maybe I'm nitpicking here, but if IE was the 'perfect' cRPG engine (I haven't played any of the BG series :"> ), then the idea of developers being able to creatively improve it is slightly contradictory? In any case, surely an engine is taylored for the needs of the game- what the devs want to concentrate on, be it combat, story etc etc &c?
  5. But if there is nothing between the parallel universes, then they are joined by very definition? There is a theory floating about-(http://www.bbc.co.uk/science/horizon/2001/paralleluni.shtml)(A BBC article on it, with some links) that universes do collide, and that that sparks a 'big bang' event. For universes to be floating and able to collide, then surely they aren't simply in a void, but in a something. From what my admittedly very unscientific mind can percieve from reading the interview transcript, is that we share particles with these parallel universes- ie that they are in the same place, at the same time, only different. Wierd. It's late; I think I need to lie down again.
  6. Now for the eternal question: Should we roll up our cloth maps, or fold them? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Will the philosphical debates never cease? Clearly roll- what else could I hide sticks in to hit little children with?
  7. I agree- surely nothingness is a concept used in things like maths and science, but it doesn't actually exist in the real world, because even when there is a space with nothing in it, that space is defined by the somethings around it, making it also a thing. Like a Barbara Hepworth sculpture. Fudge has been made. I think I'm going to lie down now.
  8. Not necessarily- hormone's secreted by the mother into her bloodstream would pass into the foetus along with oxygen and nutrient. So, if the mother was scared, for e.g., she would release adrenaline into her blood, and this would find its way into the foetus's cells, producing a similar reaction. The foetus' brain (such as it might be) has nothing to do with it.
  9. We have a sort of 'cake or death' policy concerning the armed forces in Great Britain.
  10. Oasis' album; (What's the Story) Morning Glory? I feel like having a retro summer.
  11. Guinness isn't a beer, it's an actor. ....I mean a bitter. Sorry, reading the wrong entry there. OooTequila!
  12. I wouldn't apply that condescending and dismissive maxim to this case. The speed runs would imply that people don't have enough time and so must finish a game as quick as possible! " <{POST_SNAPBACK}> That was kinda my point. Hence the . It was shameless, but had to be said. I apologise for any confusion and/ or psychic preminissions caused by my sense of humour and shall increase his doseage forthwith!<slinks back into corner>
  13. Some people just have too much time on their hands.
  14. And failed. To be honest, if KOTOR 3 is at E3 this year, I'll eat my Fedora. Then I'll eat Indy's fedora. Then, depending on the developer, I may- or may not- chew my own hands off to prevent them from ever playing it. Nice to hear about an Indy game... he's been neglected... poor Henry. Maybe it'll have Sean Connery in it, as he did that James Bond game....
  15. More likely Spanish and English will hybridize, and Chinese will overtake us all ... English's pre-eminence is due to: English being used on most of teH internetz (over half of the infrastructure is US) Enlgish being used (currently) as the language of science speakers of English as a second language (especially the 300 million Madarin speakers) outnumbering native speakers English cannibalizes from other tongues any inadequacy it has, and does this as well or better than any other language. Any of these can change. English might then end up like Latin, with local dialectal derivatives of it surviving in isolation, were it not for the internet. Even if this process is inevitable, and the internet merely slows it down, "classic English" is here for the foreseeable future. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Incidentally, I think its the only language where you can curse mid-word e.g. "abso-bloody-lutely" (though I'm not 100% sure about that)
  16. I feel violated. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Then you should have had a larger penetration testing effort conducted on you. On track- I missed 98, ME and whatever other stuff micro$oft put out before I got XP; I think I'll manage without Vista for a while.
  17. Carlsberg (not Export though). The perfect beer. Nice, easy to drink, cheap AND tastes okish in a can! What more could an impoverished student want?!?!?! Spirits wise; Martini, Bacardi, Bourbon and Vod-KA are always good, but Mango Malibu and lemonade shall never be beaten. Non alchoholic.... what is this?
  18. Country: Etats Uni d'Europe State: UK. Stealth Taxes: Student tax, not having enough money to pay taxes in time tax, speeding tax, being married tax, stamp duty, over 65 tax, winning tax, being ill tax, born in GB tax, being me tax, &c &c The worrying trend towards dictatorship: Me- "Oo are you then?" PM- "I am Tony: King of the Britons!" Me- "Oh. Did I vote for you??" General bigotry and rascism THE E.U.- especially the one they call Valerie Giscard /end rant. EDIT: Yea, a mate of mine spent 6 months in NZ, and said that it was like home, only well run.
  19. The Indiana Jones Trilogy changed my life. Watching that got me interested in archaeology, and history etc, and now I'm studying Egyptian Archaeology at Uni. Which is nice.
  20. Cats are not animals. They are pure evil with a dash of laziness. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Meow! The claws are out tonight.
  21. You'd let HIM (in the video) near a poor defenseless animal?? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> It is a cat <{POST_SNAPBACK}> It would be like pitting my 99 year old, wheelchair bound, dead great granny aginst Chuck Norris in a "Who Can Pull Off the Hardest Roundhouse Kick to Your Opponent's Face" competition. No animal deserves that.
  22. You'd let HIM (in the video) near a poor defenseless animal??
  23. "Yes. He'll fit in well, here at Gotham Asylum!"
  24. I don't think its in my best interests to find that funny..... he might break me....
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