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Everything posted by Quantics

  1. Yeah my experience with the Mac build so far is that it was pretty unstable. It appears to be worse on Yosemite than Mavericks though...
  2. OK I am still unable to launch PoE from Steam with v392 (running OSX 10.9) The workaround mentioned above still works though.
  3. Sorry somehow I had missed your message entirely. Actually the only reason I know of those posts is because I've replied to them :D I haven't actually used the search function...
  4. Hello, have you tried searching the forums first? This has been reported many times already and acknowledged by Obsidian : http://forums.obsidi...-1010-problems/ http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/69516-mac-version-crash-on-launch/ However, see here for workarounds: http://forums.obsidi...me-macbook-pro/ http://forums.obsidi...nch-from-steam/ EDIT: it seems that the workaround unfortunately does not work for everyone on OSX 10.10 though. But the next BB patch is coming soon (today or tomorrow) and should include be a mac build. Fingers crossed !
  5. I don't play that often so I don't know about other Unity games. However it looks like Unity supports both fullscreen modes (with and without the ability to show the dock/menu bar): http://docs.unity3d.com/ScriptReference/MacFullscreenMode.html
  6. I've actually reported it a while ago http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/69206-333osx-menu-bar-and-dock-still-appear-in-full-screen/
  7. What does the Combat Log lack? S P A C E
  8. Bester and Sensuki: how easy/difficult will it be to mod a Mac OSX/Linux game? OR: will a mod that has been written on the PC version be transposable to other OSs easily?
  9. Wow Bester, this looks really promising !
  10. My point exactly: believe it or not there's actually a character somewhere on that screen. But you wouldn't see it as it's entirely transparent.
  11. I don't know what I find more glaring in that video. The combat bug or the visual bug.
  12. Thanks for opening this thread. Yes item description need a lot of work. The good news is that it's one of those things where we can reasonably hope that our suggestions will actually be implemented (as opposed to other things like, ahem, engagement)
  13. Yes, yes and yes. Spot on.
  14. To be fair, if you can master games like the Civilization series, you'll probably be alright with PoE. It's not rocket science. That said, I consider myself a very casual gamer but I am 100% opposed to any dumbing down of the game mechanisms. I want PoE to be challenging, I want to be able to play it for at least a few months.
  15. This has been reported many times already and acknowledged by Obsidian : http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/69260-osx-yosemite-1010-problems/ However, see here for workarounds: http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/69337-unable-to-load-game-macbook-pro/ http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/69203-mac-client-wont-launch-from-steam/
  16. Well then maybe you should send them your CV? Seriously, voicing your concerns is fine, but this is just insulting. And not constructive at all.
  17. It would be nice to have feedback from Obsidian about this specific issue. I get the feeling that some problems are voluntarily kept silent despite being brought up times and again in many posts on these forums. Pathfinding is definitely one of them.
  18. I kind of agree with this. Sure it would be nice to have 100% detailed patch notes, but I understand that it would take a lot of time to generate.
  19. Just to complement Justinian's post, here is a screenshot posted by Sensuki in another thread : Something also needs to be done about spells. This really doesn't look great, and is completely unplayable.
  20. Urgh. VFX need to be tones down seriously. I totally agree. I've said it numerous times in various threads (to the point that even I was getting fed up of hearing me say it ). You should copy-paste your message this into a separate thread for more... visibility. It is a big enough issue and it is about time Obsidian finally acknowledges it.
  21. I was excited about the new patch all day until it suddenly hit me. I own a Mac.
  22. Yes you are weird indeed !
  23. I completely agree with this suggestion as well.
  24. Oh no this is disappointing... I was able to play the previous patch well on Mavericks.
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