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Everything posted by Quantics

  1. There should really be a separate modding section on these boards
  2. Damn, that's a lot of downloads ! How come only a handful of people posted on the mod thread to thank Bester for his work though? I believe the main reason he stopped working on his mod is that he didn't enjoy PoE that much... but it sure would have been nice for him to get a bit more support/thank you's. I mean, the modding thread was really slow on this forum.
  3. @OP I agree with all your suggestions. There's only one thing missing in your list IMO : BETTER ITEMS The loot is mostly very disappointing, and the enchantment system negates whatever positive there is about itemisation in the game. 1. You shouldn't be able to enchant unique weapons. 2. Unique items should mostly be better than whatever you can enchant. Except maybe for very rare 'recipes', which would require very rare ingredients.
  4. Yeah I didn't really enjoy it. Combat/encounters are boring, exploration and itemization sucks and I was really disappointed with the story/writing too What I don't understand though is, with all the testing/hacking that you've done, you must have known all of this even before playing the full game, right? You knew about combat, you'd seen the encounter design in the BB, the small maps... I mean, besides the story/writing, all the rest should not have come as a big surprise to you, am I wrong? PS: this is not meant as a personal attack or anything, I'm just a bit surprised is all.
  5. -> https://bitbucket.org/Bester/poe-modding-framework Indeed. I've not quite finished it enough to merge in, but essentially when a new patch comes out... [..] I should finish it later tonight and get it checked in.
  6. "Everywhere on the internet" because the obsidian forums are not the only place where this 'debate' is constantly revived. Look at the Codex, Steam boards, or SA forums, there are tons of messages ranting about how **** the writing in PoE is compared to the BG series. I find this a bit harsh tbh.
  7. I know some people on this forum who will be happy Also @bman654 , what is this Loadgamepatch thing? Is that supposed to make updating the patch for new versions easier?
  8. ^ Just untick the automatic updates on steam. That's what I'm going to do anyway.
  9. Enjoy it while you can guys, seems like Bester is done with the game as well. @Bester: Thanks a lot for all the work you've put into the mod. I (and a lot of others I'm sure) really appreciate it !
  10. Also I'm finding the lore excellent in this game (much superior to BG if you really want to hear me say it). It's one of the main things that make me hopeful for the sequel. The world is great, therefore it will be much easier to put great things in it.
  11. Don't mean to be rude, but is it too much to ask to read a few posts? The answer you are looking is just a couple messages above ! THERE IS NO SAVE-GAME EDITOR AVAILABLE. The person who started developing it during the Beta phase seems to have lost interest. If you want one, you'll have to code it yourself. Or get someone else to do it for you However, I bet Bester's IE mod can do most of what you need. http://rien-ici.com/iemod/ It has not yet been updated for the latest version, but some people have reported it's working even with the latest hotfix.
  12. I don't understand you guys. I recently replayed BG1, and as much as I loved it as a teenager, my adult brain found the writing and story average at best. I'm not saying PoE is leagues better in that respect, but it's certainly not WORSE. I mean c'mon now, you're saying that BG1 story was not the most predictable thing you've ever read in your life?? I think PoE's at a disadvantage here because backers were for the most part teenagers when the BG series came out. We're all 15 years older now, and our expectations have grown with us. As a casual player, PoE is everything I wanted. It's the first game that I will complete in a while. The only gripe I have is with itemisation and crafting, unique items don't feel special enough compared to BG. And I wish the maps were slightly bigger as they don't currently encourage exploration. But those are 2 things I think could be solved for the expansion or sequel.
  13. Methinks you shouldn't receive achievements if you use a savegame editor.
  14. AFAIK nobody is working on it atm. If you have the skills, I suggest you volunteer
  15. Troll ? Anyway, if you don't want to reload, just play in Trial of Iron mode.
  16. OP, what are you talking about? They posted like a hundred messages here since release??
  17. Also no problem for me ! I'm about 20hours in. All smooth on my Macbook. Also running Yosemite. Don't double click items to equip them though. Also, capes/cloaks are unfortunately not visible on mac (will be fixed in the future apparently)
  18. Yeah totally agree. This game deals with some very heavy stuff. swearing would be the last of its Problems to make a child friendly. Was thinking the same, how is reading the f-word worse than reading about ?
  19. This sounds like a navmesh issue then? There were quite a few in the backer beta...
  20. Hey Bester, it's still not working on Mac. I see you updated the instructions... But the part that I crossed out is is wrong. My iemod folder is located in here: /Contents/Data/Managed/iemod/... But it seems like your mod is searching in the following *incorrect* location: /Contents/Managed/iemod/ ... Sorry for being a pain in the *** and no worries if you don't have time to fix this for now
  21. Are you guys all running Yosemite ? Zero problem on my end (15" rMBP mid-2014, on Yosemite)...
  22. FWIW, Mac saves don't seem to be affected. My MobileObjects.save is only ~2mb
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